December 17th – 23rd

We Feel Alive — Forecast for Dec. 17th – 23rd


This week’s headline items: Venus comes out of her shadow phase on Monday, the Chiron Station finally ends on Tuesday, the Sun changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Friday (marking the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), and the Full Moon in Cancer becomes exact on Saturday.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday very early morning (for a little over 2 hours), Wednesday evening (for almost 14 hours), and Saturday late morning (for a little over 2 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have two quick announcement:
1) If you haven’t had a chance yet to listen to my recent Radio Interview, from earlier this month, click here. Questions centered around how the zodiac can influence relationships and compatibility, and particularly sexual compatibility between the signs.

2) Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting Forum! This will be the last FORECASTING FORUM of the year! Live on Thursday, Dec. 20th at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT (London-time). Please note that we’ll talk about 2019! We will take a look ahead at the whole year to gain some perspective and get an overview of what’s to come: What can we expect in 2019? What are the energies to watch out for, and which ones are the energies to get excited about?

If you want to get ready for 2019, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. To join for FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member on my site. To register for this month only, click here (this also includes access to this month’s Member’s-only Full Moon video). If you are a Star or SuperStar Member already, please check your email on the day of the webinar!


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Dec. 17th): the Moon remains in pioneering, fast-paced Aries all day, where it will journey until Tuesday early morning. Life is an adventure, we’re more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

Monday very early morning, an opportune Mars/Pluto aspect becomes exact at 1:57am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last week, Friday evening (Dec. 14th) on; it will be strong until this Thursday evening (Dec. 20th). This brings an opportunity to connect our personal passions to our Soul’s passions.

We can dream up creative solutions to problems, and imaginative, unusual approaches to getting the job done. We favor subtle or peaceful solutions over conflict and confrontation. We feel more confident about our own talents

It’s especially satisfying to do work that helps others — perhaps in support of a cause that transcends our own narrow, personal interests.

Strategic thinking and execution is favored right now, as is eliminating waste around time and energy. Remember though: An “opportunity” is just an opening, it’s not automatically granted — we have to “step up” to the opening, then through it…

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 18-22 degrees of Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio or Taurus? If so, you will be more aware of this opportunity. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries or Scorpio (Mars is the ruler of Aries; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio)

Monday late morning, we are invited to make adjustments and find creative solutions around personal desires and needs, versus our deep passion and focus on long-term goals. As best as you can, allow yourself to make space for both; flexibility and adaptability are key if we mean to move forward with our plans and projects…

Also on Monday, around 10pm EST, Venus’s Shadow phase ends in 10 degrees and 50 min. of ScorpioDuring Venus’s shadow phases, it’s best to hold off on anything new in connection with relationships, things we hold dear, or place value on (including finances) — this is especially true when it comes to engaging in new relationships or partnerships. The good news is that with the Venus shadow phase ending today, we can finally go ahead and start up new enterprises, and make new financial investments.

Tuesday (Dec. 18th): the Moon remains in…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

For our Members: Full Moon in Cancer

watch video below


Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja


Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here  — All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Sexually Connected — A Radio Show Interview

I was interviewed last week for a Radio show, hosted by the very lovely Claudia Soul, Relationship & Intimacy Coach to the Elite, Sexologist, Author, and Radio Host of “Sexually Connected”.

Questions centered around how the zodiac can influence relationships and compatibility, and particularly sexual compatibility between the signs. I had a great time, and after we were done, Claudia kindly told me “Sonja, brilliant show and we shall have you back!”

To become a Star or SuperStar Member, **and** get the first month for FREE, email us at: and write: “Sexually Connected” in the subject line!

Daily Astrological posts:

To book a Reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

December 10th – 16th

What’s calling to you? — Forecast for Dec. 10th – 16th


This week’s headline items: Chiron’s station continues all week and Mercury’s ends on Monday. Mercury re-enters Sagittarius on Wednesday evening. Also on Wednesday, it’s time to take actions on your New Moon Intentions. Finally, the first Quarter Moon in Pisces becomes exact on Saturday morning.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday late afternoon (for a little over 2 hours), Thursday early morning (for a little over 2 hours), and Saturday morning (for almost 13 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
I was interviewed last week for the “Sexually Connected” Podcast, hosted by the very lovely Claudia Soul, Relationship & Intimacy Coach to the Elite, Sexologist, Author, and Radio Host.

Questions centered around how the zodiac can influence relationships and compatibility, and particularly sexual compatibility between the signs. I had a great time, and after we were done, Claudia kindly told me “Sonja, brilliant show and we shall have you back!”

As soon as I get the audio to the Radio show, I will post the link 😉 So, watch out for it on my website or on my Facebook Fan-page

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Dec. 10th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn until 6:39pm EST. We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters.

Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us.

As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it is currently transiting through its own sign, making this a great time to take look at your long-term aspirations and anything that you would like to master over the next three years. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at our strategies for self-mastery.

For starters: Do you truly see “what’s so” in your life (as opposed to what you merely wish it to be, or what you would like it to be, or where you see yourself going, etc)? What is actually so right now? Once you have a handle on where “A” is, it’s easier to “go from A to B” — whether “B”

Monday at 4:27pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that last for a little over 2 hours, until 6:39pm EST. You may be aware of two seemingly conflicting desires: On the one hand, a need for serious, diligent accomplishment — and on the other, a desire to break free and rebel against obligations.

As best as you can, take some breaks, and “let your freak flag fly” — just for a moment — and revel in it! As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday late afternoon/early evening ahead of time. 

Monday at 6:39pm EST, the Moon moves into freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until Thursday morning (Dec. 13th). The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional; interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.

Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted during the time the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or on outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.

Also on Monday, Mercury resumes its normal pace through the sky, ending its station in 28.5 degrees of Scorpio. Communication and transportation is now back to “normal”, as are any associated gadgets, vehicles, etc. New ideas and information received during the Mercury retrograde phase (Nov. 14th — Dec. 6th) can now be reviewed. What did you discover about your inner dialogue — especially when it comes to your “expansive” or “fearful” self — during that time?

Tuesday (Dec. 11th): the Moon remains in…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

December 3rd – 9th

Healing Compassion — Forecast for Dec. 3rd – 9th


This week’s headline items: the Balsamic Moon phase begins on Monday afternoon; the Neptune Station phase ends on Tuesday; Chiron’s Station phase intensifies on Wednesday; Mercury comes to a halt on Thursday afternoon, ending its 3-week Retrograde phase; the New Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact on Thursday night/Friday very early morning; and Chiron comes to a halt on Sunday early morning, ending its 5-month Retrograde phase.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday early afternoon (for a little over 1.5 hours), Wednesday late afternoon (for almost 5 hours), and Saturday early morning (for 2 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
If you missed my Forecasting Forum last week, and still would like to learn how the planetary Station-direct phases in early Dec. are impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about the Neptune, Mercury, and Chiron Station direct phase — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this 90+ min. webinar, click here, or for a quick preview check out this 20-min excerpt. You can also get this webinar for FREE if you join as a Star Member of my online community by Dec. 9th!

Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Nov. 27th 😉


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Dec. 3rd): the Moon remains in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra until 2:55pm EST. The energy of the Libra Moon helps us be naturally courteous and diplomatic; we are more polite at this time, as we seek the approval of others.

We very much want to maintain equal, fair relationships at this time, and are therefore open to making compromises and negotiating. These next two days are a great time for mediation — but our need for peace and accompanying aversion to direct conflict could pull us to “yes” more easily than we might like.

We may also be able see both sides of the equation so well that we can’t make decisions. As best as you can, find an inner balance with this and communicate what needs to be said with grace and charm — even if it’s “No” 😉 One last quick note: this is also a great time for anything to do with visual arts.

Monday at 1:16pm EST, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that last for a little over 1.5 hours, until 2:55pm EST. Use this intuitive time to examine your one-on-one relationships. Ask yourself: How can I balance my need for connection and collaboration with my desire for freedom and individual self-expression?

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday afternoon ahead of time.

Monday at 2:55pm EST, the Moon moves into passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio, where it will journey until Wednesday late evening. We feel things deeply and have “X-Ray Vision” and “Bullshit-Smelling Abilities” 😉

Emotional authenticity is extremely important to us at this time; anything less than 100% emotional honesty could be perceived as flat-out dishonest. Once we feel safe trusting someone, we want to merge with them, preferably forever… as long as our trust is never betrayed.

The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power. This occurs by a process of subtraction — it urges us to let go of whatever disempowers us. It’s thus an excellent time to look at “old” fears, limiting habits or emotional attachments, especially those stemming from past traumas.
Moon in Scorpio tends to run right over ambiguity — it’s “in or out”, “with us or against us”, “love me or leave me”. It can be stormy — a cold winter storm, or a torrid tropical storm of passion, depending on how we “work” the energies 🙂

Manipulation and paranoia are the lower vibrations of this aspect, so best as you are able, be straightforward — act in good faith and assume it in others. Best of all, be truly present to the fluctuations of your feelings — no matter if they’re “polite” or “timely”. Feelings aren’t facts, but they are information — and heeding them will help you embrace all of who you are.

Know thyself — and love thyself — you shall be set free. Remember: Love connects us to the Power within; Fear causes “Force” to show up — and that’s ultimately what disempowers us and others.

Also on Monday afternoon, the Balsamic Moon phase beings when the Moon reaches 0º of Scorpio. This phase lasts until late Friday very early morning when the New Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact (more on that on Friday… In the meantime, feel free to watch my video on the subject). We are being asked to slow down and get quiet, so we can listen to our inner sensing/intuition.

For some of us, this might be a stretch. As best as you can: stay grounded, take a deep breath and exhale any tensions. Rather than starting something brand-new, put all that energy into completing existing projects or processes.

This is also a great time for letting go of whatever no longer serves us. What if you could hear the voice of your inner wisdom? What might it be saying?

Tuesday (Dec 4th): the Moon remains in…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

New Moon in Sagittarius

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 15º Sagittarius (exact on Dec. 7th 2018 at 2:20am EST) 1:04
* The New Moon aligns with Jupiter in Sagittarius 2:24
* The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius also squares the Neptune-Mars alignment in Pisces 10:43
* Mercury in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces are both Stationing 18:28
* Mercury and Chiron also trining each other 22:36
* Uranus in Aries squares the Moon Nodes in Capricorn/Cancer 25:59
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 29:23
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 38:27

Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 13-17 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces? 34:25

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, Dec. 2nd at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will cover an overview of 2019! 36:57

If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member  35:40
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here  (this also includes access to the next Members-Only Full Moon video)

To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here  35:04

To join my mailing list: email and write: “NEWSLETTER” in the subject line 40:33

Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon becomes exact:

To book a reading, click here  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

20 min. excerpt: Neptune, Mercury, & Chiron Station-direct phases

Join me as I share a 20 min. excerpt from my most recent Forecasting Forum:
* Neptune stationed direct on Nov. 24th at 13.5º Pisces,
* Mercury stations direct on Dec. 6th at 27.5º of Scorpio, and
* Chiron stations direct on Dec. 9th at almost 28º of Pisces

Where are you ready to move forward in regards to your spiritual ideals, your healing journey, or new perspectives?
What Houses in your chart are most activated by these station direct phases?

Star and SuperStar Members, check your emails for the mp4-video presentation of the whole 90+ min. webinar — this was sent to you on Nov. 27th in the evening.

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, Dec. 20th, 2018 at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look at the year ahead: overview of 2019! SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE, become a Star or SuperStar Member:
TO REGISTER for my Forum for this month only, click here:

To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here:

Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here:
All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

November 26th – December 2nd

Get Plenty of Rest! — Forecast for Nov. 26th – Dec. 2nd

This week’s headline items: the last Quarter Moon in Virgo becomes exact on Thursday evening. Mercury (currently retrograde) reenters Scorpio on Saturday and Venus does likewise on Sunday. Chiron starts to slow down (station) on Saturday and Mercury will do the same on Sunday.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday very early morning (for a little over an hour), Thursday early morning (for a little over an hour), and Saturday late morning (for 15 minutes).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting ForumPlease note we will address threeStation-direct phases — in relationship to our own birth charts: Neptune in 13.5º Pisces, Chiron in 28º Pisces, and Mercury in 27-29º Scorpio.

Where are we ready to move forward in regards to our spiritual ideals, our healing journey, or new perspectives?

If you want to know how this is going to impact you personally, join me live on Tuesday at 1pm EST or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. Other than booking a reading with me, this is the highest level of support you can get — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar (plus, it also includes this month’s powerful Full Moon video, for anyone who is not yet a Member of my online community). To register now, click here

If you would like to join live, please keep in mind that registration will close an hour before the live event begins, if you register after 12pm EST on Tuesday you will receive the mp4-video presentation of the webinar. Star and SuperStar Members, check your emails on Tuesday morning, for the link to join!

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Nov. 26th): the Moon remains in protective, nurturing Cancer all day. It will journey there until Tuesday early morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-Care is key for the next day 😉

Emotional safety is important to us as well; we like connecting to the familiar and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others — home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure though, that your own glass is full before letting others drink from it; if you don’t, you might start to feel drained and resentful.

Monday very early morning, a Sun/Jupiter alignment in almost 4 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact at 1:33am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Thursday (Nov. 22nd) on, it will remain strong until this week, Thursday (Nov. 29th). Ego gratification is the theme of this transit.

This is the start of a “new you” with more confidence and faith. We have a chance to create a world of adventure and personal growth. We feel optimistic — and that helps us attract positive circumstances. If you’ve been thinking about launching a new long-term project, this would be an excellent time to do so; this is especially true for projects connected to the Sagittarian energy.

This would include anything involving travel, higher education, teaching, sports, publishing, foreign cultures, or the search for a higher meaning of life and our existence on this planet.

Spiritual or mental journeys can also flourish at this time as can ventures into a greater truth. We may well feel more vital, confident, and optimistic when it comes to those journeys, however we may also be prone to exaggeration.

This is a good time to resolve conflicts, especially around foreign affairs or religious conflicts; we definitely prefer to see the good in the world at this time. Events may give our ego a boost, and we could be feeling quite perky and “alive”. Take advantage of this by promoting yourself or putting yourself “out there”.

If we don’t channel this energy into something that elevates our mind and soul, we may become a little restless. So ask yourself: What can I do with all the energy coming through? How might I use it to my advantage? Go beyond what I’ve known myself to be?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 1-7 degrees of Sagittarius, GeminiPisces, or Virgo? If so, you will feel this alignment quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Sagittarius (the Sun rules Leo; Jupiter rules Sagittarius).

Monday very early morning, a challenging Mercury/Mars aspect becomes exact at 3:06am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Saturday (Nov. 24th) on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday evening. This aspect brings some juicy energy to our conversations. This is a chance to have some discussions that have been overdue — and given that Mercury is also Retrograde, you might want to take a look at whether something that came up in the last three weeks is now ready to be discussed.

As best as you can, make it a productive discussion that serves you and others — a win-win — otherwise you might feel really awful afterwards. Also, watch out on the road for crazy (or sleepy) drivers… rushing might not necessarily get us there faster 😉

Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in… 


ALREADY A MEMBER? Log into your Member’s account and keep reading!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

November 19th – 25th

Greater Realities — Forecast for Nov. 19th – 25th, 2018


This week’s headline items: Mercury’s station phase ends on Tuesday, the Sun changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Thursday early morning, the Full Moon in Gemini becomes exact on Thursday night/Friday very early morning, Neptune comes to a halt on Saturday evening (ending its 5-month retrograde phase), and Venus’s station phase ends on Sunday.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday early evening (for an hour), Thursday early morning (for a little over 18 hours), and Saturday night/Sunday very early morning (for a little over an hour).


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Nov. 19th): the Moon remains in pioneering, fast-paced Aries all day. it will journey there until Tuesday evening. Life is an adventure, we’re more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

Monday late morning/early afternoon: we feel energized and feel great enthusiasm for personal achievements and explorations. We are able to connect with others through optimism and humor.

Monday late evening, a challenging Mars/Jupiter aspect becomes exact at 8:30pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from Nov. 10th on, it will remain strong until next week, Monday Nov. 26th. 

This aspect is an opportunity to grow by stretching between two poles: On the one hand, an emotional impulse draws us to go within and tap into our intuitive, creative processes; on the other hand, we also feel drawn to adventures and want to expand our horizons — but want to identify some higher learning or meaning before we make a move.

Here’s the question: Might tapping into our intuition help us expand our horizons?

We seek excitement and growth; we may not be satisfied with how things are — we feel an inner restlessness which demands freedom and “space” but doesn’t necessarily return the favor. We may have a tendency to overdo or over-exert — and our expectations of ourselves and others might be too high.

Ask yourself: What might open up if I expected 5% less of myself, just for today? What if I applied that to others too? Might my physical energy levels help me be realistic about how much I can expect of myself right now?

With this position, we never feel that we have enough experiences, knowledge, connections, etc. — it’s difficult knowing when to stop. If you can, pause and reflect: this will help with that feeling that you can’t get enough, no matter what you do. If we’re going to get tripped up here, it would be because we don’t know when to stop (or say no).

That said: we needn’t expect to feel tormented — in fact, this is usually a playful and humorous time — lots of joking around (including practical jokes) smiles, laughter. The key to this aspect is connecting our desire for a more ideal or divine connection to self and others to our quest for expansive yet truthful mental and spiritual explorations.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in… 


ALREADY A MEMBER? Log into your Member’s account and keep reading!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

For our Members: Full Moon in Gemini

watch video below


Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still for the price of a cappuccino!)
You can also watch a 12-minute excerpt from this video, right here!
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your members account and watch the whole 50-minute video below! 😉 Sonja


To book a reading, click here.  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

November 12th – 18th

Gentleness is Key — Forecast for Nov. 12th – 18th


This week’s headline items: start taking action on your New Moon intentions on Monday afternoon. On Wednesday, Neptune starts to station, and Mercury’s station intensifies. On Thursday, the first Quarter Moon in Aquarius becomes exact, and Mars changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces. On Friday, Venus comes to a halt in Libra, ending her 6-week Retrograde phase, and Mercury also comes to a halt in Sagittarius, to start its 3-week Retrograde phase. Last but not least, Neptune’s station intensifies on Saturday evening.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday late morning (for 32 minutes), Thursday late evening (for 43 minutes), and Sunday very early morning (for almost 8 hours)

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
If you haven’t gotten a chance to read my newest two articles about: Jupiter in Sagittarius until Dec.2019, and the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn until May 2020, please feel free to check them out! As a Member of my online community you have full access to all of my articles.

Not yet a Member? Feel free to join us now! Or check out samples of the articles 😉


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Nov. 12th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day. It will journey there until Tuesday late morning. We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters.

Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us.

As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it is currently transiting through its own sign, making this a great time to take look at your long-term aspirations and anything that you would like to master over the next three years. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at our strategies for self-mastery.

For starters: Do you truly see “what’s so” in your life (as opposed to what you merely wish it to be, or what you would like it to be, or where you see yourself going, etc)? What is actually so right now? Once you have a handle on where “A” is, it’s easier to “go from A to B” — whether “B” is self-mastery or standing on the mountaintop.

Monday early afternoon, our focus intensifies — we might even get a little obsessed with a project or task — as best as you can, take breaks and don’t forget to practice a little self-care 😉

Monday mid-late afternoon, we have the opportunity to be more aware of meaningful connections that could support our long-term goals.

Also on Monday, If you set intentions last Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday after the New Moon became exact, today will be the best time to take relevant actions. If you wrote your intentions down, go back and take another look at what came through intuitively. If you didn’t write anything down, get quiet for a moment and check in with yourself: What actions are calling to you?

Tuesday (Nov. 13th): the Moon remains in… 


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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

November 5th – 11th

Acceptance of Life, in All its Forms — Forecast Nov. 5th – 11th


This week’s headline items:  On Tuesday, Uranus reenters Aries and the Moon Nodes shift from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn. The New Moon in Scorpio becomes exact on Wednesday and the following day, Jupiter changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius. The Venus Station phase intensifies on Friday night, while on Saturday, Mercury starts to station, preparing for its retrograde phase. On Sunday, the Sun squares the degree of Aug.11th’s Leo Solar Eclipse and Mars conjuncts the Solar Eclipse degree from the Feb.15th’s Aquarian Eclipse.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday very early morning (for almost 5 hours), Thursday morning (for a little over 8 hours), and Saturday late evening (for 20 minutes)

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
Since we have several major planetary shifts happening this week, I encourage you to get the webinar about Jupiter in Sagittarius & the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn until May 2020 — we talk about these transits in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.  Before you invest in the whole 110 min. webinar, feel free to watch a 20-min excerpt here.


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Nov. 5th): the Moon remains in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra all day. It will journey there until Tuesday morning. The energy of the Libra Moon helps us be naturally courteous and diplomatic; we are more polite at this time, as we seek the approval of others.

We very much want to maintain equal, fair relationships at this time, and are therefore open to making compromises and negotiating. The day is a great time for mediation — but our need for peace and accompanying aversion to direct conflict could pull us to “yes” more easily than we might like.

We may also be able see both sides of the equation so well that we can’t make decisions. As best as you can, find an inner balance with this and communicate what needs to be said with grace and charm — even if it’s “No” 😉 One last quick note: this is also a great time for anything to do with visual arts.

Monday very early morning: we are invited to make some internal adjustments. We may want to connect with others, but may also need to tune in to our intuitive inner voice. What do you hear when you get really quiet?

Monday early afternoon, we may need to make some adjustments and find creative ways to work with the energies at play: On the one hand we need to collaborate with others and play nice, on the other hand, we feel a deep desire to be authentic and truthful about what we want to build long-term.

Monday late evening feels quite harmonious, even given our urge to make progress and connect with like-minded people about our vision — we are definitely feeling social, and want to find commonalities.

Monday night/Tuesday very early morning, a harmonious Sun/Neptune aspect becomes exact at 1:40am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Friday evening (Nov. 2nd) on, it will remain strong until this Thursday evening. This aspect could be tremendously supportive when it comes to dissolving what no longer serves us.

Our intuition, imagination, and inspiration all seem to be “zeroed in”. We go beyond “tolerance”, to lovingly embrace differences in others, and give where it’s needed with open hearts and hands. All of this also feeds in to any creative and spiritual endeavors that start around this time.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career point (or one or more personal planets) in…


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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn

On Nov. 6th in the afternoon, the Moon Nodes switched from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn; they will remain in those signs until May 2020! The last time the Moon Nodes were in these particular signs was back in April, 2000 — October, 2001.

The Moon Nodes show us what our Soul’s Journey currently requires on the collective and personal levels — let’s take a closer look at what this means:

The goal of the collective Soul’s journey is to balance and integrate two apparently opposite energies: our inner experience (symbolized by Cancer), and our outer obligations or goals (Capricorn). This will take looking closely at the balance between taking care of ourselves, versus taking care of others — and also at who we are inside, versus what we project to the world, how we portray ourselves.

This is also about developing healthy foundations, emotionally and materially, in private and in public. As best as you can, avoid “should-ing” on yourself: Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I’m doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do”)  😉

To get a more personal interpretation, we also need to take a look at the House placement of that Cancer/Capricorn polarity in our own birth charts, as well as the signs involved… we cover the houses in the webinar (I will include a link at the end of this article).

In Cancer, the North Node invites us to let ourselves be…


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Moon Nodes are also connected to the Eclipse cycles; each of these cycles prompts us to evolve and provides an opportunity to progress to the next level of our Soul’s Journey, collectively and individually. The Solar Eclipse in 20.5º of Cancer on July 12th, 2018 started a new Eclipse cycle connected to the Cancer/Capricorn polarity.

Think back to that time and see what you discovered about yourself in relationship to Self-care. How was it a new beginning (or perhaps a preview of what’s to come) in connection with family, home (this could be a physical or emotional “home”) — was there a shift around feeling “at home” or “safe”, both internally and in the world?

We also discussed this in more detail during our last Forecasting Forum, in connection with our own birth charts; if you’d like to know more about how the Moon Nodes’ movements impact you personally, click here to get the video of the Forum.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

On Thursday, Nov. 8th, at 7:38am EST, Jupiter moves from passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio into adventurous, enthusiastic Sagittarius, where it will journey until Dec. 2nd, 2019.

Jupiter moves through a 12-year cycle, so the last time it traveled through its own sign was between November, 2006 and December, 2007 — and the time before that was between December, 1994 and January, 1996.

Think back to those periods… what possibilities or opportunities arose for you? In what ways did you grow or expand? What felt like a birth or a new beginning back then? How could you take all of that to the next level?

Jupiter represents our desire to seek insight through knowledge. Some of this planet’s keywords: morality, gratitude, hope, honor, the law. Jupiter is the planet of possibility, optimism, and growth (including mental and spiritual growth). Jupiter is also associated with a sense of humor, goodwill, and mercy.

The lower expressions of Jupiter include “Oh, the heck with it”, “I deserve this and more”, “the rules do not apply to me” — generally speaking, too much of a good thing, blind optimism, excess, stretching the truth, overindulgence, and so forth.

In the natal chart, the position of Jupiter reveals how we express generosity and tolerance; it also shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. Where do we look for wisdom and understanding?

Jupiter symbolizes the principle of expansion; in Scorpio it held a magnifying glass over authentic, emotional commitments or connections and thereby changed our perspective on our subconscious drives and fears, those suppressed or denied parts of ourselves.

Since Scorpio was all about feeling more fully and authentically connected to all parts of ourselves (and thereby feeling empowered), everything in the human unconscious was lit up — we got to see the darker side of things, our survival strategies — and our deepest, darkest desires.

With Jupiter in Sagittarius, that magnifying glass now swings over to…


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Where does Jupiter-in-Sagittarius fall in your own birth chart? What aspects does it make during the year-long transit? How does a wise response to one house support a more fruitful response to the next one? What outward opportunities arise as Jupiter interacts with any of your personal planets? Where will you experience a major expansion until Dec. 2019? Where are you ready to go beyond what you currently belief is possible?

If you’d like more insight into those questions, we also covered the Jupiter movement into Sagittarius in more detail in our last Forecasting Forum — if you want to know how this planetary movement is impacting you personally, feel free to purchase the video-presentation of the last webinar — we applied the Jupiter movement to our own birth charts! Click here to purchase our most recent Forum

New Moon in Scorpio

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 15º of Scorpio (exact Nov. 7th at 11:02am EST)
* The New Moon trines Neptune in Pisces
* Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, currently in Capricorn, sextiles the New Moon
* Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, currently in Aquarius; in a mutual reception to Uranus in Aries, makes a sextile to Uranus and a trine to Venus in Libra
* Jupiter in the last degree of Scorpio makes a Quincunx to Uranus in Aries
* Grand Trine in Water, involving Jupiter in 29º of Scorpio, the North Node in 29º of Cancer, and Chiron in 28º of Pisces

Where do you need to go deeper if you are to create the change you desire?
What requires your conscious awareness & acknowledgment before you are ready to step onto your chosen path?
What might transform if you focused 5% more on what you actually have control over?

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 13-17 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius?

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Tuesday, Nov. 27th at 10am PST/1pm EST/6pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we have some planetary shifts coming up in late Nov./early Dec: Neptune in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces and Mercury in Sagittarius all station-direct.

If you want to know how these planetary shifts are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (includes the next Members-Only Full Moon video)

To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my recent class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here

Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon becomes exact:

To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

October 29th – November 4th

A Philosophical Approach — Forecast for Oct. 29th – Nov. 4th


This week’s headline items: Mercury changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning. On Wednesday, the last Quarter Moon in Leo becomes exact and Venus re-enters Libra. On Sunday, the Balsamic Moon phase begins and Venus starts to slow down (station) again, slowly coming to the end of her retrograde phase.

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday late evening (for 11 minutes), Thursday night/Friday very early morning (for a little over 1 hour), and Sunday very early morning (for a little over 1.5 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have two quick announcements: 
If you missed my Forecasting Forum last week… and still would like to learn how the big shifts in early November are impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about Jupiter in Sagittarius & the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn until May 2020 — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.  Before you invest in the whole 110 min. webinar, feel free to watch a 20-min excerpt here.

Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Oct. 24th late at night 😉

And in connection with last week’s Full Moon, I would like to invite all of you to stock up on some Coaching-Healing sessions. These sessions are there to support you, not just with Astrology, but also with releasing and letting go of “old” fears, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, etc. that no longer serve. This also includes being supported by gaining a more empowering perspective towards yourself and life…

Special Offer for all Members until Oct. 31st: Get a 20% discount on your first 50 min. Coaching-Healing session. Discount code available via the Full Moon video or last week’s Weekly Forecast.

Special Offer for SuperStar Members only, until Oct. 31st: Get an additional 20% discount on all my already discounted Coaching Packages for the next two weeks. If you are interested in this, email me at Again, both of these offers end on Oct. 31st at midnight! 

Not yet a Member? Join here, and get access to all the exclusive Astrology content, all month long!


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Oct. 29th): the Moon remains in protective, nurturing Cancer all day; it will journey there until Tuesday late evening. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-Care is key for the next two and a half days 😉

Emotional safety is important to us as well; we like connecting to the familiar and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others — home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure though, that your own glass is full before letting others drink from it; if you don’t, you might start to feel drained and resentful.

Monday morning, a Mercury/Jupiter alignment in almost 27.5 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact at 7:05am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Oct. 26th on, it will remain strong until Oct. 31st. This alignment brings optimism and a tendency to talk and think more. It favors writing, research, sharing resources, submitting applications and forms, and test-taking.

We can more readily exercise good judgment, take a more philosophical approach, and find it easier to bring a new perspective to our intimate relationships. There is a sense of mental expansion; we see our world as a setting for constant adventure and have a passion for personal growth. We might also get a little obsessed with learning something or exploring something new.

We are optimistic and enthusiastic — and things tend to go well as a result. It’s all about thinking big, while simultaneously going into deeper, more authentic emotional connections with ourselves and others… What if an expanding of our conception or perspective of intimacy, inner power and emotional safety with others could help us create those deeper, authentic, emotional connections? And what if that helped us manifest our desires?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 24-29 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius or0-1 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces? If so, you will feel this alignment quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, so those folks will always be affected more strongly by Mercury’s movements and aspects; Jupiter rules Sagittarius)

Monday late evening, a harmonious Mercury/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 9:57pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Oct. 27th on, it will remain strong until Nov. 1st. This aspect is a wonderful possibility for deep emotional healing in regards to our conditioning and day-to-day thinking structures.

We can bring compassion, for ourselves and others, to emotionally “difficult” communications. We are able to allow more for a flow of feelings as we share ourselves; forgiveness and understanding towards ourselves and others comes more easily now in general.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

20 min. excerpt: Jupiter in Sagittarius & the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn

Join me as I share a 20 min. excerpt from my most recent Forecasting Forum:
* Jupiter in Sagittarius Nov. 8th until Dec. 2019
*  the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn Nov. 6th until May 2020

Where will you experience a major expansion until Dec. 2019?
Where are you ready to go beyond what you currently belief is possible?
Where are you feeling a shift with your Soul’s Journey?

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in Sagittarius, Cancer or Capricorn?

To get the whole 110-min. webinar, and find out how these upcoming big shifts are going to impact you personally, click here

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for my next Forum, click here

Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here.  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Oct. 22nd – 28th

No Need to Rush Anything — Forecast for Oct. 22nd – 28th


This week’s headline items: the Sun changes signs from Libra to Scorpio on Tuesday morning and the Full Moon in Taurus becomes exact in the early afternoon. On Friday, Jupiter squares the Solar Eclipse degree from Feb.15th, while on Saturday, Mars opposes the Solar Eclipse degree from Aug.11th. Mercury enters its pre-shadow phase on Sunday.

There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday very early morning until 2:58am EDT, Tuesday afternoon (for a little over 20 hours), Friday late morning (for almost 5 hours), and Saturday night/Sunday very early morning (for almost 19 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have two quick announcement:
Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting Forum! And in connection with this week’s Full Moon I would like to invite all of you to stock up on some Coaching-Healing sessions. These sessions are there to support you, not just with Astrology, but also with releasing and letting go of “old” fears, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, etc. that no longer serve. This also includes being supported by gaining a more empowering perspective towards yourself and life…

Special Offer for all Members: Get a 20% discount on your first 50 min. Coaching-Healing session. The discount code is available via the Full Moon video

Special Offer for SuperStar Members Only: Get an additional 20% discount on all my already discounted Coaching Packages for the next two weeks. If you are interested in this, email me at:

Both of these offers end on Oct. 31st at Midnight! If you are a Member of my online community, click here to watch my Full Moon video.

Not yet a Member? Join here, and get access to all the exclusive Astrology content, all month long, or join this week’s Monthly Forecasting Forum on the day of the Full Moon, and get access to the full length Members-Only Full Moon video when you register; for a 10-min. excerpt, click here


Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Oct. 22nd): the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces and VoC, until 2:58am EDT. At that time, the Moon moves into pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Wednesday late morning. Life is an adventure, we’re more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

Monday early morning, a somewhat challenging Sun/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 4:22am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Sunday Oct. 21st on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday. This aspect operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward — and we need to make a choice. An inner awareness needs to be developed if we’re to see what needs adjusting.

We may feel an internal dilemma around our ability to get things done — a drop in our self-confidence and self-esteem. This could lead to us “hiding out”… which leaves us feeling strangely guilty… which leads to us saying weird things… and we end up thinking “did I really just say that?”

As best as you can, be kind and compassionate with yourself — forgive yourself for having a human moment — this will support your healing process.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in the following placements: 28-29 degrees of Libra or Pisces or 0 degrees of Scorpio or Aries? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo (the Sun rules of Leo)

Monday afternoon, an opportune Mercury/Pluto aspect becomes exact at 3:14pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Saturday evening (Oct. 20th) on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday evening (Oct. 23rd). This aspect is an opportunity to deepen or transform areas of our lives that need it. It’s also an opportunity to do more research, so we can build something meaningful, all while learning about our authentic motivations. Remember: opportunities aren’t on “automatic”… we have to go after them, realize them.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point or personal planets in…


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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

For our Members: Full Moon in Taurus

watch video below


Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still for the price of a cappuccino!) You can also watch a 10-minute excerpt from this video, right here!
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your members account and watch the whole 60-minute video below! 😉 Sonja


Oct. 15th – 21st

Share about Deep Transformative Experiences – Forecast for Oct. 15th – 21st


This week’s headline items: the first Quarter Moon in Capricorn becomes exact on Tuesday afternoon. There will also be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday early evening (for almost 10 hours), Friday morning (almost 8 hours), and Sunday evening (a little over 7 hours).


Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
Next week’s Forecasting Forum is approachingIf you want to know how the upcoming, big planetary shifts in early November are going to impact you personally (Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, the Moon Nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn), feel free to join us, live or via the video representation — we will apply what’s coming up to our own birth charts. Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

To join for FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member on my site. To register for this month only, click here (if you are not a Member yet, registration also includes this month’s Members-Only Full Moon video)

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Oct. 15th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day. It will journey there until Wednesday very early morning. We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters.

Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us.

As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it is currently transiting through its own sign, making this a great time to take look at your long-term aspirations and anything that you would like to master until the end of 2020. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at our strategies for self-mastery.

For starters: Do you truly see “what’s so” in your life (as opposed to what you merely wish it to be, or what you would like it to be, or where you see yourself going, etc)? What is actually so right now? Once you have a handle on where “A” is, it’s easier to “go from A to B” — whether “B” is self-mastery or standing on the mountaintop.

Since Sunday afternoon (Oct. 14th), this Moon placement started the energetic build up toward the first Quarter Moon (exact Tuesday afternoon).

Monday morning, we have the opportunity to make meaningful connections that could support our long-term goals.

Monday late afternoon, a Mercury/Venus alignment in almost 8 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact at 4:21pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Oct. 13th on, it will remain strong until this Wednesday (Oct. 17th). This is an excellent time to share about deep transformative or shamanistic experiences, intimate connections with others, financial partnerships, our deeper motivations or our unconscious minds — or anything we feel deeply passionate about — and also about any teaching endeavors connected to those areas.

This alignment supports communicating from a deeply passionate heart — and in fact, it becomes essential to connect to people with whom we feel a strong affinity. We wish to form those connections in a spirit of harmony, emotional honesty, and equality. In fact, we tend generally to have a strong sense of fairness at this time — and want to be around people who share this passion.

We also thoroughly enjoy the written and spoken word — literature, wordplay, puns, moving conversations — especially when these words speak of something deep (or psychologically intriguing).

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Oct. 8th – 14th

A Strong Scorpio Flavor — Forecast for Oct. 8th – 14th


This week’s headline items: the New Moon in Libra becomes exact late on Monday late evening, Mars ends its Shadow phase and Mercury changes signs from Libra to Scorpio on Tuesday; Pluto’s Station ends on Friday, and on Sunday, Venus ends hers.

Good times to start taking action on your New Moon Intentions are Saturday during the day or Sunday late afternoon (as always, all times in this forecast correspond to the Eastern US time zone).

There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday early morning (for a little over 19 hours), Thursday evening (for a little over 10.5 hours), and Saturday late evening (for a little over 18 hours).

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Oct. 8th): the Moon remains in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra all day. It will journey there until 12:09am EDT Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning. The energy of the Libra Moon helps us be naturally courteous and diplomatic; we are more polite at this time, as we seek the approval of others.

We very much want to maintain equal, fair relationships at this time; we are therefore open to compromise and negotiation. These next few days are likewise a great time for mediation — but our need for peace and accompanying aversion to direct conflict could pull us to “yes” more easily than we might like.

We may also be able to see both sides of the equation so well that we can’t make decisions. As best as you can, find an inner balance with this and communicate what needs to be said with grace and charm — even if it’s “No” 😉 One last quick note: this is also a great time for anything to do with visual arts.

Monday late evening (11:47pm EDT)the Moon aligns with the Sun in almost 16 degrees of Libra, beginning a new Moon cycle.

The New Moon is an introverted time — we go within to learn what we wish to align ourselves with for the next 28 days. With the New Moon in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra, this will likely be win-win situations, fair exchanges, harmony in relationships and our general environment. Check out my New Moon video to learn more about this.

That said, we need to acknowledge that this New Moon has a very Scorpionic flavor to it, due to both the Pluto Station and its square to the New Moon, and due to the Venus’s Station in Scorpio.

More about those details in a moment…. but first, let’s talk about the Libra component…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

New Moon in Libra

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 16º of Libra (exact Oct. 8th at 11:47pm EDT)
* The New Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn and quincunxes Neptune in Pisces
* Pluto is now direct but still exalted in the sky
* Venus (ruler of Libra) is currently in Scorpio, also exalted in the sky, starts her 6-week Retrograde phase on Oct.5th
* Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces at the time of the New Moon

Could you give yourself permission to simply observe any self-protective tendencies when they show up?
What if you kept your heart open and your mind soothed, as best as you are able, for the next 28 days?

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 14-18 degrees of Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer?

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Wednesday, Oct. 24th at 2pm PDT/5pm EDT/10pm BST (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we have two big shifts coming up in November: Jupiter changes signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Nov. 8th (and stays there until Dec. 2019), and the Moon Nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn on Nov. 6th (until May 2020).

If you want to know how these big shifts are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a Reading, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s now $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member

TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (includes the next Members-Only Full Moon video)

To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here

Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon becomes exact:

To book a reading, click here  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Oct. 1st – 7th

Completion or Change — Forecast for Oct. 1st – 7th


This week’s headline items: the last Quarter Moon in Cancer becomes exact on Tuesday early morning, Venus comes to a halt on Friday afternoon — starting her 6-week Retrograde phase — and the Balsamic Moon phase begins on Friday evening.

There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday until 2pm EDT; Wednesday early morning (for a little over 12.5 hours), Friday morning (for almost 12 hours), and Sunday late morning for a little over 11 hours).


One quick announcement, before we get to this week’s forecast:
If you missed my Forecasting Forum last week about the current Venus & Pluto Station phases, and the upcoming Venus Retrograde phase, but still want to see how these major two planetary shifts are impacting you personally, I recommend you get the recording of this 90+min. webinar — and for this week only, use discount code 20%OFF at check out.

…And if you’d like to get a sense about the Venus Retrograde in general, feel free to watch my interview from last week on “Healers Speak” with the lovely Sylvia Anais: click here

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Oct. 1st): the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini and VoC until 2:00pm EDT. Until the afternoon, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. “Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way…

The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead 🙂 And of course, since we also have a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow.

Monday at 2:00pm EDT, the Moon moves into protective, nurturing Cancer, where it will journey until Wednesday late afternoon. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-Care is key for the next two-and-a-half days 😉

Emotional safety is important to us as well; we like connecting to the familiar and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others — home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure though, that your glass is filled before letting others drink from it, or you might start to feel drained and resentful. This Moon placement also starts the build-up towards the last Quarter Moon (exact Tuesday early morning).

Monday evening: we may experience authoritarian or rigid attitudes, both toward and from others. This could create some tension or oppositional behaviors — so, as best you can, remain flexible and practice self-care, doing your best to take care of your emotional and physical body — that way, you’ll remain able to…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Healers Speak A Conversation with Sylvia Anais

Join me for my Interview with the lovely Sylvia Anais Mouzourou from Healers Speak about:
* Venus Stationing in Scorpio until Oct.14th, and going retrograde on Oct. 5th
* Pluto stationing in Capricorn until Oct.12h, and going direct on Sept. 30th

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 8-12 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius? Do you have a Sun-sign or Rising sign in Taurus or Libra?

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, Sept. 27th at 3pm PDT/6pm EDT/11pm BST (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we talk about the Venus and Pluto Station phases, and the Venus Retrograde phase.

If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s now $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE, become a Star or SuperStar Member

TO REGISTER for my Forum at a Special discount, email us at: and write “Interview” in the subject line to receive your discount code!

To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch her recent class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”, click here

Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here.  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Sept. 24th – 30th

The Roles We Identify With — Forecast for Sept. 24th – 30th


This week’s headline items: the Full Moon in Aries becomes exact on Monday late evening; Venus starts to slow down on Tuesday — preparing for her 6-week Retrograde phase; Chiron re-enters Pisces on Tuesday evening; and Pluto comes to a halt on Sunday late evening — ending its 5-month Retrograde phase.

There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday very early morning (for a little over 17.5 hours), Wednesday morning (for almost 21 hours), Friday early evening (for almost 15 hours), and Sunday late morning (for almost 26.5 hours).

Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
Last chance to sign up for this week’s Forecasting Forum! Live this Thursday, Sept. 27th at 3pm PDT/6pm EDT/11pm BST (London-time). We will talk in more detail about the Venus Station in 9-11º of Scorpio, her Retrograde phase (which starts on Oct. 5th), and the Pluto Station in 18-19º of Capricorn (goes direct on Sept. 30th).

If you want to know how to align yourself with these planetary movements, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation.

To be automatically registered and join for FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member. To register at the regular fee, click here. Universal Members are getting a special discount for this month’s Forum! Please check your email for the Members-Only Full Moon video to get your discount code, or watch the Full Moon video (I mention the discount code towards the end) 😉

Now, this week’s Forecast:

Monday (Sept. 24th): the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces until 7:04pm EDT. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic and imaginative than normal. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy and affection for all — but especially for those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.

But… that very idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn’t match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors.

It’s also a great time for releasing fears — especially the ones based on a sense of separation — and experiencing “oneness”. Feelings tend to flow more freely; as best as you can, let them — in fact, “going with the flow” is the best way to go for the rest of the day.

Monday at 1:26am EDT, we enter a Moon Void of Course (VoC), that last for a little over 17.5 hours, until 7:04pm EDT. Use this intuitive time to explore any beliefs connected to past experiences that left you feeling disempowered: How could an optimistic approach towards the past allow for a new perspective?

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday all day until the evening ahead of time.

Monday afternoon, a somewhat challenging Sun/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 3:09pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last week Sunday evening (Sept. 23rd) on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday evening (Sept. 25th) . This aspect operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward — and we need to make a choice… so we need to develop inner awareness.

An unexpected turn of events could leave us uneasy or unsettled. How flexible could you be, if you really tried? What needs to be shifted internally, so you can stay open and aligned with your unique, divine values?

Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 0-3 degrees of Libra or Taurus ? If so, you may be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aquarius or Leo (the Sun rules Leo; Uranus rules Aquarius) 

Monday at 7:04pm EDT, the Moon moves into pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Thursday very early morning; this Moon placement starts the build up towards the Full Moon, exact later in the evening. Life is an adventure, we’re more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

Monday at 10:52pm EDT, the Sun opposes the Moon in 2 degrees of Aries. The entrance of the Moon into Aries earlier this evening started the energetic build up towards the Full Moon. The Moon in pioneering, fast-paced Aries makes an opposition to the Sun in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra.

Generally, a Full Moon brings our attention to our “emotional body”, increasing our awareness of what has been suppressed or ignored. If you are a site Member, you may also want to watch my video on the subject

For this Full Moon, and indeed much of this month, our attention is directed toward creating more balance in our lives and more peace in our world.

The Aries/Libra polarity directs that awareness to the roles we identify with in our various one-on-one relationships — and this Full Moon is thus a call to take action on those roles, perhaps even heal them. In particular, it brings the focus to…


ALREADY A MEMBER? Log into your Member’s account and keep reading!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

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