Solar Eclipse in Aries — the article

On March 29th at 6:58am EDT, a powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse becomes exact in 9º of Aries, launching a new Moon and Eclipse cycle.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that occur approximately every six months. You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

This New Moon is significant for two reasons:

It is the year’s first Solar Eclipse and follows March 14th’s Lunar Eclipse.

It is also the final event of an Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle that began with the Solar Eclipse on April 20th, 2023 and continued with the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024. We will have to wait 18 years for the next one; this cycle will start again in April 2043.

What have you discovered about your physical vitality and self-identity since 2023? Where in your life are you called to leave The Comfort Zone? Has this been a humbling experience so far?

The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, but during a Solar Eclipse, the Moon blocks the Sun’s light because it is 400 times closer to Earth. This interruption elevates our consciousness, marking the start of new experiences, projects, or cycles.

This Eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse! These happen when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth but only partially covers the Sun.

This Partial Eclipse will be visible in the northeastern parts of North America (mostly Maine and northeast Canada), North-West Africa, parts of Europe, and Russia.

No matter where you are on the planet, however, the effects of the Eclipse will be transformative. Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to significant endings and beginnings.

They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in almost the same degree (8.5) and sign was on March 29th, 2006.

We will likely experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance,” not repetition — so think back to the Spring of 2006 and ask yourself: Were there any significant endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

For more guidance on those questions, it is best to take a look at our Natal Charts — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is the readiest to embrace a healthy sense of Self and rise to a new level of consciousness around independence and forging our path, gently and holistically.

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We will experience a release and recalibration because old programs will get deleted and new ones downloaded.

And for this Eclipse, this is especially true in connection with our relationship to our human identity and sense of agency — how courageous we feel about starting something new or starting something over.

This begins with our role in our interactions with others, whether we can be honest and direct about our personal goals and passions and inspire others to follow our example.

Solar Eclipses are an excellent time to go within, seed anything we want to integrate into our personality, and improve our self-understanding. This will remain true for six months until the next Solar Eclipse (Sept. 21st, 2025).

We will dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions. Setting Intentions for Solar Eclipses differs from a regular New Moon! So stay tuned!

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They often mark events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to change and grow, or face more significant difficulties at the next turning point.

If there is anything we haven’t been able to change since the Spring of 2023 that we have been toying with, now is the time to do it.

The next turning point will be on June 30th — when the Sun in 9º of Cancer squares this month’s Solar Eclipse degree.

As we remain in Eclipse Season until April 21st, the coming weeks could offer some tailwinds that carry us to significant breakthroughs; we are invited to learn how to be conscious creators, mindful of how our thinking and choices affect our personal and collective experiences.

As best you can, trust that whatever is leaving is making space for something better — the more willing we are to change, the easier it will be.

Stay grounded and flexible — and don’t jump the gun for the next 4 weeks — if you feel compelled to do something, do your best to observe the urge — unless it is connected to something that happens organically — if you are ambivalent about taking an action, better hold off until Eclipse Season ends on April 21st.

A couple of things to note for this Solar Eclipse chart:

* The Sun and Moon align with a Retrograde Mercury in an exalted degree
* Mercury aligns with Neptune (both in exalted degrees)
* Neptune moves into 0 degrees of Aries only 25 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact
* Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Cancer, making a Square to Chiron in Aries and making several Trines to planets in Pisces (including Saturn, the North Node, Venus, and Neptune)
* Moon in Aries makes a “mutual reception” to Mars in Cancer

Before we go any further, let’s first talk about the sign of Aries:

This Solar Eclipse in pioneering, fast-paced Aries focuses more on our independence and dynamism  — you could say that we seek…


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Since Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 4º orb instead of 2º — and since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 9º of Aries:

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 5-13 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. This is because we are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are pretty intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — that said, it’s best to avoid setting them during a Moon void of course.

Given all this, here are the best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse: Between 6:58am on Monday, March 31st, and 1:42pm on Tuesday April 1st. Then again, from 4:26pm on April 1st until 6:58am on Wednesday, April 2nd. Note that all times above are given in US Eastern Time — i.e., the New York time zone.

Set powerful intentions — remember, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Aries energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook page and/or following me on Instagram, X (Twitter) or Thread, as I post reminders on those platforms when it’s time to set your intentions.

If you want more details on setting Intentions, please click here.

Upcoming Live Events: on Saturday April 12th at 12:30am EDT: my monthly Forecasting Forum, titled: “Ambition & Drive”.

We will cover the third and last of the Mars-Pluto oppositions in the Trilogy, as well as Mercury & Venus ending their various Retrograde phases moving forward again! ==> You can join us live or register to get the mp4-video presentation.

AND… on Saturday April 26th at 11:30am EDT: my NEW Live Stream “The Star Hour” via the Soulivity Live platform: a Free Q&A! ==> RSVP here


Solar Eclipse in Libra — the article

On Oct. 2nd at 2:49pm EDT, a Solar Eclipse becomes exact at 10 degrees of Libra  —  you may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

Forty-eight hours before and after an Eclipse, we are experiencing heavy energetic downloads, so it’s best to wait to set Solar Eclipse Intentions until these intense downloads are complete.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every six months — this is the second Solar Eclipse in 2024 (in this particular Eclipse cycle that will be in effect until March 2025). The first Solar Eclipse of 2024 took place in Aries on April 8th.

Think back to early April and see what seeds got planted in your life concerning the last Solar Eclipse. Did you set Solar Eclipse Intentions on April 10th, 11th or 12th? Did something end or begin at that time? What have you discovered about your physical vitality and self-identity?

This is an Annular Solar Eclipse; this occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth while the Moon is at or near its farthest point from Earth. Because of the distance to the Earth, it appears smaller than the Sun and does not entirely cover the Sun. As a result, the Moon appears as a dark disk on top of a larger, bright disk, creating what looks like a ring of light around the Moon.

The Solar Eclipse will be visible from the Pacific Ocean (starting in Hawaii), parts of South America, the South Atlantic Ocean, and Antarctica. It will be most visible over the ocean.

No matter where you are on the planet, however, the effects of the Eclipse will be transformative globally.

We also addressed Eclipse Season and the Solar Eclipse in Libra in more detail in our webinar: “Eclipses: Our Soul’s Journey Continues”. If you missed this fantastic online event ==> click here to get this fabulous 111 min. webinar

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades available to us during such times.

This is the second South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra since the Moon Nodes moved into the Aries-Libra polarity in July 2023.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to significant endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in this particular degree and sign while the South Node was traveling through Libra was on October 3rd, 2005.

We will likely experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Fall of 2005 and ask yourself: Were there any significant endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

A couple of things to note for this Solar Eclipse chart:

1) The New Moon not only aligns with the South Node but also with Mercury in Libra; it also makes a Square to Mars in Cancer (who is also the Focal Point of a T-Square), and it makes a Semi-sextile to its ruler: Venus.

2) Venus in Scorpio is part of a Grand Water Trine with Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer.

3) Jupiter in Gemini & Pluto in Capricorn have a potent role in this Eclipse chart, as they are both exalted (due to their Station phases), and they both make exact Sextiles to other celestial bodies: Pluto to Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter with Chiron in Aries.

Sextiles are 60º aspects that create an opportunity that requires action; we must take advantage of these opportune energy combos to reap the benefits.

These are the major themes of this Solar Eclipse chart, and we will address them in more detail. First, let’s talk a bit about Eclipses:

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, reorganizing our consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

This particular Eclipse Season started on Sept. 2nd, with the New Moon in Virgo, and it will end after the Super Full Moon in Aries that follows this Solar Eclipse (in other words, by Oct. 24th, 2024).

While Eclipse Season is underway, allow for new templates to download, stay centered, and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious mental flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body.

And remember, this won’t last forever: on Oct. 24th, the downloads are complete. It is important to remember that Eclipses open the door to the next level of our Soul’s evolution.

As best as you can, don’t jump the gun for the next four weeks — if you feel compelled to do something, do your best to simply observe the urge. The exception would be anything that happens organically, but if you are ambivalent about an action, it is better to hold off until Eclipse Season ends on Oct. 24th.

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We will experience a release and recalibration because old programs will get deleted and new ones downloaded.

This Eclipse will connect this process to one-on-one relationships, ancestral patterns that no longer serve us, and whatever helps us take a balanced approach to life.

South Node Solar Eclipses are an excellent time to go within, to seed anything we would like to redefine or release over the next 5.5 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.

Since this Eclipse aligns with the South Node in Libra, it asks us to…


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The more an Eclipse activates our birth chart, the more we feel impelled to go to the next level. Because Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º — so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 10 degrees of Libra:

Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 5-15º of Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn? If so, you may feel the effects of this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 5.5-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions… We also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

The best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse are between 2:45pm on Oct. 4th and 2:45pm on Oct. 6th — (in US Eastern Daylight Savings Time — i.e. the New York time zone).

Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next 5.5 months — and if possible, align them with the Libra energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fanpage, following me on Twitter or Instagram as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions.

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.


Solar Eclipse in Aries — the article

On April 8th at 2:21pm EDT,  a powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse becomes exact in 19.5º of Aries. This launches a new Moon and Eclipse cycle.

As we remain in Eclipse Season until April 18th, the coming weeks could offer some tailwinds that carry us to significant breakthroughs; we are invited to learn how to be conscious creators, mindful of how our thinking and choices affect our personal and collective experiences.

As best you can, trust that whatever is leaving is making space for something better — the more willing we are to change, the easier it will be.

Stay grounded and flexible — and don’t jump the gun for the next 2-3 weeks — if you feel compelled to do something, do your best to observe the urge — unless it is connected to something that happens organically — if you are ambivalent about taking an action, better hold off until Eclipse Season ends on April 18th.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that occur approximately every six months. This Eclipse cycle will be in effect until March 2025; this is the first Solar Eclipse of this year and the second in Aries in this Eclipse cycle. You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

The first Solar Eclipse in Aries (connected to the current Eclipse cycle) occurred on April 20th, 2023. What have you discovered about your physical vitality and self-identity since then? Where are you asked to get out of your comfort zone? Has this been a humbling experience so far?

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, reorganizing our consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

This Eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse and a SuperMoon!

This will be the third of three Super New Moons in a row, and as some of you already know, SuperMoons occur when the Moon is at its closest distance to the Earth (at the time of a New Moon or Full Moon) and are more powerful. This means greater awareness of the issues connected to the particular New Moon energy.

Total Solar Eclipses happen when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. The Moon will completely cover the Sun.

This Total Eclipse will be visible in North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. It will begin over the South Pacific Ocean. The first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico’s Pacific coast.

The path of the Eclipse continues from Mexico, entering the United States in Texas, and traveling through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the Total Solar Eclipse.

The Eclipse will enter Canada in Southern Ontario and continue through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton. It will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

No matter where you are on the planet, however, the effects of the Eclipse will be transformative globally. Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to significant endings and beginnings.

They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in this particular degree and sign — while the North Node was traveling through Aries — was on April 8th, 2005.

We will likely experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Spring of 2005 and ask yourself: Were there any significant endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

For more guidance on those questions, it is best to take a look at our Natal Charts — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is the readiest to embrace a healthy sense of Self and rise to a new level of consciousness around independence and forging our path, gently and holistically.

Feel free to watch my webinar “Eclipse Season & the Mercury Retrograde” to see how the Eclipses impact your birth chart. You can get this 95-minute webinar here.

Star Members of my online community: check your inbox or junk folder for the email you received on March 22nd.

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release and recalibration of some sort because old programs will get deleted and new ones downloaded– and for this Eclipse, this is especially true in connection with our relationship to our human identity and our sense of agency in the world — in other words, how capable we feel to get things done.

This begins with our role in our interactions with others, whether we can be direct about our personal goals and passions and inspire others to follow our example.

Solar Eclipses are an excellent time to go within, to seed anything we would like to integrate and understand better about ourselves over the next six months until the next Solar Eclipse (Oct. 2nd, 2024) — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this video/article when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.

Setting Intentions for Solar Eclipses differs from a regular New Moon! So stay tuned!

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades available to us during those times.

North Node Eclipses help us move towards…


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Since Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 19º24 of Aries:

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 14-25 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. This is because we are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are pretty intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — that said, it’s best to avoid setting them during a Moon void of course.

Given all this, here are the best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse: Between 2:21pm on Wednesday, April 10th, and 6:04am on Thursday, April 11th. Then again, from 8:59am on April 11th until 2:21pm on Friday, April 12th. Note that all times above are given in US Eastern Time — i.e., the New York time zone.pastedGraphic.png

Set powerful intentions — remember, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Aries energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook page and following me on X (Twitter), as I post reminders on those platforms when it’s time to set your intentions.

If you want more details on setting Intentions, please click here.


Solar Eclipse in Libra — the article

On Oct. 14th at 1:55pm EDT, a Solar Eclipse becomes exact at 21 degrees of Libra  —  you may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

48 hours before and after an Eclipse, we are experiencing heavy energetic downloads, so it’s best to wait to set Solar Eclipse Intentions until after these intense downloads are over.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every six months — this is the second Solar Eclipse in 2023 (in this particular Eclipse cycle that will be in effect until March 2025). The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 took place in Aries on April 20th.

Think back to late April and see what seeds got planted in your life in connection with the last Solar Eclipse. Did you set Solar Eclipse Intentions on April 22nd or 23rd? Did something end or begin at that time? What have you discovered about your physical vitality and self-identity?

This Eclipse is an Annular Solar Eclipse; these occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth while the Moon is at or near its farthest point from Earth. Because of the distance to the Earth, it appears smaller than the Sun and does not entirely cover the Sun. As a result, the Moon appears as a dark disk on top of a larger, bright disk, creating what looks like a ring of light around the Moon.

This Eclipse will be most visible in parts of the United States (mainly Oregon, Northern California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas), Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America.

Everyone in the U.S. will see a partial Solar Eclipse, with those farther West seeing a much more significant chunk taken out of the Sun.

No matter where you are on the planet, however, the effects of the Eclipse will be transformative globally.

We also addressed Eclipse Season and the Solar Eclipse in Libra in more detail in our webinar: “Eclipse Season & Pluto Station”.  If you missed this fantastic online event ==> click here to get this fabulous 1hour 45 min. webinar

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades available to us during such times.

This is the first South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra since the Moon Nodes moved into the Aries-Libra polarity on July 17th, 2023.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to significant endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in this particular degree and sign while the South Node was traveling through Libra was on October 14th, 2004.

We will likely experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Fall of 2004 and ask yourself: Were there any significant endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

A couple of things to note for this Solar Eclipse chart: the New Moon not only aligns with the South Node but also with Mercury in Libra; it also makes a Quincunx to Uranus in Taurus and an opposition to Chiron & the North Node in Aries.

Pluto in Capricorn has a potent role in this Eclipse chart, as it is exalted (due to its Station phase), and it squares the Moon Nodes and, therefore also the New Moon/Solar Eclipse.

Squares are 90º aspects that mark a turning point that we must take to make progress; they ask us to stretch and grow beyond who we used to be.

These are the major themes of this Solar Eclipse chart, and we will address them in more detail. First, let’s talk a bit more about


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 16-26º of Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn? If so, you may feel the effects of this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 5.5-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions… We also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

The best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse are between 1:55pm (on Oct. 16th) and 11:44am (on Oct. 17th) and then again from 3:36pm (Oct. 17th) until 1:55pm (on Oct. 18th) — (in US Eastern Daylight Savings Time — i.e. the New York time zone).

Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next 5.5 months — and if possible, align them with the Libra energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fanpage and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions.

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.


Solar Eclipse in Aries — the article

On April 19th/20th, at 12:13am EDT,  a powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse becomes exact in an exalted degree of Aries — 29 degrees and 50 minutes! That’s only 10 minutes shy of 0 degrees of Taurus. This launches a new Moon and Eclipse cycle.

This is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse which is not observable from the U.S., but will be visible from western Australia, East Timor, and Eastern Indonesia. 

Hybrid Solar Eclipses shift from “Total” to “Annular” as the Moon’s shadow races over the Earth. According to, these Eclipses are quite rare, occurring just a few times every century.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that occur approximately every six months — this is the first in 2023 and the first Solar Eclipse in Aries (in this particular Eclipse cycle that will be in effect until January 2025). You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, destabilizing existing energy configurations and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar), and “Eclipse seasons” start with the Lunation that precedes the first Eclipse and ends with the Lunation that follows the last Eclipse.

This Eclipse season began on April 6th, when the Full Moon in Libra became exact. It will end 14 days after the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that follows this Solar Eclipse with the New Moon in Taurus (in other words, by May 19th).

If you want to know how Pluto’s current journey and Eclipse Season might impact you personally, feel free to click here and get my latest  webinar: “Pluto in Aquarius & Eclipse Season

While Eclipse season is underway, allow for new templates to download, stay centered, and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body. And remember, this will only last for a while: on May 19th, the downloads are complete.

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release and recalibration of some sort — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded — and for this Eclipse, this is especially true in connection with our relationship to our human identity and our sense of agency in the world — in other words, how capable we feel to get things done.

This begins with our role in our interactions with others, whether we are capable of being direct with others about our personal goals and passions, and whether we can inspire others to follow our example. This helps us be more aware of how passionate we are about life or what’s missing to get us back on track with our passion-projects.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades available to us during such times.

This is the first North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries since 2004. The Moon Nodes will move into the Aries-Libra polarity on July 17th, 2023, and land on the Solar Eclipse degree. So it is safe to say that something will happen around July 18th that will resonate back to what began around April 20th…to read the whole Solar Eclipse article and get access to all of the Coaching questions, click here.

North Node Eclipses help us move towards a new exploration of an energy that promotes our Soul’s evolution. They ask us to focus on the energies of the sign involved in the Eclipse (Aries, in this case) and work with the lighter/higher frequencies of those energies as much as possible. They highlight our ability for individual and collective growth and evolution.

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow or face more significant difficulties at the next turning point.

In this case, the next turning point will be on July 22nd — when the Sun in a late degree of Cancer squares this month’s Solar Eclipse degree.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to significant endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a Solar Eclipse in this particular degree and sign was on April 19th, 2004. 

We will likely experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Spring of 2004 and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is the readiest to embrace a healthy sense of Self and rise to a new level of consciousness around independence and forging your path.

Solar Eclipses are also a good time to go within and seed anything we would like to learn over the next six months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions. Setting Intentions for Solar Eclipses differs from a regular New Moon! So stay tuned!

Since this Eclipse is the second of two New Moons in a row in the same sign within the last 30 days (called a Black Moon), we are getting an extra dose of our inner warrior energy.

The very last degree (or more specifically, the last 10 minutes) of a sign is also quite potent and tells us that we are invited to deepen that which got initiated — at the time of the Super New Moon on March 21st — over the next six months.

Here are some things to note in this New Moon/Solar Eclipse chart:

  • We have two planets in an exalted state: Mercury in Taurus starts its Retrograde phase the day after the Eclipse becomes exact, and Pluto in Aquarius is also exalted, preparing to come to a halt and going retrograde on May 1st.
  • One planet conjuncts the Eclipse (Jupiter in Aries)
  • One planet squares the Eclipse (an exalted Pluto)
  • Jupiter and Pluto are both non-personal planets (and thus impact the collective as well as the individual)
  • Mars, the ruler of Aries, currently in Cancer, squares Chiron in Aries and sextiles Mercury in Taurus

Before we go any further, let’s first talk about the sign of AriesThis Solar Eclipse in pioneering, fast-paced Aries focuses more on…


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Because Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 29º50 of Aries:

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in the following: 24-29 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, or 0-5 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, or Aquarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. This is because we are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are pretty intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — that said, we do not want to set them during a Moon void of course.

Given all this, here are the best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse: Between 6:11am, on April 22nd, and 12:13am, on April 23/24th. Note that all times above are given in US Eastern Time — i.e., the New York time zone.

Set powerful intentions — remember, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Aries energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and following me on Twitter, as I post reminders on those platforms when it’s time to set your intentions.

If you would like more details on how to set Intentions, please click here.

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio – the article

Oct. 25th, at 6:49am EDTthe New Moon (and Solar Eclipse) becomes exact in 2 degrees of Scorpio —  you may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months — this is the second Solar Eclipse in 2022 (in this particular Eclipse cycle that will be in effect until July 2023). The first Solar Eclipse of 2022 took place in Taurus on April 30th.

Think back to early May and see what seeds got planted in your life in connection with the last Solar Eclipse. Did you set Solar Eclipse Intentions in early May? Did something end or begin at that time? What have you discovered about your sense of self-worth and value in the world?

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar), and “Eclipse seasons” start approximately 10 days before the first Eclipse of the pair, and continue through the second.

While this Eclipse is partial and only visible from Europe, Western Siberia, Central, Western, & South Asia, and the NE of Africa, its transformative effects are global.

We also addressed Eclipse Season and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in more detail in a special talk called “The Next Phase of Your Evolution — How to Navigate Eclipse Season”.  If you missed this Special Event ==> click here to get this fabulous 2-hour webinar

A couple of things to note for this Solar Eclipse chart: we have 4 Quincunxes; these invite us to make some inner adjustments to address internal discomfort. One of those four Quincunxes is inviting us to pay closer attention to our health — the Quincunx between Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Capricorn. 

Pluto and Mars are also involved in two Squares, and Saturn is still in a tight Square with Uranus. Squares are 90º aspects that mark a turn we must take if we are to make progress; they ask us to stretch and grow beyond who we used to be.

Mars and Saturn are both exalted in this Solar Eclipse chart, due to their Station phases — Mars is preparing to go Retrograde (on Oct. 30th) and Saturn just ended its 4.5-month Retrograde phase (that began on June 4th).

And last but not least, Venus is closely aligned with the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, bringing our desire for deeper connections to the fore.

These are the major themes of this Solar Eclipse chart and we will address them in more detail in a moment. First, let’s talk a bit about Eclipses:

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy, and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

This particular Eclipse season started on Oct. 15th, 10 days before the Solar Eclipse becomes exact, and it will end 14 days after the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus that follows this Solar Eclipse (in other words, by Nov. 23rd, 2022).

While Eclipse season is underway, allow for new templates to download, stay centered, and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious mental flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body. 

And remember, this won’t last forever: on Nov. 23rd, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are times of uncertainty, Uranian in nature, so anything could happen between now and Nov. 23rd. It is important to remember that Eclipses open a door to the next level of our Soul’s evolution.

As best as you can, don’t jump the gun for the next 5.5 weeks — if you feel compelled to do something, do your best to simply observe the urge. The exception would be something that just happens organically, but if you are ambivalent about a possible action, better to hold off until Eclipse Season ends on Nov. 23rd.

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release and recalibration of some sort — “old” programs will get deleted and new ones downloaded — and with this Eclipse this will be in connection with old traumas, sexual/intimate relations, or emotionally authentic connections.

Solar Eclipses are a good time to go within, to seed anything we would like to redefine or release over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article, when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times. 

This is the first South Node Solar Eclipse in Scorpio since the Moon Nodes moved into the Taurus-Scorpio polarity on January 18th, 2022. South Node Eclipses ask us to…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 0-7 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, or 28-29º of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions… We also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

The best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse is between 6:55am (on Oct. 27th) and 6:49am (on Oct. 29th) — (in US Eastern Daylight Savings Time — i.e. the New York time zone).

Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Scorpio energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

Solar Eclipse in Taurus — the article

On April 30th, at 4:28pm EDTa powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse becomes exact in 10.5 degrees of TaurusSolar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months — this is the first in 2022, and also the first Solar Eclipse in Taurus (in this particular Eclipse cycle that will be in effect until July 2023) you may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy, and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar), and “Eclipse seasons” start approximately 10 days before the first Eclipse of the pair, and continue through the second.

This particular Eclipse season began on April 20th, 10 days before the Solar Eclipse becomes exact, and it will end 10 days after the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that follows this Solar Eclipse (in other words, by May 26th, 2022).

While Eclipse season is underway, allow for new templates to download, stay centered, and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body. And remember, this won’t last forever: on May 26th, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release and recalibration of some sort — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded — and this is especially true in connection with our relationship to the physical world.

This begins with the relationship to ourselves, our body, our talents, whether we value ourselves enough to ask for our worth, whether we are able to say “No” to something that is not in alignment with our values or doesn’t honor our body. This helps us to be more aware of how much we love ourselves and our physical experience on this planet.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times. This is the first North Node Solar Eclipse in Taurus since the Moon Nodes moved into the Taurus-Scorpio polarity on January 18th, 2022.

North Node Eclipses help us move towards a new exploration of an energy that promotes our Soul’s evolution. They ask us to focus on the energies of the sign involved in the Eclipse (Taurus, in this case) and work with the lighter/higher frequencies of those energies as much as possible. They highlight our ability for individual and collective growth and evolution.

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow, or face greater difficulties at the next turning point. In this case, the next turning point will be on August 2nd — when the Sun is in Leo squares this month’s Solar Eclipse degree.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a New Moon in this particular degree and sign while the North Node was traveling through Taurus was on May 1st, 2003. Although this was not yet an Eclipse because the North Node was too far away from the New Moon, by degree, this particular New Moon certainly started Eclipse Season that year.

We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Spring of 2003, and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is the readiest to embrace abundance and rise to a new level of consciousness around self-worth and honoring the Self.

If you need some help with that exploration, feel free to click here and get my webinar: “Eclipse Season & Pluto Station April-May 2022”

Solar Eclipses are also a good time to go within and seed anything we would like to learn over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions. Please note that setting Intentions for Solar Eclipses is different from a regular New Moon! So stayed tuned!

One major thing to note in this New Moon/Solar Eclipse chart: we have one planet in a very exalted state (Pluto in Capricorn starts its Retrograde phase the day before the Eclipse) and one planet conjunct the Eclipse (Uranus in Taurus) — both of those planets are…


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Because Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 10.5 degrees of Taurus:

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 5-16 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius?  If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — that said, we definitely do not want to set them during a Moon void of course.

Given all this, here are the best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse: Between 4:28pm, on May 2nd, and 4:28pm, on May 4th. Note that all times in this article are given in US Eastern Time — i.e., the New York time zone.

Set powerful intentions — remember, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Taurus energy!

If you live in a timezone other than EDT, and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders on those platforms when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius – the article

On Dec. 4th at 2:43am EST, a total Solar Eclipse sweeps across Antarctica. People located at the southernmost tips of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand will be able to see partial phases. This New Moon (Solar Eclipse) becomes exact at 12.5 degrees of Sagittarius, launching a new Moon and Eclipse cycle.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months; during a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of solar radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

This is the last of four Eclipses in 2021. While there is a New Moon each month, Eclipses occur only 4-7 times a year, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are precisely enough aligned. You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar). Eclipse season starts 14 days before the first Eclipse (in this case, the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus), and continues through the time of the second (for this Eclipse season, that would be the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius). This Eclipse Season started back on Nov. 4th and will last until Jan. 2nd, 2022.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, switching between the North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times.

This is the second South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius since the Moon Nodes entered Gemini/Sagittarius in May 2020 and is also the last South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius for the next 18 years.

South Node Eclipses ask us to release or redefine energies or attachments that no longer serve our Soul’s evolution. They highlight past issues that need our attention, so we can grow beyond our conditioning, individually and collectively.

Ask yourself: What has shifted for me in regards to my perspectives towards life since Dec. 2020? What believes, expectations, or attitudes, if any, have I redefined or released?

What past issues came up around my social, cultural, or religious conditioning, between Dec. 2020 – June 2021? Where could I take a closer look at those issues over the next 6 months and grow beyond that conditioning? If I take a moment to look beyond my conditioning, what has my direct experience been so far? What needs to either be completed or go to the next level now?

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow, or face greater difficulties at the next turning point. The next turning point for this Eclipse will be in early March when the Sun reaches 12.5º of Pisces and squares the Solar Eclipse degree.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond with major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years and the last time we had a South Node Solar Eclipse in a very close degree was on Dec. 4th, 2002.

We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonant”, rather than identical — so think back to the Winter of 2002/2003, and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is ready to release outdated beliefs and social conditioning and go to a new level of consciousness. If that idea appeals, check out my 30-minute class, “How to Read Your Birth Chart”.

Solar Eclipses are a good time to go within, to seed anything we would like to redefine or release over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article, when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions. 

PLEASE NOTE, that setting Intentions for an Eclipse is not the same as setting Intentions for a regular New Moon!!!!

With the Solar Eclipse in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, we seek to expand our day-to-day knowledge and look for a larger perspective.

For the next six months, ask yourself: What philosophies most resonate with me? What life perspectives are no longer serving me? What stories have I been telling myself about life? What universal truths feel immediately in alignment with my direct experience of life right now?

Lots to consider with this Eclipse chart…

This New Moon/Solar Eclipse will conjunct Mercury, quincunx Uranus in Taurus, sextile Saturn in Aquarius, and trine Chiron in Aries. Neptune in Pisces is exalted at the time of the Eclipse, and it squares Mercury in Sagittarius. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, currently in Aquarius squares Mars in Scorpio. Venus & Chiron will start to slow down and start their Station phases very soon after the Eclipse becomes exact. More about all that in a moment, but first let’s take a look at the Mercury/Sun/Moon alignment in Sagittarius


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Again, because Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 12.5 degrees of Sagittarius:

Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 7-18 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — we also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

Given all this, there are two best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse:

The first one lasts 21 hours, between 2:43am and 11:42pm on Monday (Dec. 6th), and the second one lasts for almost 20 hours, between 6:49am on Tuesday (Dec. 7th) and 2:43am on Wednesday (Dec. 8th) — (in US Eastern Time — i.e. the New York time zone).

Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Sagittarian energy! 

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

Solar Eclipse in Gemini — the article

On June 10th at 6:53am EDT, the New Moon (and Solar Eclipse) becomes exact in almost 20 degrees of GeminiSolar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months — this is the first in 2021 — you may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of Solar Radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar), and “Eclipse seasons” start approximately 10 days before the first Eclipse of the pair, and continue through the second. 

This particular Eclipse season began on May 16th, 10 days before the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius became exact, and will end with the Full Moon on June 24th, 2021 — in other words, two weeks after the Solar Eclipse in Gemini becomes exact.

While Eclipse season is underway, allow for new templates to download; stay centered and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body. And remember, this won’t last forever: on June 24th, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release and recalibration of some sort — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded — and this is especially true in connection with our ability to connect and communicate, our inner dialog, our ability to listen, and our gathering and use of information. This helps us to be more aware of how we interact and what we share.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, alternating between North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times. This is the first North Node Solar Eclipse in Gemini since the Moon Nodes moved into the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity in early May of last year (2020).

North Node Eclipses help us move towards a new exploration of an energy that promotes our Soul’s evolution. They ask us to focus on the energies of the sign involved in the Eclipse (Gemini, in this case) and work with the lighter/higher frequencies of those energies as much as possible. They highlight our ability for individual and collective growth and evolution.

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow, or face greater difficulties at the next turning point. In this case, the next turning point will be on September 12th, when the Sun is in Virgo squares this month’s Solar Eclipse degree.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond to major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years, and the last time we had a North Node Solar Eclipse in that same degree and sign was on June 10th, 2002.

We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonance”, not repetition — so think back to the Summer of 2002, and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is most ready to embrace new information and rise to a new level of consciousness.

Solar Eclipses are also a good time to go within and seed anything we would like to learn over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article, when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.

One major thing to note in this New Moon/Solar Eclipse chart, is that we now have 3 planets in Retrograde motion — and one of them is the ruler of Gemini: Mercury! 


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 15-25 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces?  If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — that said, we definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

There are thus two best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse:

The first lasts a little over 24 hours, between 6:53am, on June 12th, and 7:16am, on June 13th. The second one runs for 15.5 hours, between 2:22pm, onJune 13th, and 6:53am on Monday, June 14th. Note that all times in this article are given in US Eastern Time — i.e., the New York time zone.

If you live in a timezone other than EDT, and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders on those platforms when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

Set powerful intentions — remember, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Gemini energy!

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius – article

On Dec. 14th at 11:17am EST, a powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse in 23 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact.

Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months. During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of solar radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.

This is the last of six Eclipses in 2020. While there is a New Moon each month, Eclipses occur only 4-7 times a year, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are precisely enough aligned. You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.

Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar), and Eclipse season starts 10 days before the first Eclipse (in this case, the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini), and continues through the time of the second Eclipse (for this eclipse season, that would be the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius ). This Eclipse Season thus started back on Nov. 20th and will last until Dec. 24th, 2020.

While eclipse season is underway, allow for new templates to download; stay centered and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body. And remember, this won’t last forever: on Dec. 24th, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release of some sort, and a recalibration — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded, especially in connection with belief systems, social and cultural conditioning, and assumptions we carry around with us. This helps us see from a wider perspective.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, switching between the North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times. This is the first South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius since the Moon Nodes moved into the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity in early May 2020.

South Node Eclipses ask us to release or redefine energies or attachments that no longer serve our Soul’s evolution. They highlight past issues that need our attention, so we can grow beyond our conditioning, individually and collectively.

Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow, or face greater difficulties at the next turning point.

Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond with major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years and the last time we had a South Node Solar Eclipse in that same degree was in Dec. 2001.

We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonant”, rather than identical — so think back to the Winter of 2001/2002, and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is most ready to release outdated beliefs and social conditioning and go to a new level of consciousness. If that idea appeals, check out my free 30-minute class, “How to Read My Birth Chart”.

Solar Eclipses are a good time to go within, to seed anything we would like to redefine or release over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article, when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.

With the Solar Eclipse in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, we seek to expand our day-to-day knowledge and look for a larger perspective. For the next six months, ask yourself


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 18-28 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you may feel the effects of this extra powerful New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.

Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions… We also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.

There are therefore two best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse: the first lasts a little over 13 hours, between 11:17am (on Dec. 16th) and 12:34am (on Dec. 17th) — and the second for almost 34 hours, between 1:27am (Dec. 17th) and 11:17am Friday (Dec. 18th) — (in US Eastern Time — i.e. the New York time zone).

Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Sagittarian energy! If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

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