Monthly Forecasting Forum – Feb. 15th


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Why Join this Forecasting Forum?

Discover the deeper meaning and transformative power of Venus Retrograde as it journeys through Aries and Pisces.

By attending this live event, you’ll:

  1. Understand the Cosmic Timing
    • Learn how Venus’ pre-Shadow phase (starting Jan. 28th) sets the stage for her retrograde period from March 1st to April 12th.
  2. Align with Feminine and Masculine Energies
    • Explore the exalted interplay of these energies in February and March to deepen your self-awareness and relationship dynamics.
  3. Navigate Venus Retrograde with Clarity
    • Uncover practical insights and tools to work with the retrograde’s influence on self-love, relationships, and creativity.
  4. Get Expert Guidance in Real Time
    • Join the conversation live and gain personalized insights during this interactive Forum.

Live on February 15th, 2025 at 12:30pm EST/9:30am PST/5:30pm London-time ✨ 

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with the energy of Venus and prepare for its retrograde phase. Reserve your spot today and unlock powerful tools for growth and self-alignment.

This webinar is about more than just astrology; it’s about building a deeper relationship with the celestial patterns that guide our lives. Whether you join us live or watch the recording later, this Forum offers a unique space for exploration, connection, and support as we navigate the upcoming planetary shifts together.

Courage through Vulnerability
An exploration of the Feminine and Masculine energies!

What is Venus asking of us? How can Mars support her at this time?

In this 90 min. webinar we will talk about: the Venus & Mars Station phases.

  • Mars stations (exalted) until March 15th at 17-19º of Cancer (starts on Feb. 6th)
  • Venus stations (exalted) until March 16th at 6-10º of Aries (starts on Feb. 13th)

We will also talk about Venus’ Retrograde phase that begins on March 1st (until April 12th) — in almost 11º Aries – 24.5º Pisces. Together, we will:

  1. Explore the exalted Energies of Mars and Venus
    Understand how the interplay of exalted feminine and masculine energies can support our growth and healing during this period.
  2. Navigate Venus Retrograde with Awareness
    Reflect on the themes of self-love and connection that Venus invites us to revisit, offering clarity on how these energies may manifest in your personal chart.
  3. Create Space for Questions and Shared Insights
    As always, the Forecasting Forum will include space for your questions, providing an opportunity for real-time support and a deeper connection with our astrological practice.

Send your Questions in advance! Once you have purchased this webinar, you will receive an automated email to do just that (check your junk mail if you don’t see it in your inbox). Questions will be answered in the order they have been received.

“Once again, thank you Sonja.  You are always very generous with your time. Your mini readings via your webinars are always insightful and helpful.  A special opportunity you offer us. Thank you!” — Julienne A.

If you would like to join live, please keep in mind that registration will close an hour before the live event begins, if you register after that time you will receive the mp4-video presentation of the webinar.

Already a Star Member of Sonja’s online community? You are automatically registered every month; watch out for the email to join on the day of the webinar.

Not currently a Member of Sonja’s online community? Click here to become a Star Member.

NEW!!! Universal Members get a 10% discount of Sonja’s Forecasting Forums at any time! ==> Click here to become a Universal Member (First month is currently FREE, cancel anytime).

In this live 90-minute webinar, Sonja shares what’s coming up for the month, astrologically speaking. You’ll get a chance to take a look at your own birth chart in relationship to the upcoming energies and better understand how these energies may impact you personally.

You will be able to attend the Forum live with Sonja and other participants and ask questions. Also included is an mp4/video recording of the webinar whether or not you are able to attend live.

**Registration also includes access to the current Members Full Moon video!

More information available on the Join the Monthly Forecasting Forum page.

If you register for this Monthly Forecasting Forum, you will also get access to a discount code for my very Special Webinar:

“Our Soul’s Journey: Unveiling the Significance of the Moon Nodes in PISCES-VIRGO” — LIVE on FEBRUARY 25th at 6:30pm EST, as we enter our first Eclipse Season of the year! — with Discount Code, only $15 (regular $32)


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