Moon Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius

On May 5th, 2020 very early in the morning, at 12:49am EDT, the Moon Nodes switched from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius; they will remain in those signs until January 2022! The last time the Moon Nodes were in these particular signs was back in October, 2001 – April 2003.

The transiting Moon Nodes show us what our Soul’s Journey currently requires on the collective and personal levels — let’s take a closer look at what this means:

The goal of the collective Soul’s journey is to balance and integrate two apparently opposite energies: our connection to information and communication (symbolized by Gemini), and our ability to see and go beyond the day-to-day, widen our perspective, and explore new paths while honoring our direct experience (linked to Sagittarius).

This will take looking closely at the balance between our mental processes and our quest for a larger truth or meaning.

This is also about being more conscious about our belief systems, perspectives, and attitudes towards life. It’s important to realize that the Sagittarian urge to “go beyond” is essential for our growth; in terms of balancing these energies, that same urge plays a crucial role in how we interact with others and share information (Gemini).

To get a more personal interpretation, we also need to take a look at the House placement of that Gemini/Sagittarius polarity in our own birth charts, as well as the signs involved… we cover the houses in a webinar (I will include a link at the end of this article).

In Gemini, the North Node invites us to make an effort to…


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We also discussed this in more detail during our last Forecasting Forum, in connection with our own birth charts; if you’d like to know more about how the Moon Nodes’ movements impact you personally until Jan. 2022, click here to get the mp4-video presentation from this webinar.

Super Full Moon in Scorpio – article

On May 7th, at 6:45am EDT, the Full Moon in almost 17.5 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact. The Moon in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio opposes the Sun in steady, peaceful Taurus. This is also another SuperMoon.

If you are currently a Member of my online community, click here to watch my video. You can also get access to this month’s Full Moon video, when you register for May 3rd’s Forecasting Forum: click here for more info.

There are many Station phases going on simultaneously this month, as a lot of planets are starting their Retrograde phases. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, was the first one to go retrograde, on April 25th — and its Station phase will still last until May 17th, which makes this planet more exalted until then.

Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are exalted in the sky as well. All three of those planets will start their various Retrograde phases within three days of each other, between May 11th and May 14th. Since Venus rules Taurus, we have both planetary rulers of this Full Moon exalted at this time — a rare occasion 🙂 We will talk about this in more detail in a moment, but first….

This Full Moon shows us how far we have come, as well as what we must still release or transform, if we are to manifest what was begun at the time of the New Moon that occurred on April 22nd.

For the next two weeks, we seek the balance and integration of two polarities — and we are more aware that something needs to be brought into alignment. The balance in question is between our physical attachments, aversions, and connections — symbolized by Taurus— and our emotional attachments, aversions, and connections (Scorpio).

The time of the Full Moon is always more extroverted and emotional; this particular one invites us to let go of fears or disempowering behaviors, and thereby break through to the next level of our evolution, individually and collectively speaking.

So, here’s this Full Moon’s central question: As a society, are we living in alignment with our values, with what makes us happy and satisfied? As individuals? Do we feel empowered and emotionally fulfilled?

All right, let’s look at the signs involved in this polarity, beginning with Taurus: Taurus seeks…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 15-19 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

New Moon in Taurus — article 2020

On April 22nd, at 10:26pm EDTthe New Moon becomes exact in 3.5 degrees of Taurus. This marks the beginning of a new Moon cycle.

As best as you can, get really quiet, and see if you are getting any new messages or ideas. If you are, harvest them, and fold them into any intentions you set for the new Moon cycle — I will talk about this process later in the article, and I’ll even give you the very best and most potent times for doing so 🙂  Click here to watch my video on the subject.

This New Moon aligns with Uranus in Taurus, squares Saturn in Aquarius, semi-sextiles Neptune in Pisces, and trines the South Node in Capricorn.

So, as you can see, lots of planets and points connect to this New Moon. This paints a complex picture, with opportunity for change, an atmosphere of diversity, a need to redefine “old” structure, an extra effort to connect with our compassionate heart and our imagination, and a sense of knowing that all is well, all of the time.

But before we go into all of these aspects in more detail, let’s first talk about the sign of Taurus:

This New Moon in steady, peaceful Taurus places more focus on our interactions with the physical world — you could say that we seek a healthier relationship with “matter”, one in which we are neither too attached, nor too disconnected from things on the physical plane — for example, our bodies, resources (such as money), and the planet we co-inhabit.

We are powerfully reminded to….


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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 1-5 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. This is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase. So this month, the best and most potent time to set intentions would be between 10:26pm on April 22nd  until 8:43pm on April 24th — all of those times are given in US East Coast-time.

For more info on setting New Moon Intentions, click here.

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US-Eastern Daylight Savings Time), feel free to join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter. I will be posting reminders on April 22nd, 23rd and 24th — to let you know that it’s the best time to set your intentions 😉


Jupiter/Pluto alignment in Capricorn in 2020

On April 4th, a long-term Jupiter/Pluto alignment in almost 25 degrees of Capricorn becomes exact at 10:45pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect from March 11th on; it will remain strong until May 2nd.

This is the first Jupiter/Pluto alignment of the year. There will be two other ones throughout the year: on June 30th (24º), and Nov. 12th (almost 23º); these conjunctions start a new 13-year cycle.

Due to Pluto’s Station phase in April/May we may experience this aspect more intensely in April than at any other time this year.

The last two times these particular planets connected was in Dec. 2007, in 28º of Sagittarius, and in Dec. 1994, in 28º of Scorpio. The last of these cycles to occur in the sign of Capricorn began in Feb. 1771 and the one before that started in Jan. 1522 — note also that there are larger cycles within the smaller cycles.

Think back to Dec. 2007, and ask yourself: What “forced” me to look beyond my current understanding to a larger perspective so I could grow and evolve? In what ways did I need to take a deeper look at my belief systems at that time? How did I want to better myself? What situation in my life required a “rebirth”? How can I now take that to the next level?

This aspect invites us to see the bigger picture in our attempt to regain control over our collective experience. This will likely spark major revelations and reformations, as fundamental assumptions are challenged, hypocrisies exposed, and priorities reordered. Benefits may come now through those in authority or the government. It can also be a time of personal growth and expansion. This can also be…


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What’s my biggest fear in connection with the area of life where this alignment is taking place in my birth chart? What’s being seeded this year — in connection with my own personal growth and my Soul Purpose — that will be looking to expand over the next 13 years? How might this be a new beginning for me?

We will also be talking about this aspect — in connection with our own Birth charts — in our upcoming Forecasting Forum on April 6th. Click here to register (if you are not already a Star Member).

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 22-28 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Sagittarius or Scorpio (Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius; Pluto rules Scorpio)

Super Full Moon in Libra — article

On April 7th at 10:35pm EDT, the Full Moon becomes exact in almost 19 degrees of Libra. All Full Moons bring an opportunity for awareness and integration of the traits connected to the relevant Full Moon polarities, especially those that have been neglected or suppressed.

This Full Moon has heightened effects on us for two important reasons: first, it is another SuperMoon (i.e. the Moon is at its closest distance to the Earth); secondly, Pluto is exalted and conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn, and in a square aspect to the Full Moon! All of this increases emotionality and fosters larger shifts in consciousness.

There are lots of other aspects in this Full Moon chart as well, and we will address all of them in a moment; and if you are a Member of my online community, feel free to also watch my Full Moon video here

On Monday afternoon, April 6th, the Moon enters Libra; this starts the energetic build up towards the Full Moon — and 29 hours laterthe Sun in Aries opposes the Moon in Libra.

Ask yourself: How far have I come with the Intentions I set around March 24th’s New Moon? If I’m not where I’d like to be with those intentions, what new course might take me closer to my goals?

The Libra-Aries polarity highlights the spiritual dance between various polarities: individual drives or goals and one-on-one relationships, masculine and feminine, independence and collaboration. Whether we are single or partnered, we are all in relationship to someone — any one-on-one relationship counts here — business, personal, health-related, etc.

For the next two weeks, we seek…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 16-21 degrees of Libra, Aries, CapricornCancer? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).


Saturn in Aquarius until 2023

On March 21st, 2020, Saturn changed signs from practical, cautious, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn to freedom-loving, forward-thinking and objective Aquarius, where it journeyed until July 1st, 2020. This was a preview of what’s to come in December of 2020, when Saturn makes its second move into Aquarius on Dec. 17th, this time until March 2023.

Saturn feels pretty comfortable in Aquarius, as it is the traditional ruler of this air-sign and therefore “co-rules” it together with Uranus (the modern ruler); it is inviting us to look for practical applications of group consciousness, our inventions, ideas, future visions, etc. This transit could also teach us that there is freedom and liberation in abiding by particular rules — but it’s best to avoid rigid thinking.

So, until March 2023, we are invited to…


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If you want to know how Saturn’s journey through Aquarius will impact you personally from Dec. 2020 – March 2023, feel free to get my webinar on the subject: “Saturn in Aquarius & the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn“.

All this is especially true if you are a Capricorn or Aquarius Sun- or Rising-sign. As a Capricorn, you will feel a greater need for a “cause” — let’s hope it’s a good one that benefits most of humanity 🙂 As an Aquarius, you will most likely feel a greater sense of responsibility, a need to be more realistic, serious, and mature, in the next 2 years.

New Moon in Aries — article

Early on March 24th, at 5:28am EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4 degrees of Aries. This marks the beginning of a new Moon cycle; anything brand-new started in the next two weeks has the chance to get off to a great start. Click here to watch my New Moon video on the subject.

The New Moon in fast-paced, enthusiastic, and courageous Aries asks us to connect to our personal goals and get very clear on what we want to create over the next 28 days. This is an action-oriented New Moon, with the focus on ourselves; we want to speed things up — it’s a “do now, think later” energy.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; as such, it represents new beginnings, initiation, breaking new ground, birthing new forms. An Aries New Moon is thus an especially fertile time for seeding new projects and directions.

That said, we can’t know what will happen when we start something brand-new — something we have never done before — and this can stir up insecurities and nervousness, sometimes maybe plain fear, or even panic.

Aries and its ruling planet Mars, correspond with the quest to develop courage — not fearlessness, but the conscious choice to act in spite of fear — some call this the “Warrior Energy”.

One of the many ways we can demonstrate courage is to allow ourselves to be in the condition of “not knowing” or “beginners mind”; at these times, we are more present, and creative potential is heightened.

Ask yourself: Where could I bring a “beginner’s mind” to bear? Where do I need to let go of needing to know everything before I begin?

New Moon in Aries aligns with Chiron (the Wounded Healer); this presents an opportunity to share our individual approach toward gentler leadership, and inspire others to engage in a healing process around the masculine “yang” energy — to do some healing around…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of either Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some intentions for this month’s Moon cycle — this process is especially powerful with the New Moon in Aries — and as always, is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact  (and definitely not during a Moon void of course)

So this month, we have almost 46 hours to set intentions: between 5:28am on March 24th and 3:16am on March 26th (as always, all times are EDT). For more info on setting New Moon Intentions click here.

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast-time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter as I post reminders on March 24th, and 25th throughout the day, and on March 26th in the early morning, to let you know when it is the most potent time to set your intentions 😉

Super Full Moon in Virgo — article

The next Full Moon will be “exact” on March 9th, at 1:48pm EDT, in 19.5 degrees of Virgo. This Full Moon has a heightened effect on us, as it is also a SuperMoon (i.e., the Moon is at its closest distance to the Earth); SuperMoons generate greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls on our physical and emotional bodies — and pull more powerfully on our psyches too, increasing emotionality and fostering larger shifts in consciousness.

If you are already a Member of my online community, feel free to also watch my video for more.

Ask yourself: How far have I come with the Intentions I set around Feb. 23rd’s New Moon? If I’m not where I’d like to be with those intentions, what new course might take me closer to my goals?

A Full Moon is always an opposition between the Moon and the Sun; during these oppositions, we seek balance, alignment and integration around two perspectives that seem like polar opposites. Very often, we experience this through our interactions with others, and since these interactions are also the pathway to resolution, relationships of all kinds are highlighted during Full Moons.

In this case, the Moon in Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces (if you are already familiar with this polarity, feel free to skip ahead to the aspects involved in this Full Moon chart…)

Virgo seeks personal wholeness, while Pisces reminds us of a transcendent wholeness — our divinity and interconnectedness with all of life.

Virgo benefits from apprenticeship, whereas Pisces learns to trust inner guidance above all else — when balanced, we are able to discern without judgment, serve without obligation, and love all of creation, including ourselves.

Virgo analyzes, Pisces feels: We are invited to discern what’s real, so we can make healthier choices.

To find the balance between Virgo and Piscesask yourself:


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point, or personal planets in 17-22 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius? If so, this month’s Full Moon will affect you more; the same is true for those of us with our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

New Moon in Pisces – article

On Feb. 23rd, at 10:32am EST, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4.5 degrees of Pisces; this marks the beginning of a new Moon cycle. Feel free to also watch my New Moon video on the subject. (will be posted by Feb.19th)

This New Moon chart has a lot of layers and we are definitely dealing with lots of feminine energies for the next four weeks: 4 planets in Pisces (including a Retrograde Mercury), 4 planets in Capricorn, and one planet in Taurus. That’s 9 out of 10 planets in feminine signs, and that doesn’t include the Moon Nodes, which are also in feminine signs (Cancer/Capricorn) 😉

As you can imagine, this invites us to focus on our inner processes, our ability to receive, our connection to intuition, and our desire to contribute to life from a heart centered and grounded place. Our emotional and physical bodies are giving us the information we need right now, to get connected to ourselves and the things we want to contribute out there in the world. If we listen carefully we will also understand much better what pace is required to accomplish things without overwhelming ourselves.

Since Neptune rules Pisces and Saturn rules Capricorn, these two planets play an important role in this New Moon chart. We will talk a little bit about them in a moment. But first, let’s talk about Pisces, to see what this New Moon is all about:

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It connects us to our spiritual journey, as it represents a reunion with Source/God/the Universe. When at its highest vibration, Pisces unifies all dualities — it is completely aware of the oneness of all. It tells us there is a…


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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 2-7 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly for the next 28 days. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.

So this month, the best time to set intentions would be between 10:32am on Feb. 23rd and 9:12am on Feb. 25th (New York-time)

For more info on setting New Moon Intentions click here

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter as I post reminders on Feb. 23rd and 24th throughout the day, and Feb. 25th in the morning, to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉

Full Moon in Leo — article

On Feb. 9th at 2:33am ESTthe Moon opposes the Sun in 20 degrees of Leo — and this month’s Full Moon becomes exact; relationships of all kinds are highlighted.

All Full Moons offer opportunities for us to see things in a new light; they also guide us away from polarization and division, toward balance and integration.

Ask yourself: How far have I come since setting Intentions back on January 24th’s New Moon?

With the Sun in Aquarius until Feb. 18th, we seek balance, being more aware than ever that something needs aligning; the balance in question is between the Aquarius-Leo polarity. As a Member of my online community, if you’d like to learn more about this month’s Full Moon, click here to watch my video.

Aquarius represents a unique vision and approach to life. The classic Aquarian vision is one of interconnected equality — paradoxically, we’re reminded at the same time that the power of unity lies in diversity. Leo, on the other hand, is all about our individual self-expression, creativity, our ability to actively connect to the heart, and our inner joy.

This Full Moon is our chance to make a more conscious effort to embrace, integrate, and explore the lighter/higher vibrations of Leo — a courageous, optimistic, and self-expressed sign.  Leo represents our capacity to love, and our willpower. It is the quest to live from our center, our core, our truth — with joy in our heart.

This Full Moon reminds us that everyone has the power to make a difference in the world (whether small or large), and when we join together, that power grows exponentially. Ask yourself: How could I best honor both my individual self-expression and my interconnectedness with the world? How am I adding my voice (in small ways and large)?

But first, as with all Full Moons, there’s a shadow side to be discussed — let’s take a look at the shadow of both signs involved in this Full Moon — and please note that the shadow side of any sign is usually not as comfortable to look at or easy to embrace.

Aquarius’s shadow side might show up as…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 18-22 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer(the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

New Moon in Aquarius – article

On Friday, Jan. 24th at 4:42pm EST, a powerful New Moon in almost 4.5 degrees of Aquarius becomes exact; this is the beginning of a new Moon cycle.  I also recommend you watch my video on the subject.

This particular New Moon is also the end of Eclipse season; we have received our consciousness upgrades, and can now move forward with any intentions we set in late December.

With the New Moon in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, we have our eye on the future. The highest, lightest vibration of Aquarius gives us the opportunity to see a clear vision for our life — and we are ready to make the relevant improvements.

Aquarius also deals with the power of ideals, technology, and inventions. We are interested in the collective focus on changing group consciousness.

At its best, Aquarius stands for equality and diversity, innovation and reform, collaboration and community; we strive for progress. The challenge here is to unite and transcend differences of gender, race, and cultural or religious backgrounds, rather than separate us from others, or ostracize those who are different from us.

To move even further into that higher, lighter Aquarian vibration, ask yourself the following questions: Where am I called to make a difference? What could I, as an individual, do for humanity? And how might “group consciousness” help humanity make progress? Where might I begin?

At a denser Aquarian vibration, we feel like…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-7 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly.

Now let’s talk “New Moon Intentions” 🙂 The New Moon is the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle; this is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact, and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.

So this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 4:42pm on Jan. 24th and 2:06pm on Jan. 25th — New York Time/US Eastern Time

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter. I will post reminders to let you know when it is time to set your New Moon intentions 😉

For more info about Setting Intentions, click here.

Announcement for Star & SuperStar Members for 2020!

The time has come for me to make some changes to my business, to make room for some changes coming in my life outside of business. I have started work on a book, and my priorities are shifting elsewhere as well: my husband and I were certified this week as Foster Parents, the first step on a journey to fostering a child with the long-term goal of adopting. We are doing our best to get ready for the huge shift of becoming first-time parents; since I am also in the process of writing my first book, one of the things that I needed to look at was my time commitment on a daily basis. The question I’ve been asking is “how I can make more space for raising a child, and writing my book, while still providing maximum value for you guys — my online community.

I took a long look at how members are using their memberships, and after several discussions with members and advisors, I’ve settled on the following:

Announcement for Star & SuperStar Members:

SuperStar Members: I have decided to suspend the SuperStar Membership, at least for now — at the end of 2020, I will revisit it, and decide whether to make the change permanent.

How will this work?

Yearly Members will be able to continue their Membership until the end of their term; at that point, they will be able to continue with a Yearly or Monthly Star Membership.

Monthly Members will receive one last monthly 25-minute Coaching-Healing session with me, and then will be transferred to the Star Membership level for the rest of 2020.

For the next three months (until April 12th, 2020), I will be offering a 30% discount on my 50-min. Coaching-Healing sessions to current active monthly SuperStar Members; you can either divide the 50 minutes into two 25-minute sessions, or use up the whole 50 minutes in a single session.

If you would like to make a more long-term commitment to yourself, I will be offering Coaching Packages at an even greater discount, also for the next three months. After that time, as (now) Star Members, you will be eligible for coaching discounts as discussed below.

Star Members will only see one slight change: as with my online courses, I will make my 50-minute Coaching-Healing sessions available at a 15% discount; if you’d like to commit to receiving longer-term support, Coaching Packages will be available at an even greater discount as long as you remain an active Star Member.

Again, please note that these discounts also apply to those of you whose membership was converted to Star from the SuperStar level (after April, 12th, 2020).

If your Membership is currently suspended & you are a monthly SuperStar Member:
You will be automatically moved to the monthly Star-level Membership; whenever you decide to re-activate your Membership, you will do so as a regular Star Member.

You should receive emails announcing your transfer to the Star Membership level, however you will remain suspended/paused until you decide to re-activate yourself via your Membership Portal (aka “My Account” 😉

I realize this may be a lot to take in — if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out — in the meantime, I hope this table will make it all clearer:

As I hope you can see, I’ve done my best to use this as an opportunity to create greater value and flexibility for you, my most valued members — and if you have ideas on how I can do an even better job of that, I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you, as always, for your continued membership of my online community, and I look forward to serving you throughout 2020 and beyond.

PS: All current SuperStar Members will also receive a huge discount on my book, once it’s been published. Star Members will receive discounts as well 😉

Saturn-Pluto alignment — article

On Jan. 12th at 11:59am EST, a Saturn/Pluto alignment in almost 23 degrees of Capricorn became exact. (we’ve been feeling the effects of this aspect since Dec. 5th, 2019; it will remain strong until Feb. 19th, 2020).

The last time we saw a Saturn-Pluto alignment was in November 1982, and then again in May-June, 1983; back then it was in a late degree of Libra, the time before then was in August 1947 in 13º of Leo — as you can see this is quite a long cycle — anywhere from 32 – 38 years, in fact.

It’s time to think seriously about what no longer works for us, both individually, and collectively; this is a time when dedication and commitment to goals runs high and we are more reliably and consistently productive. We derive satisfaction from a job well done, especially if we can readily find meaning in what we are doing — and are more able to concentrate, as we can see ourselves and our purpose very clearly, and also see that our persistence will pay off.

The invitation to adjust our expectations becomes obvious; any trials and tests that emerge now will nudge us onto the right path and challenge us to become stronger and more confident in our own abilities. Do your best to detox and de-stress.

Facing realities that we have conveniently avoided is definitely part of this transit. With any long-term cycle, you can set some intentions around what it is you would like to create, so ask yourself


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 20-26 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Capricorn or Scorpio (Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio).

If you would like to learn how the Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn is impacting you personally… feel free to watch my webinar about those powerful transits — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.

Lunar Eclipse in Cancer — article

Before we get started, I would like to make an important announcement: Everyone who is currently a Star or SuperStar Member of my online community, please make sure to watch the coming Forecasting Forum, live on Jan. 12th at 11:30am EST, or  via the video recording. I will be making some very important changes to my Star and SuperStar Memberships, and I want you all to know about them, so you are informed how to best take advantage of your Membership in 2020.

On Jan. 10th at 2:21pm EST, the Moon opposes the Sun (in 20 degree of Cancer-Capricorn) — this is a Lunar Eclipse becoming exact. This powerful Full Moon is actually the second of two Eclipses in a row; the first one was the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Dec. 25/26th.

Eclipses are always powerfully connected to the Moon Nodes and thus to our Soul’s Journey. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted during this time — but with this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, there is a particularly strong emphasis on family- and business-relationships. If you’d like to learn more, and as a Member of my online community, click here to watch my Lunar Eclipse video.

Lots of planets are involved in this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse chart — Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune — and all play an important role, so buckle up! More about the specifics in regards to all of these planets in a moment….

This Full Moon is also the first Lunar Eclipse in Cancer since the Moon Nodes moved into Cancer/Capricorn in late 2018. This puts an emphasis on taking a nurturing approach towards ourselves and the collective. With Eclipses this is a longer term process — in this case, a process that will last until November 2020.

Let’s take a look at the polarities involved hereThe Moon in protective, feeling-oriented Cancer opposes the Sun in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn. We have a heightened sense that something must be brought into balance and reintegrated; the balance in question is between the experience of our feelings and emotional needs (symbolized by Cancer), versus our outer obligations or material, practical goals (Capricorn).

It’s important to realize that we all have limitations and challenges in life — and when we approach those in a nurturing way, taking care of our feeling body, our inner baby, and allow ourselves to receive support from “family connections”, we are more likely to overcome those challenges and be realistic about our and other people’s limitations.

Ask yourself: How am I balancing the demands of my outer and inner life? Home life vs. career? Where am I able to be mature and self-reliant — and also contribute? Where am I giving too much? Not enough?

Any Full Moon also has us look more closely at the denser vibrations or shadow components of the energies involved. With Cancer, this is our ability to receive and feel safe from within, but what protected us in the past may no longer work — our needs may have changed over time.

Ask yourself: When do I have the tendency to hold on to the past? Where am I holding on simply because it is familiar? When do I resist change? What happens when I don’t allow myself to feel my feelings? When do I react to life vs. respond?

This brings me to mention a webinar I have available for purchase on my website right now: It’s called React vs. RespondWhere in the chart can we learn about our emotional maturity? If you haven’t seen it yet, definitely take a look at it… click here for more info!

Also, this 60min. webinar is yours for FREE between now and Jan. 31st, if you upgrade your Membership to Star-level during this time (so before Jan. 31st): again, click here for more info!

With Capricorn, we need to take a look at those parts of ourselves that are domineering, rigid, unforgiving, self-servingly ambitious, status-seeking, and hierarchical. As best as you can, be really honest with yourself, and ask: How important is…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 15-25 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn — article

On Dec. 26th at 12:13am EST, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4 degrees of Capricorn, launching both a new Moon and a new Eclipse cycle. Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons, and they take place approximately every 6 months.  Feel free to also watch my video on the subject

Eclipse season is started on Dec. 16th, 2019 and lasts until Jan. 24th, 2020: Eclipses usually come in pairs — Solar and Lunar Eclipse — so Eclipse season starts 10 days before the first Eclipse, continues through the time of the second Eclipse (exact on Jan. 10th) and ends with the Lunar Eclipse cycle, at the time of the New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 24th.

Between Dec. 16th and Jan. 24th, allow for the new templates to download; stay centered and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body… And remember: this won’t last forever — on Jan. 24th, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release of some sort — and a recalibration — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded — especially in connection with the laws of matter, earthly ambitions, contributions to society, and living in pure accordance with our conscience, from a place of maturity and inner guidance.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times.

Eclipses switch between South Node and North Node Eclipses. The last Eclipse in July was a North Node Eclipse in Cancer. What have you discovered about Self-care since July? How have you been doing at taking care of your emotional well-being? What emotional “needs” are calling out to be met? What is coming to completion? Or moving to the next level?

This Eclipse is connected to the South Node — and South Node Eclipses can help us release energies or attachments that no longer serve our Soul’s evolution. We get to redefine how we are moving with this particular energy in our lives.

We started 2019 with a South Node Eclipse in 15.5 degrees of Capricorn (on Jan. 5th), and we are ending the year with another one in 4º of Capricorn; this indicates that we are continuing to release or redefine certain outdated structures in our lives, or take a more serious look at the commitments we are ready to make, some of which would definitely be long-term in nature.

The last South Node Solar Eclipse in 4º of Capricorn was on Dec. 25th, 2000. We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonant”, rather than identical — so think back to the Winter of 2000/2001: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important back then? If you were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find you?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which areas of life are most ready to release outdated structures and go to a new level of consciousness.

If that idea appeals, check out my 30-minute class, “How to Read My Birth Chart” — you might also want to purchase the latest Forecasting Forum, where we took a Look at the Year Ahead, as well as the upcoming Eclipses. Before you invest in the 100min. webinar about 2020, click here to watch a 15-min. Teaser

Solar Eclipses are a good time to…


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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 0-9 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse; the same is true for those of us with our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer). Again, feel free to also watch my video on the subject 🙂

I also want to mention my Biggest Holiday Sale ever! Take advantage of the 50% discount to all of my Soul-based Astrology courses online: Only lasts until Dec. 30th!

A quick word about setting Intentions — you may recall that this process is a little different for a Solar Eclipse, compared to the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting those intentions for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just for the next 28 days.

As for timing, it’s best to set our Intentions 48 hours after the Solar Eclipse becomes exact, and not during a Moon VoC; the best and most potent times to set your S.E. Intentions is therefore any time between 12:21am on Dec. 28th and 12:13am on Dec 30th. (that’s Eastern Time in the US — the New York time zone).

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining me on my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter. I will post reminders to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉

Whenever you set them, make them powerful — after all, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Capricorn energy!

And a final word for this final Eclipse of 2019:

May you enter 2020 more grateful to be alive, and filled with faith in the evolutionary process that is ongoing within us all — may you participate consciously in the evolution of existence on this planet, coming not from fear, but from knowledge of your inner strength and personal power — the power of your heart and your humanity! Trust your inner truth and knowing!

Full Moon in Gemini — article

On Dec. 12th at 12:12am EST, the Full Moon becomes exact in almost 20 degree of Gemini; as mentioned above, the entrance of the Moon into Gemini Tuesday late morning started the energetic build up towards the Full Moon. The Moon in chatty, versatile Gemini opposes the Sun in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius. Feel free to watch a 10min. Excerpt of my Full Moon video.

If you are already a Member of my online community, feel free to watch the whole 52min. Full Moon video for more details.

Full Moons give us a chance to realize how far we’ve come since the time of the last New Moon — we gain a better insight as to whether we’re where we’d like to be, or if it’s time to correct our course. Full Moons also highlight relationships, and sometimes bring about a crisis to heighten our awareness of any imbalances, thereby pointing us towards the integration of certain polarities.

Ask yourself: How far have I come in regards to understanding the bigger picture and my beliefs within that frame? What are my current experiences directly teaching me about life? What might the next step be? What decisions could I make over the next two weeks to support me on my current adventures?

This month’s Full Moon has a mutable T-Square, a Stellium in Capricorn — and Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is exalted. I will go into all those in detail in a moment…

Soon after this Full Moon becomes exact, Eclipse season begins… Dec. 16th until Jan. 24th. Feel free to join us live on Dec. 16th at 4pm EST for the last Forecasting Forum of the year! We will take a Look ahead at 2020! And the upcoming Eclipses!

To register, click here. Registration also gives you access to the mp4-video recording of the live event. Star and SuperStar Members are automatically registered and will receive a link to join on the day of the webinar.

So, for the next two weeks, we will be dealing with the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity, and seeking balance and integration around those poles — something needs to be brought into alignment — so let’s look at those signs in more detail:
Sagittarius highlights the importance of seeing our life as a journey, and trusting our intuition to show us the way: Why are we here? What is the human journey all about?

Sagittarius shows us a wider perspective, asking us to…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 18-22 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 2020! – article

On Dec. 2nd, 2019 at 1:20pm ESTJupiter moves from adventurous, enthusiastic Sagittarius into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn, where it will journey until Dec. 19th, 2020.

Jupiter represents our desire to seek insight through knowledge; some of this planet’s keywords are gratitude, hope, honor, morality, and the law — it is also the planet of possibility, optimism, and growth (including mental and spiritual growth), and is associated with a sense of humor, goodwill, and mercy.

The lower expressions of Jupiter include “Oh, the heck with it”, “I deserve this and more”, “the rules do not apply to me” — generally speaking, too much of a good thing, blind optimism, excess, stretching the truth, overindulgence, and so forth.

In the natal chart, the position of Jupiter reveals how we express generosity and tolerance, it also shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. Where do you look for wisdom and understanding? Where do you need movement and spaciousness? Where do you feel optimistic and have faith that things will turn out ok?

Jupiter represents the principle of expansion; it’s been in Sagittarius over the last year (2019), where it sought the bigger picture, new perspectives, expansion, and higher learning of some kind — imagine a powerful lens, searching, magnifying.

Sagittarius values both freedom of movement and the truth, so we’ve been getting to see what we believe to be true about ourselves, life, and others in 2019 (and what stories we’ve been telling ourselves, too) — and we also wanted to go full steam ahead, no matter what the direction.

With Jupiter in Capricorn, that magnifying lens now swings over to long-term goals and worldly achievements; the opportunity now is to ground the enthusiastic energies of Jupiter and commit to a path that we have been visualizing or toying with over the last year (2019).

Jupiter in Capricorn also promotes a greater understanding of our potential for overcoming adversity in the real world; it also helps us develop our ability (or shows us our inability) to have faith in our higher Selves, our divinity, here on earth.

For the next 12.5 months, we definitely attract the most good fortune when we are…


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Jupiter will connect with the South Node in 8º of Capricorn in January 2020, around the same time that Saturn aligns with Pluto in 22º of CapricornJupiter then aligns with Pluto in 24º of Capricorn first in March/April, then in June/July, and then again in November 2020Jupiter will also be within 5 degrees of Saturn towards the end of the year: Nov/Dec 2020. As Jupiter aligns with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn during the course of its transit, we may become quite power-hungry or status-conscious.

We will talk in more detail about those alignments in our webinar: “A Look Ahead – Preview of 2020”  Click here to join us live on Dec. 16th; or click here after Dec. 16th, 2019 to purchase an mp4-video recording of this webinar.

Where does Jupiter-in-Capricorn fall in your own birth chart? What aspects does it make during the year-long transit? How does a wise response to one house support a more fruitful response to the next one? What outward opportunities arise as Jupiter interacts with any of your personal planets? Where will you experience a major expansion until Dec. 2020? Where are you ready to make a solid commitment?

If you’d like more insight into those questions, we also covered the Jupiter movement into Capricorn in more detail in our last Forecasting Forum — if you want to know how this planetary movement is impacting you personally, feel free to purchase the video-presentation of the last webinar — we applied the Jupiter movement to our own birth charts! Click here to purchase the “Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 2020“- webinar

New Moon in Sagittarius – article

On Nov. 26th at 10:06am EST, the New Moon in 4 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact. With the New Moon in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, we seek to expand our day-to-day knowledge and look for a larger perspective. Also feel free to watch my New Moon video on the subject

For the next four weeks, ask yourself: What philosophies most resonate with me? What universal truths feel immediately in alignment with my direct experience of life so far? What stories have I been telling myself about life? Where is my understanding on life? Do I see the glass as half-full or half-empty? Do I shy away from new adventures or thrive on exploring new territory?

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is still on its own sign until Dec. 2nd. This is our last chance to step into a new adventure and experience some personal growth, before Jupiter moves into sobering, practical, ambitious Capricorn.

If you want to know how this one-year Jupiter transit through Capricorn might impact you personally, I invite you to purchase my 105 minute webinar on the subject: click here, or for a quick preview check out this 17-minute excerpt of the webinar

You can also get the whole webinar for FREE if you join as a Star Member of my online community by Dec. 2nd! Any general questions, feel free to reach out to:

Back to the New Moon chart:
Anything that expands our perspective is of interest to us, especially until Dec. 2nd; this could involve things like travel, higher education, foreign cultures, or the search for a higher “meaning of life” and our existence on this planet. Ask yourself…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase. So this month, the best and most potent times to set intentions would be any time between 10:06am Tuesday late morning (Nov. 26th) until 5:50am Thursday morning (Nov. 28th); and then again from 7:33am until 10:06am, also on Thursday morning (Nov. 28th). (EST- New York-time)

Note, however, that there is a Moon void of course on Thursday early morning — it runs from 5:50am until 7:33am EST. Don’t set your intentions during those 103 minutes — instead, allow intuition to surface possible intentions while you wait. For more info on setting New Moon Intentions, click here

If you live outside the EST timezone (i.e. US East Coast time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on Twitter; I will be posting reminders on Nov. 26th, 27th and 28th to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉

PS: Since this is the last New Moon before Eclipse season begins, I want to invite you to join me either live on Dec. 16th or virtually after the 16th, to talk about the upcoming Eclipses as well as a Look at the whole year of 2020!

Feel free to register here  — if you are not a Member of my online community yet, registration also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video. And, best of all! If you join as a Star Member by Dec. 2nd, the Monthly Forecasting Forum is included in your Membership and you will also get the “Jupiter in Capricorn” webinar for FREE!

Full Moon in Taurus — article

On Nov. 12th at 8:34am EST, the Full Moon in almost 20 degrees of Taurus becomes exact. If you are a Member of my online community, feel free to watch my video on the subject.

All Full Moons offer opportunities for us to see things in a new light — and they guide us away from polarization and division, toward balance and integration. Full Moons also illuminate the truth and consequences of our choices — and this particular Full Moon provides a double dose of that.

The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus; not only that, we are also dealing here with a Sun/Mercury alignment in Scorpio — and with Mercury being retrograde, its energy feels stronger inside of us. Because of the Retrograde component, this is an inner journey, an intuitive process. You may recall that I talked a little about this in the last New Moon video and in my “Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio” webinar  (which is still available for purchase until Nov. 13th!)

We can ask ourselves here: What regrets, resentments, and misunderstandings need to be reconciled? Mercury Retrograde helps us recognize the part we played, the lessons we learned, and the necessity of forgiving everyone involved (even including ourselves).

Because of its retrograde status, Mercury will spend a little over two months in Scorpio, the sign most concerned with emotionally authentic relationships. This provides extra opportunities for integrating our “shadow” and healing any relationships issues connected to intimacy, honesty, or trust — and the latter may include core issues around shared resources and power struggles. (Oct. 3rd until Dec. 9th, 2019)

Neptune in Pisces is stationing at the time of the Full Moon, and therefore exalted, bringing a heightened sensitivity towards our surroundings (including fellow humans and other beings); a gentler, more intuitive approach works very well here.

We also get a chance to see how far we have come since the New Moon phase began on Oct. 27th – 28th, so ask yourself:
How far have I come in regards to investigating or understanding my deepest desires? How am I doing with owning the previously denied or rejected parts of myself? What might the next step be down that path? What decisions could I make over the next two weeks that might support me on this journey?

Now let’s look at the Scorpio/Taurus polarity in more detail:
This Full Moon has both a Taurus and a Scorpio spotlight — one spotlights our relationship to our…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 18-22 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Leo? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

New Moon in Scorpio — article

On Oct. 27th at 11:39pm EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4.5 degrees of Scorpio, beginning a new Moon cycle. This New Moon in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio brings our focus to our intimate relationships and deepest emotional desires; if you’d like to learn more about this Lunation, check out my video on the subject 🙂 (will be posted by Oct. 21st in the evening)

Scorpio is the second water sign of the zodiac, so it relates not only to the depths of our own psyche, but also to the ecstasies and traumas of relationships.

Mercury in Scorpio is exalted at the time of this New Moon (due to its station), so we are more aware of our thinking patterns, particularly our tendency to think in extremes or absolutes.

Mercury will come to a halt on Oct. 31st and start its 3-week Retrograde phase. While it is exalted (between Oct. 24th and Nov. 4th), check in with yourself and ask: Is my mind drawn to worst-case scenarios? Am I obsessing over something that feels disempowering? What are my motivations? Am I coming from fear? Self-protection? Or from love? What would it be like to live life fully and completely, feeling empowered in my choices? What will get me 1% closer to that right here and now?

Speaking of the “here and now”, if empowerment only existed in the “now” moment, could I surrender my fears or concerns connected to the past or the future, and simply be present in the here and now? What if I trusted my Higher Self enough to release any suspicious, fearful, or protective thoughts that may arise?

Check to see: Am I ok right now? If I am, is it at least possible that I will be ok in the next moment? And the next?

Feel free to also check out my video presentation about the upcoming Mercury Retrograde phase, to see how all of this is impacting you personally — to purchase this webinar, click here.  Before you invest in the whole 99 min. webinar, feel free to watch a 23-min excerpt here.

Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording — and enjoy watching it!

Scorpio also deals with our Shadow issues. The “Shadow” is all the suppressed, denied, or undeveloped qualities of our personality — and wherever we have yet to fully integrate these disowned aspects, we feel disempowered, and are left vulnerable to manipulation or domination.

Furthermore, what we reject in ourselves, we often project onto others — we may experience the shadow as explosions with others or implosions within ourselves. That which we disown, owns us; whatever we resist, persists. So, what Shadow issues need to be addressed over the next four weeks?

Here are some questions to help you reclaim your projections…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-7 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase. So this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 11:39pm (Oct. 27th) and 1:34pm (Oct. 29th); then again from 5:58pm until 11:39pm (on Oct. 29th) — New York Time/US Eastern Time

If you live in a timezone other then EDT (US East Coast-time), feel free to join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter. I will be posting reminders on Oct. 27th after 11:39pm EDT, Monday all day and Tuesday morning and evening, to let you know when it is time to set your intentions. For more info on how to set your New Moon Intentions click here.

Full Moon in Aries — article

On Oct. 13th, at 5:08pm EDT, the Sun opposes the Moon in 20 degrees of Aries — the Moon in pioneering, fast-paced Aries makes an opposition to the Sun in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra.

Generally, a Full Moon brings our attention to our “emotional body”, increasing our awareness of what has been suppressed or ignored. This is especially true for this particular Full Moon — for much of this month, we are invited to direct our attention toward deeper self-care and more authentic connections to our emotional bodies. If you are a site Member, you may also want to watch my video on the subject

The Aries/Libra polarity directs our awareness to the roles we identify with in our various one-on-one relationships — and this Full Moon is thus a call to take action on those roles. In particular, it brings the focus to “independence”, so ask yourself: Where do I need to be more assertive? More accommodating? Where have I been too independent? Too dependent? What roles or contracts need to be revisited?

This also involves the balance of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves, our relationships, and our world. Ask: Where have these energies gone out of balance? What happens when there is too much masculine? Too much feminine?

On the day of the Full Moonthe Sun in Libra sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius, and the Moon in Aries trines Jupiter. We feel an enthusiasm for personal achievement and exploration; in particular, we have an urge to explore something new that helps us develop an all-around understanding of the bigger picture. Focusing on…


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All of this is especially true for those of us with personal planets or points in 18-22 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer (the personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars; personal points are the Ascendent or MC).

New Moon in Libra — article

On Sept. 28th at 2:26pm EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in almost 5.5 degrees of Libra, beginning a new Moon cycle.

New Moons are introverted times, when we go within to learn what we wish to align ourselves with for the next 28 days; with this New Moon in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra, this will likely be win-win situations, fair exchanges, and harmony (within our relationships and with our general environment). Check out my New Moon video to learn more about this. (posted by Sept. 24th)

Even though we have four planets in Libra at the time of this New Moon, including Venus (the ruler of Libra), harmony and balance is not something that is easily achieved with this lunation. We have plenty of challenging aspects in this New Moon chart, that might keep us off-balance — to say nothing of the Pluto Station phase that has been intensifying since Sept. 22nd, and is coming to a complete halt on Oct. 3rd, only 5 days after the New Moon becomes exact.

More about those details in a moment…. I just want to mention quickly that if you missed our FORECASTING FORUM on Sept. 19th, you may want to purchase the mp4-video presentation of this event — we discussed the Pluto Station in Capricorn (the planet is getting ready to go direct), and its relationship to our own Birth charts, and went over the Saturn Station as well.

If you want to know how these planetary movements are impacting you personally, click here and add the “Saturn & Pluto Station phases” webinar to your cart 😉 Until Oct. 3rd, get a 20% discount for this 85min. webinar! Add discount code: Webinars4Less at check out.

Ok, let’s get back to the New Moon — and specifically, the Libra component of this New Moon chart...

All relationships begin with our relationship to ourselves — everything “out there” is really “inside us”… Ideally speaking, interacting with another person is a co-creative, equal exchange — we must be centered within ourselves, yet also tuned into each other, all the while responding to the rhythm of life.

Here are some useful questions to ask yourself for this new Moon cycle: Where is the balance point? What comes up for me when I hear the phrase “the art of relationship”?

As the seventh sign in the zodiac, Libra represents a major turning point, one that invites us to investigate ourselves through the lens of “relationship” (i.e. relating on a one-on-one level). We bring with us anything we haven’t mastered from the six signs that precede Libra to all our relationships, attracting people into our lives who mirror back to us our relationship with ourselves; Libra thus invites us to see all of our issues, resolve them, and become whole.

Ask yourself: What if harmony and peace were mine to create within me first?

The Libra energy encourages us to see both sides of a situation and find the middle path (or better yet, a win-win); in order to reconcile opposite energies, we need to seek the highest and best outcome for everyone involved — in other words, we need to see everyone as equally deserving — including ourselves.

Libra also represents the quest for…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 3-8 degrees of Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (since the Sun rules Leo and the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best set soon after the New Moon becomes exact, and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase — so this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 2:26pm, Sept. 28th, and 10:06pm, Sept. 29th — then again between 5:42am and 2:26pm, Sept. 30th (New York-Time).

If you live outside the EDT timezone (i.e. US East Coast time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on Twitter; I will be posting reminders to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉 For more info about Setting New Moon Intentions click here.

Full Moon in Pisces — article

On Sept. 14th, at 12:33am EDT, the Sun opposes the Moon in 21 degrees of Pisces. The Moon in creative, free-flowing Pisces makes an opposition to the Sun in detail-oriented, practical Virgo — if you are already a Member of my online community, you may also want to watch my video on the subject: click here.

With this Full Moon, we are dealing with two stationing planets in Capricorn — Saturn and Pluto — both of which we will investigate in more detail during our upcoming Forecasting Forum on Sept. 19th. Both are preparing to end their respective Retrograde phases and are therefore exalted.

We are getting ready to move forward on some important long-term goals, but we’ll need to be patient until Saturn goes direct on Sept. 18th; until then, realistically evaluate what’s needed in order to build some healthy, long-lasting foundations for the next phase in our lives.

For a more in-depth interpretation of your own chart, join us live for the Forum on the 19thor get the mp4-video presentation of the live event. Either way: register here now (and also get access to this month’s Full Moon video)

If you are already a Star or Super Star Member, just look out for the Forecasting Forum emails in your inbox (promotional folders or junk mail), on Sept. 19th.

This Full Moon also resonates back to the New Moon in Pisces from March 6th of this year. Think back to that time: what began in March? How might you take that to the next level? What practical action steps could support you in fulfilling on a dream that you’ve had since March?

Now let’s address this Full Moon’s polarities: The Virgo/Pisces polarity has to do with our ability to connect the head with the heart, logic with intuition, matter with spirit. So, the question is: how do we integrate Pisces and Virgo?

This may seem a challenging question, given Virgo’s detailed, analytical understanding, contrasted with Pisces‘ call to open our heart and allow for all… even what seems paradoxical to the mind. In fact, on an energetic level there is no separation, everything is interconnected — we need both left- and right-brain (the logical and the creative).

Ask yourself: What if nothing and no one were separate? Appearing to be different, yes, but not separate…

The mind acts like a filtering mechanism that helps us to focus and function more efficiently. Virgo analyzes, Pisces feels, senses. Virgo seeks physical wholeness, Pisces reminds us of a greater wholeness, a spiritual wholeness — our interconnectedness with all of life, the allowing of all the mysteries of life.

To be at its best, Virgo aims for practical applications and to be of service, while Pisces learns to listen to inner/intuitive guidance above all else, using its imagination to bring love and light into this world, to sprinkle mystery fairy dust, and to create Paradise on Earth.

When these two archetypes are balanced within, we…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 19-23 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius? If so, you are more affected by this Full Moon — this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Again, if you are already a Member of my online community, feel free to also watch my video about this Full Moon (click here to watch) — and in the meantime, I will leave you with two beautiful quotes, that really resonate with this Full Moon:

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. All of our spiritual traditions teach the same thing. To achieve peace, be peace. Yet how does one be what one is wishing to experience? By making that choice whenever possible, and by causing others to experience what you wish to experience.” — by Neal D. Walsch

“Write down whatever is weighing heavy on your heart — every deep heart yearning, every problem your mind is trying to solve, every health issue, every relationship struggle, every difficult decision—toss it in the God box and let me help you handle it. Then trust me to clue you in if there’s any action you need to take. Then your action will be coming from a different impulse. It will feel like that electric energy that courses through your body, leaps you out of your chair, and compels you to sprint across town to do that one thing I’ve guided you to do—because you’re so gleefully antsy to do it that you can’t quite help yourself! Trust me on this one, my love.” Your Inner Pilot Light — by Lissa Rankin

New Moon in Virgo — article

On Aug. 30th at 6:37am EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in almost 7 degrees of Virgo. This marks the beginning of a new Moon cycle. Feel free to watch my New Moon video on the subject (I will post it by the end of by Tuesday, Aug. 27th, at the the latest 🙂

This New Moon has an abundance of planets in Virgo; in Astrology we call this a Stellium — and this one includes Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mars and Venus. In the astrological sense, this list is “in order” — our mind leads — and we are more aware of where our daily lives need improvement and our thought processes need investigation in general.

Ask yourself: Am I overanalyzing things? Is my inner dialog bringing me clarity at this time? If not, what might need simplifying, so I can gain more clarity?What might “simplifying my life” look like?

Mercury is also the ruler of Virgo; it is in its own sign at the time of the New Moon, and its energy is thus exalted. Mercury remains in Virgo until Sept. 14th; this gives us some time to recognize where we have ignored important symptoms, feelings, or hunches — and then to eliminate the unnecessary and/or dysfunctional.

Ask yourself: What does my mind chatter say? Is it helpful? Does it help me make decisions in alignment with my lighter vibrations, my love-vibrations? In other words: Is my mind in service to my heart?

Virgo provides an opportunity to learn both about being of service, and about what it might mean to strengthen our focus on improving our daily routines — getting organized, for example — and taking care of health matters.

This New Moon cycle will therefore be a great time to begin new projects that demand attention to detail, list-making, and taking pride in “small” accomplishments. We might start a new health regimen, perhaps by paying close attention to our diet, we could also set up specific routines that help us manage our lives in constructive and mindful ways.

Looked at another way, this cycle is all about handling the nitty-gritty details of our day-to-day life in an organized, step-by-step fashion, so we can free our minds of clutter. Where could you use more open space?

Things to watch out for: sweating the details, worrying, being extra-critical of ourselves and others when something doesn’t get done “right”.

Another great way to step into the higher vibrations of Virgo: As best as you can, recognize that humility, self-improvement, and being of service bring you closer to your inner divinity and your Soul’s path.

Ask yourself: How could I, as a Spirit-being, operate more efficiently in the physical world? Might tweaking my daily routines help? And help me be of service? What benefits might I reap if I brought 5% more discernment to distinguishing between the essential and the redundant?

Since the New Moon in Virgo also conjuncts Mercury, Mars and Venus, we might ask…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 5-9 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; the same is true for those with their Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

New Moons are also the best time to set some powerful intentions for the month’s Moon cycle, this is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact, and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.

This month, the best time to set intentions would therefore be between 6:37am on Aug. 30th and 4:46am on Aug. 31st — and if that’s not possible there is another great time between 7:08pm on Aug. 31st and 6:37am, on Sept. 1st (EDT is the New York timezone). For more info on setting New Moon Intentions click here

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (again, that’s the US East Coast time zone), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter. I will post reminders on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning to let you know when it is the best time to set your intentions 😉

Full Moon in Aquarius — article

On Aug. 15th, at 8:29am EDT, the Full Moon becomes exact in almost 22.5 degrees of Aquarius. The Moon in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius opposes the Sun in fun-loving, expressive Leo. If you are already a Member of my online community, you can click here to watch my video about this Full Moon 😉

Two planets are Stationing at the the time of this Full Moon, and are therefore more exalted: Jupiter in Sagittarius (i.e. in its own sign), and Uranus in Taurus (the modern ruler of Aquarius). Both of these planets change direction on Aug. 11th, with Jupiter going direct after a 4-month retrograde phase, and Uranus starting its 5-month retrograde phase.

We will talk in more details about both of these planetary shifts in my next Forecasting Forum on Aug. 15thFeel free to join us live, or register to get the mp4-video presentation of this webinar, to see how these Station phases are impacting you personally.

But first, let’s talk about this Full Moon:
The Sun in Leo conjuncts Venus and Mars, so the Moon in Aquarius opposes this Stellium in Leo; this highlights the power of our individual creativity and the exponential potency of collaboration. Each of us is invited to reclaim ourselves, and add our voice, heart, and hands to something that has meaning for us.

Leo symbolizes the embodiment of heart-centered consciousness — the expression of our own individual light, unique gifts, and inner spark of the divine — while on the other hand, Aquarius symbolizes the power of community and collaboration to bring about a common vision.

When we align our head with our heart, we feel our interconnectedness with all of humanity, and we create and connect from love instead of fear. Given that Leo represents our individual self-expression and Aquarius our vision for humankind, a question is raised: How can we best achieve a balance between these two energies? Or perhaps even an integration?

For the next two weeks, we’ll be looking for answers to this question, as we become more aware that something is out of alignment.

Even the brightest of Full Moons has a shadow side — so let’s take a look at the shadow of both signs involved in this Full Moon — and please note that the shadow side of any sign is usually not as comfortable to look at or easy to embrace… As always with shadow aspects of ourselves, we need to beware of getting triggered or jumping to conclusions; we need to make sure we take time to respond rather than react.

Which is very apropos to the talk I gave last weekend at the “Fresh Voices in Astrology Summit”. This event featured 12 talks from 12 different astrologers — and you can purchase an “All Access Pass” and get recordings of each session, for roughly $10 per topic. Click here for more info — and if you who attended liveplease email me, so I can send you the “React vs. Respond” handout I used in my talk.

Back to the shadow sides of this Full Moon — let’s start with Leo’s shadow side, since we currently have a Stellium in Leo:
Leo’s shadow can show up as…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 20-25 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (since the Sun rules Leo and the Moon rules Cancer).

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