The Human-Soul Alliance — Forecast for Feb. 10th – 16th
This week’s headline items: Mercury starts to slow down (station) on Thursday, getting ready for its 3-week Retrograde phase, which begins on Sunday evening; the last Quarter Moon in Scorpio becomes exact Saturday late afternoon; Mars changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Sunday morning.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday afternoon (for a little over 5 hours), Thursday late afternoon (for almost 3 hours), and Saturday late afternoon (for almost 6 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
If you missed yesterday’s Forecasting Forum… and still would like to learn how the planetary movements from mid February – late March are impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (Feb. 16th – March 9th), and Mars’s transit through Capricorn (Feb. 16th – March 30th) — as it relates to your own Birth Chart…
Star Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Feb. 9th late at night 😉
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Feb. 10th:
Monday, the Moon remains in detail-oriented, practical Virgo all day. It will journey there until Tuesday early evening. We are generous with our time/services and we love to help others. We also have a fondness for science and anything that makes sense in our world — things and knowledge we can apply and use.
Health might come also into focus at this time. We notice the parts that make up the whole; this is a great time to see if our daily routines (eating, work, self-care, etc.) align with our long-term goals.
Monday very early morning, a Venus/Chiron alignment in almost 3 degrees of Aries becomes exact at 3:06am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week, Friday (Feb. 7th) on, it will be strong until Wednesday evening. This alignment reminds us of wounds around relationships or our sense of self-worth. Social situations might feel awkward.
We may experience some triggers, so as best as you can, bring compassion and understanding to yourself, to others, and to those past experiences that wounded you. We need to learn to love ourselves, and heal deep fears of being “not good enough”. Healing happens much faster when we are open to forgiving and embracing ourselves exactly as we are (and are not).
Ask yourself: If I looked at my own limitations through the lens of the human-soul alliance, is it possible that would bring healing to my relationship to my persona — how I present myself to the world — and to my relationships with others?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 0-6 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer? If so, you will feel this alignment quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra (since Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra)
Monday late morning, we seek a balance between head and heart, facts and faith, reason and intuition; if you can achieve that balance, it’s a great day for connecting with others and being of service. We may also want to talk to our pets or engage in more spiritual conversations that can also support our physical well-being.
Monday late evening, we seek a balance between head & heart, facts & faith, reason & intuition. That said, if you can achieve that balance, it’s a great time for…
ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants after joining our most recent Forum:
“Thank you so much for another wonderful Monthly Forecasting Forum! So glad I was able to catch it live this time.” — B. Ryder
To register for this month only, click here — Early Bird Special available until March. 5th!
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: Mercury continues to move through its pre-Shadow phase all week (in fact, until Feb. 16th) and changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces Monday morning. Venus changes signs from Pisces to Aries on Friday afternoon; the Full Moon in Leo becomes exact on Sunday very early morning.
There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday morning (for a brief minute), Wednesday mid morning (for a little over 4.5 hours), Friday late morning (for 7 hours), and Sunday late morning (for 7.5 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting Forum! Live this Sunday, February 9th at 11:30am EST/8:30am PST/4:30pm GMT.
Please note that we’ll take a look at the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (Feb. 16th – March 9th), and Mars’s transit through Capricorn (Feb. 16th – March 30th) — in relationship to our own birth charts. How can you get more in tune with your higher Self? What actions are necessary to start implementing and manifesting any long-term goals that are on their way? What commitments are you finally ready to make?
To register for this month only, click here (non-Members also get access to this month’s Full Moon video when they register). Other than booking a reading with me, this is the highest level of support you can get — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar — Early Bird Special available until Thursday, Feb. 6th at midnight!
If you would like to join live, please keep in mind that registration will close an hour before the live event begins, if you register after 10:30am EST on Sunday you will receive the mp4-video presentation of the webinar.
Also, just as a reminder: Star Members are automatically registered. If you are already at that Membership level, please look out for an email with the link to join live on the day of the Forum, and a second email with a link to the recording of the webinar.
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Feb. 3rd:
Monday, the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus. Where it will journey until 6:29am EST. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing and “rushing things” goes against our grain. What is our favorite thing for the next two days? It’s probably, slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses 😉
Monday at 6:28am EST, we enter a very brief Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for only one minute until 6:29 EST; at that time, the Moon moves into chatty, versatile Gemini, where it will journey until Wednesday afternoon. For the next two days, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. “Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way… The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead 🙂
Monday at 6:37am EST, Mercury changes signs from freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius to creative, sensitive Pisces. It will journey through Pisces until March 4th. We are moving from the mind into the heart. For these next four weeks we get a chance to communicate with compassion — we see the commonalities between us all, rather than what separates us.
We seem to be connected to Source more easily during this time — if we allow that energy to come through — and our thinking will be very creative, imaginative and intuitive.
The key with this energy is to remain in the “here and now” and open up to a higher vibration. If we can do that, we will be able to download information from an intuitive place, rather than thinking things through. This could also be the reason why our mind is slowing down a bit and why we speak more softly.
Mercury in Pisces also offers us an opportunity to let go of any mental structures, conditionings, or fears that are no longer serving us. If you are not connected to your intuition, you may want to double check with other people, before signing any documents or buying any big-ticket items.
For the next four weeks, ask yourself: Am I ready to connect to my intuition more fully? Could I allow for the unfolding process, trusting my higher Self more fully?
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Pisces? If so, you may feel more talkative during this time. Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini or Virgo? If so, you may need to learn to surrender to a slower pace and connect more fully to your heart and intuition.
Lastly, on Monday late afternoon, an opportune Venus/Saturn aspect becomes exact at 5:01pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Saturday on, it will remain strong until this Wednesday. This aspect gives us an opportunity to bring a sense of realism to our relationships, values, and financial affairs: We are more able to see what really needs to be dealt with in those areas and take responsibility for our handling of them. We have a chance to combine compassion and gentleness with realism and maturity.
On a financial level, we have an opportunity to see more clearly when and how we might make long-term investments. There’s no need to rush anything — instead, tune into your intuitive side and think things through carefully and responsibly — do your “due diligence” and stay open-hearted. Remember: an opportunity is not automatically given to us, we have to “take” it.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in…
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants after joining our most recent Forum:
“I just listened to the Forum this am and it was FANTASTIC……I loved how you broke down everything step by step, really learned a lot and each time I get a much better understanding of how to “get this” per se…..I wish I could’ve listened live… Big Hugs” — Susan W.
To register for this month only, click here — Early Bird Special available until Feb. 6th!
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja
To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Slow Down & Listen — Forecast for Jan. 27th – Feb. 2nd
This week’s headline items: it’s time to take action on our New Moon intentions (from Thursday very early morning on); the first Quarter Moon in Taurus becomes exact on Saturday evening; Mercury enters its pre-Shadow phase in Aquarius on Sunday — and there will be two Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday evening (for a little over 10.5 hours) and Friday late morning (a little over 9 hours).
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Jan. 27th:
Monday, the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces all day. It will journey there until Wednesday morning. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic and imaginative than normal. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy, and affection for all — but especially for those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.
But… that very idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn’t match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors.
It’s also a great time for releasing fears — especially the ones based on a sense of separation — and experiencing “oneness”. Feelings tend to flow more freely; as best as you can, let them — in fact, “going with the flow” is the best way to go for the next couple of days.
Monday very early morning, if we are awake at this time, we get an opportunity to be very present, to connect with others and share a new vision about the Earth, or to reinvent how we connect with “the good things in life”. As best as you can, bring a sense of flow and faith to who you are being; allow yourself to intuitively share some progressive, new ideas about what is important to you, and things that could make yours and other people’s life easier on a very practical level.
Monday afternoon, a Venus/Neptune alignment in almost 17 degrees of Pisces becomes exact at 3:00pm EST. We started to feel this aspect from last Friday on, it will be strong until this Thursday. It asks us to dissolve anything that keeps us from opening our hearts more fully. This connection makes us dream of Soul connections with others.
We are highly romantic and may turn a blind eye to “what is”, in pursuit of a fantasy that we want or need to have fulfilled. Beware of anything that sounds too good to be true — whether that’s in connection with people or money — it might indeed be “too good to be true” 😉
On a more positive note, this combination also makes it easier for us to forgive others and ourselves — we can see the divine potential in others and therefore lean towards a compassionate approach.
Ask yourself: What needs my forgiveness and higher love (myself included)? What needs to dissolve or melt away, for my heart to be fully open?
What is my current relationship to the divine? In what ways could my imagination support that relationship? What might happen if I let myself be held by the divine? Might I be able to trust life and its mysterious ways more easily?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in…
ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants after joining our most recent Forum:
“I just listened to the Forum this am and it was FANTASTIC……I loved how you broke down everything step by step, really learned a lot and each time I get a much better understanding of how to “get this” per se…..I wish I could’ve listened live… Big Hugs” — Susan W.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: the Sun changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on Monday late morning; the Uranus Station ends (in Taurus) on Thursday; on Friday afternoon, the New Moon in Aquarius becomes exact (ending Eclipse Season); and on Saturday, Chinese New Year begins — we are entering “the Year of the Metal Rat”.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday late evening (for a little over 24 hours), Thursday evening (for a little over 11 hours) and Saturday afternoon (for a little over 28.5 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me mention two things:
Website issues are resolved! Yay! Thanks for your patience!
Monday, the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day. It will journey there until Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning. We’re strongly motivated to explore and learn. We’re not likely to be big fans of routine — diversity and new adventures work best at this time — we’re also physically restless and need to burn that off with activity and physical exercise.
We tend to feel more open, optimistic and inspired — but we also have a high degree of independence — and taking these two influences together, this means we’d rather inspire others to do things our way, as opposed to issuing or obeying orders. Inspiring others could come easier than normal, as we can see the bigger picture, leaving us confident that others will agree with us, once they see what we see.
As best as you can, speak your truth without assuming that everyone is on the same page as you. Improvisation works well for us at this time, as we are spontaneous and love living on the edge — just watch out you aren’t overdoing or overstating things.
Monday early morning, we have the opportunity to connect and collaborate with like-minded people, have an adventure, or simply do something that gets us excited about the future.
Monday late morning, at 9:55am EST, the Sun changes signs from practical, cautious, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn to freedom-loving, forward-thinking and objective Aquarius, where it will journey until February 18th. For the next four weeks, we have advancement and progress in our hearts.
We want to get off the beaten path, leaving behind old and outdated ways of thinking and doing, throwing off personal and social conditioning those restrictions, limitations and inhibitions that may once have felt safe, but now feel constraining.
Our idealism runs strong, but we can have some fixed ideas about how we want to accomplish these ideals although we are open to new ideas in theory, in practice we may actually be quite stubborn. Finally, we are also definitely more aware of the impact each individual has on the whole of society.
All this is especially true if you are a Leo or Aquarius Sun-sign or Rising-sign. As an Aquarius, you will feel a good dose of confidence and playfulness in the next four weeks; as a Leo, you are more objective than usual working towards a vision for the future might be just the thing for you to do.
Monday at 11:46pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 24 hours until 12:00am EST (Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning). Use this intuitive time to make some adjustments. As best you can, honor both your need for adventure and exploration of life and your need to go within and get quiet. You may also feel a pull between introvert and extrovert, or simply fast and slow.
Tune in for a moment and see if you need to take a break or at least slow down a little. As best as you can, be compassionate and kind with yourself — and as always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t…
ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants after joining our most recent Forum:
“I just listened to the Forum this am and it was FANTASTIC……I loved how you broke down everything step by step, really learned a lot and each time I get a much better understanding of how to “get this” per se…..I wish I could’ve listened live… Big Hugs” — Susan W.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 4.5º of Aquarius (exact on Jan. 24th, 2020 at 4:42pm EST) 1:51
* Mercury aligns with the Sun & Moon in Aquarius 15:12
* Mercury also makes a Sextile to Mars in Sagittarius 22:52
* Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) currently in Taurus, squares the New Moon 26:59
* Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius) is aligned with Pluto in Capricornuntil Feb. 19th (started a new 34-year cycle on Jan. 12th) 32:39
* The New Moon also makes a Sextile to Chiron in Aries 33:55
* Venus aligns with Neptune in Pisces 37:30
* Venus/Neptune in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius 42:07
* Venus/Neptune in Pisces also sextile Jupiter in Capricorn 45:45
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 47:26
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 55:50
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-7 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio? 52:48
To get the “Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn” webinar,click here
To read my article on How to set New Moon Intentions, click here
“React vs. Respond” webinar –– How to learn about emotional maturity in our own birth charts. To get this 60min. webinar for FREE — join my online community as a Star Memberby Jan. 31st!
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Sunday, Feb. 9th at 11:30am EST/8:30am PST/4:30pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look at the first Mercury Retrograde phase of the year (in Pisces), and Mars’s transit through Capricorn
If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here
To join my mailing list: email and write: “NEWSLETTER” in the subject line
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
The time has come for me to make some changes to my business, to make room for some changes coming in my life outside of business. I have started work on a book, and my priorities are shifting elsewhere as well: my husband and I were certified this week as Foster Parents, the first step on a journey to fostering a child with the long-term goal of adopting. We are doing our best to get ready for the huge shift of becoming first-time parents; since I am also in the process of writing my first book, one of the things that I needed to look at was my time commitment on a daily basis. The question I’ve been asking is “how I can make more space for raising a child, and writing my book, while still providing maximum value for you guys — my online community.
I took a long look at how members are using their memberships, and after several discussions with members and advisors, I’ve settled on the following:
Announcement for Star & SuperStar Members:
SuperStar Members: I have decided to suspend the SuperStar Membership, at least for now — at the end of 2020, I will revisit it, and decide whether to make the change permanent.
How will this work?
Yearly Members will be able to continue their Membership until the end of their term; at that point, they will be able to continue with a Yearly or Monthly Star Membership.
Monthly Members will receive one last monthly 25-minute Coaching-Healing session with me, and then will be transferred to the Star Membership level for the rest of 2020.
For the next three months (until April 12th, 2020), I will be offering a 30% discount on my 50-min. Coaching-Healing sessions to current active monthly SuperStar Members; you can either divide the 50 minutes into two 25-minute sessions, or use up the whole 50 minutes in a single session.
If you would like to make a more long-term commitment to yourself, I will be offering Coaching Packages at an even greater discount, also for the next three months. After that time, as (now) Star Members, you will be eligible for coaching discounts as discussed below.
Star Members will only see one slight change: as with my online courses, I will make my 50-minute Coaching-Healing sessions available at a 15% discount; if you’d like to commit to receiving longer-term support, Coaching Packages will be available at an even greater discount as long as you remain an active Star Member.
Again, please note that these discounts also apply to those of you whose membership was converted to Star from the SuperStar level (after April, 12th, 2020).
If your Membership is currently suspended & you are a monthly SuperStar Member:
You will be automatically moved to the monthly Star-level Membership; whenever you decide to re-activate your Membership, you will do so as a regular Star Member.
You should receive emails announcing your transfer to the Star Membership level, however you will remain suspended/paused until you decide to re-activate yourself via your Membership Portal (aka “My Account” 😉
I realize this may be a lot to take in — if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out — in the meantime, I hope this table will make it all clearer:
As I hope you can see, I’ve done my best to use this as an opportunity to create greater value and flexibility for you, my most valued members — and if you have ideas on how I can do an even better job of that, I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you, as always, for your continued membership of my online community, and I look forward to serving you throughout 2020 and beyond.
PS: All current SuperStar Members will also receive a huge discount on my book, once it’s been published. Star Members will receive discounts as well 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
On Jan. 12th at 11:59am EST, a Saturn/Pluto alignment in almost 23 degrees of Capricorn became exact. (we’ve been feeling the effects of this aspect since Dec. 5th, 2019; it will remain strong until Feb. 19th, 2020).
The last time we saw a Saturn-Pluto alignment was in November 1982, and then again in May-June, 1983; back then it was in a late degree of Libra, the time before then was in August 1947 in 13º of Leo — as you can see this is quite a long cycle — anywhere from 32 – 38 years, in fact.
It’s time to think seriously about what no longer works for us, both individually, and collectively; this is a time when dedication and commitment to goals runs high and we are more reliably and consistently productive. We derive satisfaction from a job well done, especially if we can readily find meaning in what we are doing — and are more able to concentrate, as we can see ourselves and our purpose very clearly, and also see that our persistence will pay off.
The invitation to adjust our expectations becomes obvious; any trials and tests that emerge now will nudge us onto the right path and challenge us to become stronger and more confident in our own abilities. Do your best to detox and de-stress.
Facing realities that we have conveniently avoided is definitely part of this transit. With any long-term cycle, you can set some intentions around what it is you would like to create, so ask yourself…
ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole article with all the coaching questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 20-26 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Capricorn or Scorpio (Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio).
If you would like to learn how the Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn is impacting you personally… feel free to watch my webinar about those powerful transits — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Unusual or Unexpected Interactions — Forecast for Jan. 13th -19th
This week’s headline items: Venus changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces on Monday early afternoon; Mercury changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on Thursday early afternoon; and the last Quarter Moon in Libra becomes exact on Friday morning.
There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday morning (for a brief 24 minute), Wednesday morning (for 3.5 hours), Friday morning (for almost 5.5 hours), and Sunday afternoon (for a little over 1 hour).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me make one announcement:
If you missed the latest Forecasting Forum… and still would like to learn how the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and the Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn are impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about those powerful transits — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.
!!!Star and SuperStar Members!!! of my online community: please make sure to watch the video recording of our Forecasting Forum from Jan. 12th. I’m making some very important changes to my Star and SuperStar Memberships, and I want you all to know about them, so you are informed how to best take advantage of your Membership in 2020! Check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Jan. 12th 😉
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, January 13th:
Monday, the Moon remains in fun and attention-loving Leo. It will journey there until 9:06am EST. We may lack objectivity and struggle with backing down or compromising. We all love to be admired — or at the very least acknowledged — for our greatness 🙂
So hand out some compliments — let people know how proud you are of them, tell them how much you love them. Come from the heart in this and all other things… be honest and authentic, as best you can. Fun, games and romance are a big part of this energy as well. You might also enjoy spending time with little ones. If there are no “outer children” around, how about getting in touch with your “inner child”.
Monday morning, a Sun/Pluto alignment in almost 23 degrees of Capricorn becomes exact at 8:21am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week, Friday (Jan. 10th) on; it will remain strong until this week Thursday evening (Jan. 16th). This alignment asks of us that we reclaim our authority and make some fundamental changes in our world.
Some of the structures that we built in the past may no longer be solid; they must fall now, to be replaced with something that empowers us. It is necessary to redefine feminine and masculine “powers”. What do you need to acknowledge or embrace? What is rejected or ignored? If you truly had choice in the matter, what kind of future would you want to step into?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 20-26 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra? If so, you may be more affected by this alignment. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Scorpio (the Sun is the ruler of Leo; Pluto rules Scorpio)
Monday at 8:42am EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a brief 24 minutes until 9:06am EST. Use this intuitive time to make clear choices when it comes to relating to others. Do your best to honor your own creative self-expression when connecting with like-minded people.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow.
Monday at 9:06am EST, the Moon moves into detail-oriented, practical Virgo, where it will journey until Wednesday late morning. We are generous with our time/services and we love to help others. We also have a fondness for science and anything that makes sense in our world — things and knowledge we can apply and use.
Health might come also into focus at this time. We notice the parts that make up the whole; this is a great time to see if our daily routines (eating, work, self-care, etc.) align with our long-term goals.
Monday late morning, a Sun/Saturn alignment in almost 23 degrees of Capricorn becomes exact at 10:15am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week, Thursday night (Jan. 9th) on; it will remain strong until this Thursday evening (Jan. 16th). This alignment brings a more serious tone to our commitments with our long-term goals — it’s a time when we are called upon to “get real”.
This is especially true for long-term projects that require diligence and self-discipline, but also applies to anything that requires consistency and a mature approach. We are motivated by the desire to manifest tangible results. We are able to focus and work hard right now, especially if we have a goal in mind, welcoming a sense of discipline, structure or order.
Recommended at this time: making new commitments to old goals, taking care of our responsibilities, making careful use of anything that’s within our control
Do you have your Ascendant, Career point (or any personal planets) in 20-26 degrees Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? If so, you may feel the effects of this alignment more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Capricorn (the Sun rules Leo; Saturn rules Capricorn)
Monday at 1:39pm EST, Venus changes signs from freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius to creative, sensitive Pisces, where she will journey until Feb. 7th. For the next three and a half weeks, we have a chance to connect to other people from our compassionate heart. We may also idealize our relationships a little — we’re feeling quite romantic, and hopeful that our dreams will be fulfilled.
With Venus in Pisces, our love is very accepting — it comes as close to “unconditional” as humans can get. One way this shows up: We root for the underdog. We prefer feeling things out to planning.
As you can imagine, we may spend our money on things that don’t make “sense” — but if we heed intuition and allow for money to flow freely, we may discover that the Universe is always taking care of us 😉
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Pisces? Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra? If so,…
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants after joining our most recent Forum:
“I just listened to the Forum this am and it was FANTASTIC……I loved how you broke down everything step by step, really learned a lot and each time I get a much better understanding of how to “get this” per se…..I wish I could’ve listened live… Big Hugs” — Susan W.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
What No Longer Works — Forecast for Jan. 6th – 12th
This week’s headline items: the Uranus station intensifies on Monday; a powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer becomes exact on Friday afternoon; Uranus ends its 5-month Retrograde phase (in Taurus) on Friday evening; finally, a long-term alignment between Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn becomes exact on Sunday late morning/early afternoon.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday morning (for a little over 14 hours), Wednesday late afternoon (for almost 10.5 hours) and Friday evening (for a little over 12 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me make one announcement:
Last chance to register for the first Forecasting Forum of the year! We will talk about the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and the Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn, in relationship to our own birth charts!
!!!Star and SuperStar Members of my online community: please make sure to watch the upcoming Forecasting Forum, live on Jan. 12th at 11:30am EST,or via the video recording. I will be making some very important changes to my Star and SuperStar Memberships, and I want you all to know about them, so you are informed how to best take advantage of your Membership in 2020!!!
PLEASE NOTE: We are having some website issues at this time… with the online courses and the email functions. We are working to resolve them. Thanks for your patience!
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Jan. 6th:
Monday, the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus. Where it will journey until 9:11pm EST. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing and “rushing things” goes against our grain.
What is our favorite thing for the next two days? It’s probably, slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses 😉
Monday at 7:08am EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 14 hours until 9:11pm EST. Use this intuitive time to empower each other in regards to earthly issues and mutually support each other in practical ways.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday morning until the late evening ahead of time.
Monday at 9:11pm EST, the Moon moves into chatty, versatile Gemini, where it will journey until Thursday very early morning. For the next two days, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible.
“Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way… The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead 🙂
Also, Monday, the Uranus Station intensifies in 2.5 degrees of Taurus until Jan. 14th. It will come to a complete halt on Friday (Jan. 10th) in 2.5 degrees of Taurus, ending its 5-month retrograde phase (more about that on Friday…). When an outer planet stations, its energy gets more pronounced, and this can sometimes cause discomfort. We are being asked to hang out with that discomfort until the planet’s energy picks up speed again around Jan. 23rd (when the station phase has ended).
Definitely expect the unexpected. Uranus is all about breaking away from traditional structures and moving towards a new future — one that serves others as well as ourselves. Its keyword is “Freedom”: this aspect provides an opportunity to discover how free we actually feel. So… how free do you feel? 😉
As best as you can for the next 2.5 weeks, pull whatever is “in your face” even closer and take a good long look at it: our intuition will be very strong and deliver sudden insights and ideas, especially around what needs to change in our lives. What if you expressed your individuality to the fullest? What does the “larger vision” look like? Where is the obstacle?
Uranus also rules electronics, technology and the internet — so don’t be surprised by interruptions or short-term failures in these areas. Group activities are likewise ruled by Uranus, so these will move more to the forefront of awareness.
As best as you can during this aspect, stay open and flexible, go with the flow — and pay attention to messages from the Universe 😉 Is your Sun-sign or Ascendant in …
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja
To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Happy New Decade! — Forecast for Dec. 30th – Jan. 5th
This week’s headline items: Uranus starts to slow down (station) on Monday, getting ready to end it’s 5-month Retrograde phase; the first Quarter Moon in Aries becomes exact on Thursday late evening, and Mars changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Friday early morning. We are still in Eclipse Season (and will be until Jan. 24th).
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday early morning (for a little over 5 hours), Wednesday late evening (almost 2 hours) and Friday evening (15 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me mention this one last time:
Last chance to take advantage of the biggest holiday sale ever! Take advantage of the 50% discount to all of my Soul-based Astrology courses online, click here for more info. Only lasts until Dec. 30th at midnight!
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Dec. 30th:
Monday, the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius. It will journey there, until 10:41am EST. The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional; interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.
Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted during the time the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or on outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.
Monday at 5:24am EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 5 hours until 10:41am EST. We are experiencing two quite different needs, pulling us in different directions: On the one hand, we feel a strong need to break the rules and move towards our future visions.
On the other hand, we want to connect to what feels familiar and comfortable. Do your best to use this intuitive time to make adjustments, slow things down a little, and find creative solutions that honor both drives. As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday morning ahead of time.
Monday at 10:41am EST, the Moon moves into creative, sensitive Pisces, where it will journey until Wednesday late evening. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic and imaginative than normal. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy and affection for all — but especially for those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.
But… that very idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn’t match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors.
It’s also a great time for releasing fears — especially the ones based on a sense of separation — and experiencing “oneness”. Feelings tend to flow more freely; as best as you can, let them — in fact, “going with the flow” is the best way to go for the next couple of days.
Monday late afternoon, a harmonious Mercury/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 5:22pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Saturday evening (Dec. 28th) on; it will remain strong until this Wednesday evening (Jan. 1st). This aspect supports a connection between our higher mind and our day-to-day mind. We are able to receive inspiration from higher places and maybe even look into the future.
We are able to communicate our vision for a better future; insights arise from these communications. Original, creative insights and ideas can appear out of nowhere; as best as you can, stay open to these unique “downloads” — they might change how you see and proceed with life 😉
This is a good time to communicate online, engage in computer-related activities or scientific projects, and also for anything metaphysical. Group activities like Meetups are great things to be involved with right now — especially if they allow us to share our vision for a better financial future.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
The Pursuit of Self-Mastery — Forecast for Dec. 23rd – 29th
This week’s headline items: The Chiron Station ends on Tuesday, a powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn becomes exact on Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning, on Friday night/Saturday very early morning, it’s time to start setting our Solar Eclipse Intentions, and Mercury changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn late on Saturday evening.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday until 11:34am EST, Wednesday morning (for almost 10.5 hours) and Friday afternoon (for a little over 8 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me give you this:
Prepare for 2020! Purchase the whole 100min. webinar — 2020, A Look Ahead:click here
(If you are a Star or SuperStar Member please check your inbox or junk mail for the mp4-video recording. I sent it out on Dec. 17th in the morning).
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Dec. 23rd:
Monday, the Moon remains in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio and VoCuntil 11:34am EST. We feel things deeply and have “X-Ray Vision” and “Bullshit-Smelling Abilities”.
Emotional authenticity is extremely important to us at this time; anything less than 100% emotional honesty could be perceived as flat-out dishonest. Once we feel safe trusting someone, we want to merge with them, preferably forever… as long as our trust is never betrayed.
The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power. This occurs by a process of subtraction — it urges us to let go of whatever disempowers us. It’s therefore an excellent time to look at “old” fears, limiting habits or emotional attachments, especially those stemming from past traumas.
Monday late morning, a challenging Sun/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 10:17am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week, Friday evening on; it will remain strong until this Thursday evening. This asks us to stretch ourselves and expand from within. We might feel less confident about who we are, and have a hard time projecting a social “front”. Our conditioning and wounded sense of Self may be out of harmony with each other.
As best as you can, take this as an opportunity to make space for feeling vulnerable or emotional without seeing yourself as weak or “less than”. It is perfectly ok to be yourself and feel insecure once in a while; as best as you can, bring compassion and love to yourself and others. After all, we are all human…
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (MC) or personal planets in the following: 0-5 degree of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra, or 28-29 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, or Gemini? If so, you will feel the effects of this aspect more strongly than otherwise. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo (the Sun rules Leo).
Monday at 11:34am EST, the Moon moves into optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, where it will journey until Wednesday afternoon. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need. The Sagittarius Moon persuades us to come from intuition and think in a broader manner.
We seek meaning and ideas that expand upon the “here and now”; we pursue truth and a new vision — the big picture, rather than the details. Spontaneity is key, we’d rather improvise than plan; this may tip into just “winging it”. We could also overdo or overstate.
Monday afternoon, we might find ourselves wanting to explore a new healing modality for body, mind, and heart, aimed at a renewing our enthusiasm for life. We are capable of being compassionate and forgiving with ourselves at this time — and a gentle and holistic approach is best.
Monday late afternoon: we experience a need for inner adjustments. We feel uneasy or awkward and need to make a choice. Making this choice demands we develop inner awareness around two very different urges: on the one hand, the desire to mentally explore and go beyond what we already know — and on the other hand, the need for breakthroughs or change connected to the physical plane.
We need to ask ourselves here: What might become possible if…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about my most recent Forecasting Forum:
* A Look at the Year Ahead: Preview of 2020!
* Eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn, & Gemini/Sagittarius
* Saturn in Aquarius
* Venus & Mars Retrograde phases
* Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn
* Jupiter /Saturn conjunction in Aquarius
* What can we expect with this many planets in Capricorn?
*What can we accomplish with so many Retrograde phases in 2020?
* What are we looking to bring to completion by the end of 2020?
**To purchase the whole 100 minute webinar about 2020, click here.
(If you are a Star or SuperStar Member please check your inbox or junk mail for the mp4-video recording. I sent it out on Dec. 17th in the morning).
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Sunday, Jan. 12th at 11:30am EST/8:30am PST/4:30pm GMT (London-time). Please note that we’ll take a look at this year’s first powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer-Capricorn, exact on Jan. 10th, 2020.
What is coming to fruition? Where are we ready to jump ahead? What seeds are we planting for the next 35-year Saturn/Pluto cycle?
If you want to know how this planetary movement is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading,
this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar. Early Bird Special available until Jan. 9th:only $32
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (registration also includes access to our current Members Full Moon video)
To book a reading with me, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: Eclipse season begins on Monday; the last Quarter Moon in Virgo becomes exact on Wednesday late evening; Venus changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius very early on Friday; late Saturday evening, the Sun changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere; and on Sunday late afternoon, the Balsamic Moon phase begins, bringing us closer to the first Eclipse of this Eclipse season.
There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday late afternoon (for a little over 9 hours), Thursday very early morning (for 2 hours), Saturday morning (for a little over 1 hour), and Sunday late evening (for a little over 13 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me just mention two things:
This will be your very last chance to join us live for the last Forecasting Forum of the year (live on Monday at 4pm EST). Please note that we’ll take a “Look at the Year Ahead: Preview of 2020″! If you want to align yourself with all the potent energies in 2020, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. To join for FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member on my site.
To register for this month only, click here — to join us live you must be registered by 3pm EST on Monday the latest! (registration also included access to the latest Members Full Moon video).
We also have the Biggest Holiday Sale ever! Take advantage of the 50% discount to all of my Soul-based Astrology courses online, click here for more info.Only lasts until Dec. 31st!
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Dec. 16th:
Monday, the Moon remains in attention-loving Leo all day. It will journey there until Tuesday very early morning. We have a chance to appreciate ourselves and our lives — and to connect to the heart.
Hand out as many compliments as possible, they will be deeply appreciated 🙂 Fun, games and romance are a big part of this energy. You might also enjoy spending time with little ones. What are you most grateful for today? What would be heaps of fun? What would be so much fun, you squeak just thinking about it?
Monday very early morning, we are still invited to make some internal adjustments. We may want to have some fun, but may also need to tune in to our intuitive inner voice. What do you hear when you get really quiet?
Monday morning, feels a little uneasy. We need to develop an inner awareness around our two seemingly opposite pulls: on the one hand, a strong desire to accomplish; on the other, our need for play and fun.
We are asked to bring awareness to whatever it is we feel most committed to: Are we after laughter and joy? Or building a solid foundation? As best as you can, make adjustments as needed, and drop any self-judgment.
Monday early afternoon, feels a little uneasy. We need to develop an inner awareness around our two seemingly opposite pulls: on the one hand, a strong desire to accomplish; on the other, our need for play and fun.
We are asked to bring awareness to whatever it is we feel most passionate about: Are we after laughter and joy? Or intense and authentic emotion? As best as you can, make adjustments as needed, and drop any self-judgment.
Monday at 5:10pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 9 hours until 2:16am EST (Tuesday very early morning). Use this intuitive time to feel excited about an adventure. Things flow nicely during this time; you have an opportunity to connect, explore, and become part of something exciting.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday late afternoon until Tuesday very early morning ahead of time.
Also, on Monday, we enter Eclipse seasonuntil Jan. 24th 2020; for 10 days before and after an Eclipse, we are usually in uncharted territory: anything is possible and it’s wise to expect the unexpected.
Anything brand-new (and I really mean brand, brand-new) started during this time will likely not pan out the way we thought it would, often because important information comes to light only after the New Moon that follows the last Eclipse. If possible, try to defer any major brand-new projects until after Jan. 24th, when this Eclipse season is over. If something is beginning or ending in a way that seems organic allow it to be.
Another Eclipse-related phenomenon: not only do Eclipses bring up uncertainty in us, they might also leave us nervous, anxious, unsettled and disoriented. As best as you can, observe your feelings and stay grounded in the “here and now”. Connect to your intuition and inner wisdom; they will help carry you through this period. Remember: it’s temporary and we are receiving an upgrade — that’s a good thing!
Just like upgrading a computer, you will get all the information you need, as soon as the upgrade is complete — so as best you can, be patient. This does not mean that we need to drop everything; it just means it’s wise to…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 4º of Capricorn (exact on Dec. 26th, 2019 at 12:13am EST)
* Eclipse Season: Dec. 16th, 2019 – Jan. 24th, 2020 1:28
* Eclipses in general 3:54
* South Node Eclipses in Capricorn (in Jan + Dec. 2019 and Dec. 2000) 6:22
* Solar Eclipses 11:08
* Capricorn 11:25
* Highest Vibration of Capricorn 17:11
* The Solar Eclipse aligns with Jupiter in Capricorn, and trines Uranus in Taurus 23:28
* Uranus Taurus is in a Mutual Reception with Venus in Aquarius 27:58
* The Solar Eclipse squares Chiron in Aries 28:56
* Saturn in Capricorn until March 2020, and then again from July – Dec. 2020 33:12
* Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, aligns with Pluto (exact on Jan. 12th at 22.5º of Capricorn) 38:51
* Preview of 2020 42:36 + 47:58
* To Sum it All Up 43:36
* Solar Eclipse Intentions 51:13
Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 0-9 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? 49:02
**For all Members: To access/read my Full Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here (available by Dec. 19th the latest)
***To get the “Saturn in Capricorn” webinar, click here To watch a 30-min. Excerpt, click here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time).
PLEASE NOTE that we’ll be taking a *Look Ahead for all of 2020*! And at the upcoming *Eclipses*!
If you want to know how 2020 is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month,become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only,click here (includes access to the next Members Full Moon/Lunar eclipse video)
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Connect to a Higher Love — Forecast for Dec. 9th – 15th
This week’s headline items: Mercury changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Monday early morning, the Full Moon in Gemini becomes exact on Thursday very early morning, Chiron comes to a halt, ending its 5-month Retrograde phase, on Thursday late evening, Neptune’s Station ends on Sunday, and a long-lasting Jupiter/Uranus Trine becomes exact on Sunday as well.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday evening (for a little over 15.5 hours), Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning (for a little over 18 hours) and Saturday late morning (for 12 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me invite you:
When? Live on Monday, Dec. 16th at 4pm EST/1pm PST/9pm GMT (London-time). When you register you will automatically get access to the mp4-video recording of the live event.
What can we expect with this many planets in Capricorn?
What can we accomplish with so many Retrograde phases in 2020?
What are we looking to bring to completion by the end of 2020?
Click here to register!Star and SuperStar Members will receive an email with the link to join on Dec.16th!
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Dec. 9th:
Monday, the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus all day. It will journey there until Tuesday late morning. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing and “rushing things” goes against our grain.
What is our favorite thing for the next day? It’s probably, slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses 😉
Monday early morning, at 4:42am EST, Mercury changes signs from intense, passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio to optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius. It will journey through this fiery sign, until Dec. 28th. During this time, our thinking shifts from a need to plumb the depths of any given situation, to the desire to explore a wide range of topics — especially topics that widen our horizons.
We seek out new ideas; our thinking is more optimistic and our faith increased. We are more equipped to believe and to persuade and will have an easier time reframing problems into opportunities: What if we saw everything that happens to us as a chance to grow? What might change if everything was happening “for” us rather than “to” us?
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini or Virgo? If so, you will feel a greater need for expansion — let’s hope it’s not your waistline that expands 🙂 Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Sagittarius? If so, you will most likely feel more chatty for the next 3 weeks.
Monday late morning, we have an opportunity to meet our need for material comfort with a gentler, more intuitive approach.
Also, Monday late morning: we have the ability to comfortably accomplish things that are aligned with our values, coupled with a nice feeling of ease — rushing is not required or expected of us right now. We are also feeling quite grounded in our connections with others and can be quite “real” with them without causing offense.
Monday afternoon, Slow down a little and focus on what’s sitting right in front of you that needs to be taken care of, so you can get to the next phase of accomplishment. Rushing will backfire right now.
Monday 8:13pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 15.5 hours until 11:47am EST (Tuesday late morning). Use this intuitive time to empower each other in regards to earthly issues and mutually support each other in practical ways.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still for the price of a cappuccino!) You can also watch a 10-minute excerpt from this video, right here! ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your members account and watch the whole 40-minute video below! 😉 Sonja
To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: Neptune is still exalted/stationing all week (although, now no longer Retrograde); Jupiter changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Monday afternoon; the first Quarter Moon in Pisces becomes exact on Wednesday very early morning; Chiron’s station intensifies in Aries on Thursday; and Mercury exits its Shadow phase on Saturday afternoon.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday morning (for almost 19 hours), Thursday very early morning (for 11.5 hours), and Saturday late morning (for 16.5 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me share this with you:
Last chance to get access to the 105min. “Jupiter in Capricorn” webinar for FREE! And join our next Forecasting Forum about our preview of 2020 and the upcoming Eclipses at a huge discount!
Not a Member yet? Or a Universal Member? Click here to join my online community as a Star Memberby Dec. 2nd, and get access to the Forums (live and via mp4), the Full Moon videos, and one more BONUS: get the “Jupiter in Capricorn” webinar for FREE as well!
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look at the whole year ahead: All of 2020 and the Eclipses!
Monday, the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius all day. It will journey there until Tuesday very early morning. The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional; interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.
Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted during the time the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or on outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.
Monday at 7:27am EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for almost 19 hours until 2:11am EST (Tuesday very early morning). We are pulled in two quite different directions: On the one hand, we experience a need for connecting with like-minded people and remaining objective; on the other hand, we want to go deeper, and communicate from a place of passion and empowerment.
We may thus have to address our fears and “issues”. Make space both for connecting, and interacting — and for going within, to reorganize your thought patterns and release any disempowering thought structures. As best as you can, use this intuitive time to make adjustments and find creative solutions when it comes to these energies.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday morning until Tuesday very early morning ahead of time.
Monday afternoon, at 1:20pm EST, Jupiter moves from adventurous, enthusiastic Sagittarius into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn, where it will journey until Dec. 19th, 2020.
Jupiter represents our desire to seek insight through knowledge; some of this planet’s keywords are gratitude, hope, honor, morality, and the law — it is also the planet of possibility, optimism, and growth (including mental and spiritual growth), and is associated with a sense of humor, goodwill, and mercy.
The lower expressions of Jupiter include “Oh, the heck with it”, “I deserve this and more”, “the rules do not apply to me” — generally speaking, too much of a good thing, blind optimism, excess, stretching the truth, overindulgence, and so forth.
In the natal chart, the position of Jupiter reveals how we express generosity and tolerance, it also shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. Where do you look for wisdom and understanding? Where do you need movement and spaciousness? Where do you feel optimistic and have faith that things will turn out ok?
Jupiter represents the principle of expansion; it’s been in Sagittarius over the last year (2019), where it sought the bigger picture, new perspectives, expansion, and higher learning of some kind — imagine a powerful lens, searching, magnifying.
Sagittarius values both freedom of movement and the truth, so we’ve been getting to see what we believe to be true about ourselves, life, and others in 2019 (and what stories we’ve been telling ourselves, too) — and we also wanted to go full steam ahead, no matter what the direction.
With Jupiter in Capricorn, that magnifying lens now swings over to long-term goals and worldly achievements; the opportunity now is to ground the enthusiastic energies of Jupiter and commit to a path that we have been visualizing or toying with over the last year (2019).
Jupiter in Capricorn also promotes a greater understanding of our potential for overcoming adversity in the real world; it also helps us develop our ability (or shows us our inability) to have faith in our higher Selves, our divinity, here on earth.
Star and Super Star Members: please check your emails — I sent out the mp4-video presentation on Nov. 13/14th.
Monday night/Tuesday very early morning, an opportune Mercury/Pluto aspect becomes exact at 12:23am EST. We started to feel this aspect build fromSunday morning (Dec. 1st) on, it will remain strong until Wednesday morning (Dec. 4th). This aspect provides an opportunity to restructure or rebuild areas of our lives that need it.
Due to the Mercury’s Retrograde phase we have experienced this particular aspect several times. The first time Mercury connected to Pluto in this way was on Oct.19th, the second time on Nov. 9th — so think back to those times:
What came up during those two periods? What opportunities did you see? What did you discover about your motivations to build something lasting and meaningful? Are your thoughts supporting you on this path or “keeping you small”? Has previous research pointed you in the right direction? Where might you point the investigation next?
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: on Monday, Mercury’s Station ends and Venus changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn; the following day, the New Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact, late Tuesday morning. Neptune comes to a halt on Wednesday morning — ending its 5-month Retrograde phase — and on Sunday, we can start taking actions on our New Moon Intentions, plus Chiron starts to slow down (station) in Aries, getting ready to conclude its Retrograde phase.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday afternoon (for a little over 14.5 hours), Thursday morning (just over 1.5 hours), and Friday late evening (a little over 16 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me share this with you: My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look at the whole year ahead: All of 2020 and the Eclipses!
Not a Member yet? Or a Universal Member? Click here to join my online community as a Star Memberby Dec. 2nd, and get access to the Forums (live and via mp4), the Full Moon videos, and one more BONUS: get the “Jupiter in Capricorn”webinar for FREE as well!
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Nov. 25th:
Monday, the Moon remains in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio all day. It will journey there until Tuesday very early morning. We feel things deeply and have “X-Ray Vision” and “Bullshit-Smelling Abilities” 😉
Emotional authenticity is extremely important to us at this time; anything less than 100% emotional honesty could be perceived as flat-out dishonest. Once we feel safe trusting someone, we want to merge with them, preferably forever… as long as our trust is never betrayed.
The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power. This occurs by a process of subtraction — it urges us to let go of whatever disempowers us. It’s therefore an excellent time to look at “old” fears, limiting habits, or emotional attachments — especially those stemming from past traumas.
Moon in Scorpio tends to run right over ambiguity — it’s “in or out”, “with us or against us”, “love me or leave me”. It can therefore be stormy — a cold winter storm, or a torrid tropical storm of passion, depending on how we “work” the energies 🙂
Manipulation and paranoia are the lower vibrations of this aspect, so as best you can, be straightforward — act in good faith and assume it in others. Best of all, be truly present to the fluctuations of your feelings — no matter if they’re “polite” or “timely”. Feelings aren’t facts, but they are information — and heeding them will help you embrace all of who you are.
Know thyself — and love thyself — you shall be set free. Remember: Love connects us to the Power within; Fear causes “Force” to show up — and that’s ultimately what disempowers us and others.
Monday at 12:30pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that lasts for a little over 14.5 hours until 3:11am EST (Tuesday very early morning). Use this intuitive time as an opportunity to focus on inner processes. As best as you can, release any fears or traumas that keep you stuck in the past, and deepen your connection to what you feel deeply passionate about out there in the world — you have an opportunity to become fully committed to a project or task now — something that might serve you long-term.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday early afternoon until Tuesday very early morning ahead of time.
Monday evening, at 7:28pm EST, Venus changes signs from optimistic, adventurous Sagittarius to realistic, prestige-and-accomplishment-oriented Capricorn. Venus will be traveling through Capricorn, until Dec. 20th. With this placement, our relationships tend to more practical in nature: We see people for who they are and are not afraid to lay the facts on the table; we take things more seriously.
We take our time warming up to others, appreciate maturity in relationships, and can make long-term commitments. There is a strong focus on business relationships. Venus is also connected to finances and the things we value; it’s therefore a perfect time to get serious and make long-term plans in these areas: As best as you can, get real about what comes in and what goes out 😉
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra? If so, you will feel more serious and focused for the next 4 weeks; your heart will want to make practical, attainable long-term plans. If you are a Capricorn Sun-sign or Rising-sign, for as long as Venus is in your sign, you will attract more love, abundance and beauty into your life.
Monday late evening, a somewhat challenging Sun/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 9:00pm EST. We started to feel this aspect from Monday early morning on; it will remain strong until Tuesday evening. This aspect operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward — and we need to make a choice… so we need to develop inner awareness.
An unexpected turn of events could leave us uneasy or unsettled. How flexible could you be, if you really tried? What needs to be shifted internally, so you can stay open and aligned with your unique, divine preferences?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 2-5 degree of Sagittarius or Taurus? If so, you may be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aquarius or Leo (the Sun rules Leo; Uranus rules Aquarius)
Also, on Monday, Mercury resumes its normal pace through the sky, ending its station. Communication and transportation is now back to “normal” as are any associated gadgets, vehicles, etc. New ideas and information received during the Mercury retrograde phase ( Oct. 31st – Nov. 20th) can now be reviewed. What did you discover about…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 4º of Sagittarius (exact on Nov. 26th, 2019 at 10:06am EST) 1:55
* Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, still in its own sign until Dec. 2nd, 2019 5:15
* Sagittarius – a fiery energy 6:56
* Jupiter in Sagittarius — adds fire 8:44
* more to contemplate with the Sagittarius energy 10:26
* Neptune stations in 16º of Pisces (exalted) ending its 5-month Retrograde phase less than 24 hours after the New Moon becomes exact 17:45
* Neptune trines Mercury in Scorpio — on Oct. 15, Nov. 13th, & Nov. 28th (Mercury still in its Shadow phase until Dec. 7th) 20:28
* The New Moon quincunxes Uranus in Taurus 23:37 and trines Chiron in Aries 27:30
* Jupiter in Sagittarius aligns with Venus in Capricorn 29:37, and both square Chiron in Aries 31:00 and trine Uranus in Taurus 37:10
* Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus 39:31
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 44:40
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 49:27
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? 48:25
For all Members: To access/read my New Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here — available the latest by Nov. 21st 9:38
To read my article on “How to set New Moon Intentions”, click here
5:30 My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pmEST/9pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look at the whole Year ahead! All of 2020 and Eclipses!
If you want to know how 2020 is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here
To join my mailing list: email and write: “NEWSLETTER” in the subject line
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Embrace Your Animal Nature — Forecast for Nov. 18th – 24th
This week’s headline items: Mars changes signs from Libra to Scorpio early Tuesday and the last Quarter Moon in Leo becomes exact that afternoon. On Wednesday, Neptune’s Station in Pisces intensifies and Mercury comes to a halt, ending its 3.5-week Retrograde and beginning its “Post-Shadow” phase. The Sun changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius, late Friday morning.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday afternoon (for almost 5 hours), Thursday late evening (for almost 1 hour), and Saturday late evening (for a little over 3 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me share this with you: If you missed my Forecasting Forum last week… and still would like to learn how the one-year Jupiter transit through Capricorn is impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about “Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 2020” — in relationship to your own Birth Chart…
Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Nov. 13th late evening 😉
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, November 18th:
Monday, the Moon remains in fun and attention-loving Leo all day. It will journey there until Tuesday evening. We have a chance to appreciate ourselves and our lives — and to connect to the heart.
Hand out as many compliments as possible, they will be deeply appreciated 🙂 Fun, games and romance are a big part of this energy. You might also enjoy spending time with little ones. What are you most grateful for today? What would be heaps of fun? What would be so much fun, you squeak just thinking about it? This Moon placement also started the build up towards the last Quarter Moon in Leo (exact Tuesday afternoon).
Monday afternoon, we feel a need for acknowledgment and adoration… and also for deep, authentic — even intimate — communication with others. As best as you can, get creative!
Monday late evening, we are invited to make some internal adjustments. We may want to have some fun, but may also need to tune in to our intuitive inner voice. What do you hear when you get really quiet?
Also, Monday late evening, feels a little uneasy. We need to develop an inner awareness around our two seemingly opposite pulls: on the one hand, a strong desire to accomplish; on the other, our need for play and fun. We are asked to bring awareness to whatever it is we feel most committed to: Are we after laughter and joy? Or building a solid foundation?
As best as you can, make adjustments as needed, and…
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share a 17min. Excerpt from our latest Forecasting Forum about:
• Jupiter changing signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Dec. 2nd, 2019 at 1:20pm EST
• Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 19th, 2020
What are you going to explore over the next year in regards to your long-term goals?
What does practical realism look like?
What might happen if you became self-responsible and took a positive attitude towards your career goals?
How could I become more resourceful when approaching life’s challenges?
**To purchase the whole 105 min. webinar, click here
***Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Nov. 13th late evening 😉
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look ahead: Preview of 2020!
If you want to know how 2020 is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for the upcoming Forecasting Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This week’s headline items: Mercury’s transit across the Sun in Scorpio is visible from the US on Monday late morning, the Full Moon in Taurus becomes exact on Tuesday morning, Mercury slows down again on Saturday, preparing to end its 3.5-week Retrograde phase in Scorpio, and there will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday late morning (for 17 hours), Friday early morning (a little over 4.5 hours), and Sunday afternoon (almost 2 hours).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, let me share this with you: Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting Forum! Live this Wednesday (Nov. 13th) at 1pm EST/10am PST/6pm GMT (London-time). Please note that we’ll be talking about Jupiter’s one year transit through Capricorn (starting Dec. 2nd), as well as Neptune’s Station phase in Pisces (Nov. 8th — Dec. 15th).
If you would like to join live, please keep in mind that registration will close an hour before the live event begins, if you register after 12pm EST on Wednesday you will receive the mp4-video presentation of the live webinar.
Also, just as a reminder: Star and SuperStar Members are automatically registered. If you are already at that Membership level, please look out for an email with the link to join live on the day of the Forum, and a second email with a link to the recording of the webinar.
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, Nov. 11th:
Monday, the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus all day. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing and “rushing things” goes against our grain. What is our favorite thing for the next two days? It’s probably, slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses 😉
Monday very early morning, if possible, connect with people that can support your projects on a practical level, and share with them what you have going on.
Monday late morning, a Sun/Mercury alignment in almost 19 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact at 10:22am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week Sunday morning (Nov. 10th) on; it will remain strong until this Tuesday evening. Mercury aligns with the Sun quite frequently, but we may not always be able to see this transit from the US; the last time this transit of Mercury across the Sun was visible from the US was in 2016, and the next time will be in 2039.
Generally speaking, when the Sun and Mercury come together, we are especially sharp, communicative, and open. This aspect indicates a confident mind and an analytical approach to life.
Intelligence and communication abilities are strong at this time; however, we may not listen as well as the other speaks — we might be too busy thinking about what to say next. Words matter now, so choose them wisely: If people hung on your every word, what would you say then? What would you hold back from saying?
Our opinions are usually strong during this time; we like to think independently and are proud of our opinions and our thoughts. For this reason, our egos might get bruised if we are not “heard” — if our opinions are pushed aside, ignored or criticized. As best as you can, express yourself fully, knowing that others may have different opinions… and that’s ok.
The Sun/Mercury alignment in Scorpio brings a heightened focus towards thinking about the unknown, facing our worst fears, or dealing with loss in some way — in particular, letting go of the “old” to let in the “new”.
If we remain attached to the “old” (through fear of letting go of it to meet the “new”), we are likely to experience this as a dark, difficult transition in our lives — but if not, it could help us build inner strength and show us what cannot be taken away — we will see at last that nothing outside of us can take away the power and resilience that lives inside of us.
Our thinking may become obsessive — but becoming controlling (or even paranoid) may not serve us — choose your battles wisely and seek to provide empowerment wherever possible.
Since Mercury is also still Retrograde, ask yourself: What has come up for me since Mercury entered its Shadow phase on Oct. 11th? What, if anything, have I already revisited or even re-processed since Mercury went retrograde back on Oct. 31st?
What am I still obsessing about? Scared about? When or where do I still focus on “worst case scenarios” that are connected to past traumas or disempowerments? What if I surrendered my fears 5% more completely than I have in the past? What if I gave myself 5% more freedom to sense my inner strength, my fierce, open heart, and the passionate love for life that is pumping through my veins, right now, in this moment? What place of power would I stand in then?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 16-22 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius? If so, you will be more affected by this alignment. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo, Gemini or Virgo (the Sun rules Leo; Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo)
Monday evening, we are invited to make some internal adjustments: We may want to …
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!)ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja
To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
"What I loved about the Monthly Forecasting Forum is Sonja's soulful approach to astrology, keeping it in the positive, learning and growing for our higher good. It's not fear based astrology which I have come to see too much of. Sonja is extremely patient and kind, and a true teacher. I look forward to learning and growing with this beautiful soul."
To apply the forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch the 30-minute class on "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to Sonja's Facebook fan page for her Daily Forecasts.
Join the Monthly Forecasting Forum
Sign up to join thelive Monthly Forecasting Forum with Sonja Francis and/or receive a recorded copy of the webinar. Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
Click here tobook a reading with Sonja. All readings are done via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or phone.
"Thank you for the awesome webinar, Sonja. I really enjoyed the full interactive experience. Having this real time exchange makes a huge difference to the learning and understanding of all these patterns and energies. I love the question and answer section, especially since we get some advance indication of what the topics will be. I have been an amateur astrologer for many years but I learned an awful lot very quickly in this setting. So much fun. See you next time!"
Readings by Sonja Francis
The Natal Chart reveals the planets as they were at the time of your birth. During a reading with Sonja, you will uncover your life’s potential — including your Soul’s Journey and Soul Purpose. More importantly, you will learn how you can direct those unique talents and energies to have a life you love.
You also learn about parts of yourself that have not been fully integrated and what you can do to become more whole and empowered. Sonja will also look to see how the current transits are affecting you in your life right now to support you in making powerful choices for your personal evolution.
Readings and Site Membership
Star Members receive a 10% discount off all of their Readings and a 15% discount off any Coaching-Healing sessions.. For more information on site membership, visit this link.
Get or gift one month FREE of my monthly Universal Membership with coupon code: UNIVERSAL, add coupon code at check out
If you realize after two or three weeks that the Membership is not for you, feel free to pause or cancel it at any time via the Membership portal ==> “My Account” – “My Subscriptions”
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