January 9th – 15th

The Spirit-Human Alliance 


This week’s headline items: Uranus and Mars still station (and are thus exalted) all week; Mars’ Station intensifies on Wednesday — preparing to end its 2.5-month Retrograde phase late on Thursday afternoon and entering its post-Shadow phase. Mercury slows down (stations) again on Friday as it prepares to end its 3-week Retrograde phase; the last Quarter Moon in Libra becomes exact on Saturday late evening.

There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday evening (for almost 13.5 hours), Thursday early evening (for almost 4 hours), and Sunday very early morning (for almost 3.5 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, here is the link for…

Our webinar about 2023! Click here to purchase. If you are already a Star Member or registered for this webinar beforehand, please check your email for the link; I sent it out on Saturday, January 7th.


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 9th:

Monday, the Moon remains in fun and attention-loving Leo all day. We may lack objectivity and struggle with backing down or compromising. We all love to be admired — or at the very least acknowledged — for our greatness 🙂

So, hand out some compliments — let people know how proud you are of them, and tell them how much you love them. Come from the heart in this and all other things… be honest and authentic as best you can. Fun, games, and romance are a big part of this energy. You might also enjoy spending time with little ones.

If there are no “outer children” around, how about getting in touch with your “inner child” — it’s easier for the next two-and-a-half days. What are you most grateful for today? What would be heaps and heaps of fun? What would be so much fun that you let out a tiny squeak just thinking of it?

Monday late morning, a harmonious Venus/Mars aspect becomes exact at 10:22am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last Friday night (Jan. 6th); it will remain strong until Wednesday evening. We tend to feel passionate, highly creative, and energized at this time, with lots of vitality and warmth to share.

We are able to actively bring people together for mutual pleasure and benefit. That’s not surprising, considering we radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm — we find it easy during this time to get along with both sexes.

There is also a certain amount of flow when it comes to creativity and athletic abilities: If you knew you could accomplish something now with ease, what would you pick?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 5-11 degrees of Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra? If so, you will feel this aspect quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus, Libra, or Aries (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra, and Mars rules Aries) 

Monday evening, at 8:52pm EST, we enter a Moon VoC that lasts for almost 13.5 hours until 10:15am EST (Tuesday late morning).  Use this intuitive time to focus on making realistic choices when connecting with others. Do your best to find a balance between your need for heartfelt, joyful self-expression in the here and now and focusing on an intellectually realistic and sustainable future.

Also, be your most authentic, joyful Self when connecting with like-minded people. And, as always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday evening until Thursday late morning ahead of time.


ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content —become a site member(still, for the price of a cappuccino!)


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

Thank you Sonja 🙏 and everyone ~ kind blessings — Nuku


“Thanks, I will listen to the Full Moon video again, and practice what I learned today and integrate where things fall House-wise.” — April M.

To register for this month only
, click here — the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is available until Feb.. 4th at midnight EST!!!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by RAW(bin)Foto



A Look at January 2023

Join me as I share about January:

* 2023 starts with three planets in retrograde motion: Mercury, Mars & Uranus
* Mars is exalted until Jan. 24th;
* Mars comes to a halt on Jan. 12th (ending its 2.5 months Retrograde phase)
* Mercury ends its Retrograde phase on Jan. 18th

👉 — FIRST Forecasting Forum of the year on FRIDAY, Jan. 6th at 5pm EST/2pm PST & Saturday, Jan. 7th at 9am Sydney-time! ==> FOR MORE INFO or TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the Members Full Moon video)

PLEASE NOTE in this first Forum of the year, we will talk about what to expect in 2023:
* Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th
* Pluto moves into Aquarius in March for 3 months, giving us a preview of what’s to come in 2024 and beyond
* Pluto also Squares the Moon Nodes for most of 2023
* Jupiter moves in Taurus on May 16th

If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally in 2023, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.

👌 — EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until January 4th at midnight EST!

👉 — GREAT DEAL: additional discount for the YEARLY Star Membership, now available until Jan. 6th at midnight! That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20! (yearly payment).

**Add the discount code: HAPPY2023! at check out (by Jan. 6th the latest), and you are signed up for the whole year!


👉 —  Watching this on or after Jan. 6th? Get the “2023 Planetary Shifts” – webinar, here

👉 — To book a Reading with Sonja, click here

👉 — To book a Reading with Lia, click here

January 2nd – 8th

Looking at Things From a Different Angle


This week’s headline items: Mars in Gemini remains exalted all week (stationing); Venus changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius late Monday evening; Chiron ends its Station phase on Wednesday; the Full Moon in Cancer becomes exact on Friday evening; on Sunday, Uranus starts to slow down again (stationing) — preparing to end its 5-month Retrograde phase.

There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday late afternoon (for 4.5 hours), Wednesday evening (for a little over 14 hours), and Saturday late afternoon/early evening (for almost 4.5 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, two gentle reminders…

Stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and join my Forecasting Forums on a monthly basis in 2023! I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the YEARLY STAR Membership until Jan. 6th at midnight EST!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20 ==> Click here, add the YEARLY STAR MSH to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: “HAPPY2023!


We have our FIRST monthly Forecasting Forum of 2023 this FRIDAY at 5PM EST…please see the end of this Weekly Forecast for more info!

OR click here for more info and to register for this month only.
(Registration includes access to the mp4 video recording of the live event and access to the Members Full Moon video!)

An EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is still available until midnight Wednesday, Jan. 4th! 

To ask a question in advance, please email me by Jan. 5th by the end of the workday,… and if I don’t have it yet, send me a copy of your Birth Chart.

**If you have done a Reading or Coaching-Healing session with me in the past, or if you have already emailed me a copy of your chart, I will have it. If none of this applies to you, send me a pdf of your birth chart.


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 2nd:

Monday is quite a day (astrologically speaking). The Moon remains in peaceful, steady Taurus until 9:44pm EST. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing, and “rushing things” goes against our grain.

What is our favorite thing for the rest of the day? It’s probably slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses 😉

Monday, very early morning, an opportune Mercury/Neptune aspect becomes exact for the second time within the last 9 days — at 1:44am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from Dec. 22nd on; it will remain strong until early Wednesday morning (Jan. 4th) — an unusually long time due to Mercury’s Staton/Retrograde phase.

This aspect gives us the opportunity to bring compassion and an intuitive approach to our thinking process. Having faith and connecting to our Higher Selves will be of service to us at this time. Any artistic or spiritual endeavors are likely to do well at this time. Music might help us with our thinking process and ability to get things done.

Let yourself be inspired! A book, a song, a movie, or someone else’s words allow the Universe to speak to you. Open your mind to a higher vibration — and remember, opportunities are openings… they aren’t necessarily handed to us… we have to “take” them and make something of them.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 21-25 degrees of Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, or Taurus? If so, you may be more aware of this opportunity. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Neptune rules Pisces).

Monday late morning, a challenging Sun/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 11:02am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Friday evening (Dec. 30th) on; it will remain strong until this Thursday (Jan. 5th). This asks us to stretch ourselves and expand from within. We might feel less confident about who we are and have a hard time projecting a social “front”. Our conditioning and wounded sense of Self may be out of harmony with each other.

As best as you can, take this as an opportunity to make space for feeling vulnerable or emotional without seeing yourself as weak or “less than”. It is perfectly ok to be yourself and feel insecure once in a while; as best as you can, bring compassion and love to yourself and others. After all, we are all human…

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (MC), or personal planets in 9-15 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Libra? If so, you will feel the effects of this aspect more strongly than otherwise. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo (the Sun rules Leo).

Monday at 5:16pm EST, we enter a Moon VoC that lasts until 9:44pm EST. Use this intuitive time to empower each other around earthly issues and support each other in practical ways.

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday evening ahead of time

Monday at 9:09pm EST, Venus changes signs from productive, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn to freedom-oriented, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until Jan. 26th. This requires that we provide more freedom in our relationships — we want to improve them and break away from what feels old or stale.

We want our intellectual qualities to be admired; we also want to connect to like-minded people that share our vision — so friendships and networking will be favored for the next 3.5 weeks. We may also consider unusual financial investments. This is a good time for financial undertakings involving the following areas: electronics, technology, the internet, metaphysics, and arts group activities.

Venus in Aquarius will also be in a mutual reception with Uranus in Taurus for the next 3.5 weeksThis means they are in each other’s signs and support each other’s agenda. This provides an opportunity to bring a common vision and a more humane approach to our interactions and financial future.

Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aquarius? If so, this placement will bring extra love and beauty into your life. Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra? If so, you may feel the need for freedom or change in your relationships more strongly.

And last but not least, Monday at 9:48pm EST, the Moon enters chatty, versatile Gemini, where it will journey until Thursday morning (Jan. 5th). For the next two days, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. “Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way…

The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead 🙂


ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast — as well as other awesome and exclusive content —become a site member(still, for the price of a cappuccino!)


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Thank you so much Sonja for the tips!” — Smitha


“A jammed-pack session that I’ll definitely listen to again and again. Thank you.” — Cathy E.

To register for this month only
, click here — the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is available until Jan. 4th at midnight EST!!!

==> ALSO! If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join us every month in 2023! ==> I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the Yearly Star Membership until Jan. 6th at midnight EST!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20. Click here, add the YEARLY Star Membership to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: HAPPY2023!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by sergio souza


Full Moon in Cancer — the article

On Jan. 6th, at 6:08pm EST, the Moon opposes the Sun in almost 16.5 degrees of CancerThe entrance of the Moon into Cancer on Jan. 5th begins the energetic build-up towards this Full Moon.

Relationships of all kinds are highlighted during this time — but with this Full Moon, there is a particularly strong emphasis on family- and business relationships. If you are already a Member of my online community, feel free to also watch my Full Moon video.

Lots of planets are involved in this Full Moon chart — Mercury and Mars are both Retrograde, although Mars is also exalted, as it will come to a halt only 6 days after the Full Moon becomes exact, ending its 2.5 months Retrograde phase that began on Oct. 30th!

Uranus will become more exalted two days after the Full Moon becomes exact, preparing to end its 5-month Retrograde phase (on Jan. 22nd). However, at the time of the Full Moon, Uranus will support the integration of the Full Moon polarity because it is sextiling the Moon in Cancer and trining the Mercury-Sun alignment in Capricorn.

The Moon in Cancer supports the integration of the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio, and trines Neptune in Pisces. And Mars in Gemini trines Venus in Aquarius! Yay! Lots of harmonious aspects.

The most challenging aspect in this Full Moon chart is a T-Square — with Chiron in Aries as the Focal Point… making Libra the Solution of this T-Square. All of the above-mentioned play an important role, so buckle up! More about the specifics in regards to all of these planets in a moment.

But first, let’s talk about this month’s Full Moon: This Lunation shows us how well we are doing with self-care and any issues connected to family or home — and also where we are in connection to greater emotional responsibility and self-alignment.

Ask yourself: What’s my relationship to self-care and where do I feel most “at home”? What’s my understanding of my emotional needs? How might an emotional connection to myself and loved ones be of benefit to me? How might it shift my priorities?

Let’s take a look at the polarities involved with this Full Moon


ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the Full Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 14-19 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer  (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Again, in our FIRST Forecasting Forum of the year on Friday, Jan. 6th at 5pm EST, we’ll be taking a look at all the planetary and Nodal changes of 2023!

For example, we will investigate what shifts Saturn in Pisces will bring over the next 2.5 years, and what Pluto in Aquarius will show us from late March – mid June, as it gives us a preview of what’s to come in 2024 and beyond. How will the Moon’s Nodal shift in July into Aries-Libra impact our collective Soul’s Journey, not to mention Pluto’s involvement in that collective journey…

If you want to align yourself with these evolutionary shifts, join us live, or get the mp4-video presentation of the live event. Either way, if you are not yet a Star Memberregister now!

Early Bird Special is still available until Jan. 4th at midnight EST! Or take advantage of this GREAT DEAL: I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the Yearly Star Membership until Jan. 6th at midnight EST!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20! 

So, if you WANT TO GET YOUR STAR MEMBERSHIP FOR ONLY $20/month, all you have to do is switch over to the Yearly Star Membership here, select the yearly Membership, add the discount code: HAPPY2023! at check out (by Jan. 6th the latest), and you are signed up for the whole year!

**All my Star Members are automatically registered and will receive an invite to join us a day prior and the day of the webinar 😉

Members Full Moon in Cancer 

scroll down & watch video below

Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja


👉 — To book a Reading with Sonja, click here

👉 — To book a Reading with Lia, click here


December 26th – January 1st

Communicate Responsibly & On An Equal Footing


This week’s headline items: Mercury’s Station phase intensifies on Tuesday and ends on Sunday; it’s time to take action on our New Moon intentions from Tuesday early afternoon on; the third US Pluto Return of the year becomes exact on Wednesday; Mercury comes to a halt and starts its 3-week Retrograde phase in Capricorn, on Thursday early morning; the first Quarter Moon in Aries becomes exact on Thursday evening; and Mars starts to slow down again (stationing) on Sunday.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday early afternoon (for a little over 13 hours); Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning (for a little over 4 hours), and Saturday morning (for almost 4.5 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, a gentle reminder…

If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join me on a monthly basis in 2023!

I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the YEARLY STAR Membership until Jan. 6th!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20 ==> Click here, add the YEARLY STAR MSH to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: “HAPPY2023!


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, December 26th:

Monday, the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius all day. It will journey there until Tuesday very early morning (Dec. 27th). The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.

Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, and progress are promoted while the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.

Monday very early morning, we may feel pulled in two quite different directions: On the one hand, we experience a need to connect with like-minded people while remaining objective; on the other hand, we want to make space for pursuing our financial vision — and we also want to break free from outdated value systems.

As such, we may have to address what we value, both in others and in ourselves (this in turn, informs our self-worth); as far as possible, make adjustments and find creative solutions when it comes to these energies. (the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, exact at 2:35am EST

Monday afternoon, at 1:19pm EST, we enter a Moon VoC that will last a little over 13 hours, until 2:34am EST (Tuesday every early morning). Use this intuitive time to focus on a long-term vision for your communities that involves a mature and realistic approach. As best as you can, take your time, and do your best to come from a place of integrity.

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday early afternoon until Tuesday very early morning ahead of time.


ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the full Forecast (Monday-Sunday) — as well as other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Thank you so much Sonja for the tips!” — Smitha


“A jammed-pack session that I’ll definitely listen to again and again. Thank you.” — Cathy E.

To register for this month only
, click here — the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is available until Jan. 4th at midnight EST!!!

ALSO! If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join us every month in 2023! ==> I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the Yearly Star Membership until Jan. 6th!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20. Click here, add the YEARLY Star Membership to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: HAPPY2023!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Ngô Duy Mạnh from Pexels

December 19th – 25th

Accept the Validity of Your Anger & Desires


This week’s headline items: The Balsamic Moon phase begins on Monday late evening; Jupiter re-enters Aries late Tuesday late morning; Wednesday late afternoon, the Sun changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere; on Thursday, Neptune’s station ends, and Mercury starts to slow down, beginning its Station phase as it prepares to come to a halt and go retrograde next week; on Friday early morning, Chiron comes to a halt (ending its 5-month Retrograde phase), and a SuperMoon and New Moon in Capricorn becomes exact.

There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Tuesday late evening (for 4.5 hours); Thursday afternoon (for 11.5 hours), and Saturday late evening (for 4 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, I would like to…

…wish you all a wonderful Holiday season and Winter Solstice! It’s been such a treat to reconnect with so many of you over the last several weeks.

If anyone is interested in connecting with me over the holidays, I will be available for Readings and Coaching sessions. If I don’t talk to you during the holidays, may you find peace and inner joy in the coming week!

==> Also! If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join me on a monthly basis in 2023.

I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the YEARLY STAR Membership until Jan. 4th!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20 ==> Click here, add the YEARLY STAR MSH to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code “HAPPY2023!


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, December 19th:

Monday, the Moon remains in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio all day; it will journey there until Wednesday very early morning. Emotional authenticity is extremely important to us at this time; anything less than 100% emotional honesty could be perceived as flat-out dishonest. Once we feel safe trusting someone, we want to merge with them, preferably forever… as long as our trust is never betrayed.

The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power. It does so through subtraction — it urges us to let go of whatever disempowers us. This makes it an excellent time to look at “old” fears, limiting habits, or emotional attachments, especially those stemming from past traumas.

Monday late morning, a challenging Venus/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 11:23am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Friday night on; it will remain strong until Wednesday evening (Dec. 21st). This aspect asks us to stretch past injuries and insecurities in our relationships, self-worth, and finances. If we can bring compassion and a different point of view to these issues, we will reach a new understanding of ourselves and our life journey.

We have the opportunity to learn from one another; ironically, social insecurities can be magnified at this time. Whenever Chiron is involved, we are asked to do some healing work. As best as you can, use this time to learn about your sore spots. Nobody is perfect: we all have our flaws and idiosyncrasies. It’s ok.

If you get triggered by someone, as best as you can, take it as an opportunity to see where this trigger originated — probably in your childhood. Bring love and compassion to yourself as you are, and as you were. Allow any feelings this may stir up in you. A feeling is just energy that wants to be experienced; it wants to move through us and out.

The more we resist or suppress our feelings, the more we keep them spinning in place. As best as you can, move from the head to the heart. What might change, if you had 5% more compassion with yourself and others? What if you just decided to have faith in the healing process?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 9-15 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra).

Monday afternoon, a somewhat challenging Venus/Mars aspect becomes exact at 12:37pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from Sunday afternoon (Dec. 18th); it will remain strong until Tuesday afternoon. We feel uneasy about something, sort of awkward; we need to make a choice. We need to develop inner awareness, so we can make adjustments.

This might concern compromising with others. Our enthusiasm might make us impatient or hasty with others. Our values may not be in alignment with those we engage with. As best as you can, keep choosing the “better” alternative, adjusting as needed.

When life slows down, or becomes uncomfortable, simplify and be patient. We are changing and growing in ways that we can’t comprehend right now. Stay as open and observant as you can. Ask yourself: How mature and realistic could I allow myself to be?

This combo could also be related to a mental crisis, so as best as you can, take extra care of your mental well-being and focus on long-term goals that support your “mind-body” well-being.

Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 11-13 degrees of Capricorn or Gemini? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus, Libra, or Aries (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra; Mars of Aries). 

Monday early evening, an opportune Mars/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 5:39pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last week, Tuesday evening (Dec. 13th) on; it will remain strong until next week Tuesday (Dec. 27th) — an unusually long time due to Chiron’s Station phase. This is an opportunity to accept the validity of our anger and desires, so we can learn to express these energies naturally and confidently.

This could also inspire us to make resolutions and take action toward healing our physical, sexual, and spiritual wounds. As best as you can, allow yourself and others to be human while on your path to wholeness and a larger, more purposeful life. Remember: this is an “opportunity” — those aren’t necessarily handed to us; we have to make them happen.

Ask yourself: Could I allow myself and others to be human? What if I took a curious approach toward my flaws, quirks, and insecurities? How might this support my healing process? Someone else’s?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 10-14 degrees of Gemini, Aries, Leo, or Aquarius? If so, you will feel this aspect quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries (Mars rules Aries).

Monday late evening, around 9:30pm EST, the Balsamic Moon phase begins when the Moon reaches 13° of Scorpio. This lasts until Friday early morning when the New Moon in Capricorn becomes exact (more on that later this week… however, feel free to already watch my New Moon video here)

We are being asked to slow down and get quiet, so we can listen to our inner sensing/intuition. For some of us, this might be a stretch; as best as you can: stay grounded, take a deep breath, and exhale any tension. Rather than starting something brand-new, put all that energy into completing existing projects or processes.

This is also a great time for letting go of whatever no longer serves us. What if you could hear the voice of your inner wisdom? What might it be saying?


ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the full Forecast (Monday-Sunday) — as well as other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Thank you so much Sonja for the tips!” — Smitha


“A jammed-pack session that I’ll definitely listen to again and again. Thank you.” — Cathy E.

To register for this month only
, click here — the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is available until Jan. 4th at midnight EST!!!

Also! If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join us every month. I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the Yearly Star Membership until Jan. 4th!

That reduces the cost from $27.00 per month to just $20! Click here, add the YEARLY STAR Membership to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: HAPPY2023!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Jeremy Müller


Super New Moon in Capricorn — the article

On Dec. 23rd, at 5:17am EST, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 1.5 degrees of Capricorn, launching a new Moon cycle.

There are three quick things I would like to mention before we get started:

1) My webinar, Chiron’s Station Direct in Aries & the Mercury pre-Shadow phase in Capricorn, is now available for purchase on my webinar page. This is a close look at our Healing Journey and ability to use Astrology for our healing and thinking processes.

2) Also! On Jan. 6th at 5pm EST, we have our first Forecasting Forum of the year! We will talk about what to expect for 2023. So, join us for a full forecast for the coming year. Early Bird Special is only $32 until Jan. 4th! 

**Everyone who is registered also gets access to the mp4 video recording of the live event. And as always, Star Members are automatically registered.

3) If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join us every month in 2023! 

I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the Yearly Star Membership until Jan. 4th. That reduces the cost from $27.00/month to just $20 ==> Click here, add the YEARLY STAR MSH to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code: Happy2023!

Now, let’s talk about the New Moon:

New Moons are good times to reflect on our lives and set new intentions. This is an excellent time to go within and plant a seed for anything we would like to accomplish over the next 28 days and beyond.

Given it takes place less than 48 hours after the Winter Solstice, this New Moon is a significant time to set Intentions, not just for the next 28 days but also for this Winter season. This is because the Solstices are important turning points that take place twice a year: They are energetic gateways for the summer or winter season.

This New Moon is also a SuperMoon. These occur when the Moon becomes either Full or New at its closest distance to the Earth and are more powerful. They generate greater gravitational and electromagnetic forces and therefore increased effects on our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, leading to significant shifts in consciousness.

Since it occurs in Capricorn, this Super New Moon directs us to investigate our relationship with authority, not just “authority” in the external sense, but also our “inner authority”. The next section of this forecast will dig into this in more detail — you may also want to watch my New Moon video 🙂

The most prominent themes of this Super New Moon are:

  • Chiron (the wounded Healer) stations direct less than an hour before the New Moon becomes exact, therefore highly exalted! And making several aspects to other planets in this New Moon chart, bringing our attention to our healing processes.
  • The New Moon makes a Square to Jupiter, which moves back into Aries on Dec. 20th, asking us to stretch and grow.
  • Mercury is also exalted in this New Moon chart (in its pre-Shadow phase and stationing) and making several noteworthy aspects, bringing our attention to being responsible and realistic with our words and thoughts. Practicing effective, authentic, mature, and empowering communication is helpful.
  • And last but not least, there is a Venus-Uranus Trine that brings newness into our relationships — and possibly also into our financial future.

The highest vibration of Capricorn is self-mastery: the development of responsibility, resourcefulness, reliability, setting realistic goals and healthy boundaries. So the next 28 days are perfect for working on these areas.

This is the last New Moon of 2022, and since Capricorn represents the quest for self-mastery on the physical plane, some helpful questions you can ask yourself include…


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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 0-4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra, or 29 degrees of  Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for the month’s Moon cycle — the perfect time is after the New Moon becomes exact (but not during a Moon void of course).

So this month, there are two best and most potent times to set intentions — the first would be any time between 5:17am on Friday, Dec. 23rd, and 10:11pm on Saturday late evening, Dec. 24th — and the second would be between 2:14am and 5:17am on Sunday morning (Dec. 25th) (EST/New York time).

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions 😉

For more details on how to set Intentions, click here.

Super New Moon in Capricorn

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 1.5º of Capricorn (exact on Dec. 23rd, 2022 at 5:17am EST) 3:51
* New Moon becomes exact  less than 48 hours after the Winter Solstice 2:30
* This New Moon is also a SuperMoon   3:19
* Prominent themes of this Super New Moon 4:13
* A little about Capricorn… 5:37
* The New Moon in Capricorn squares Jupiter in Aries  9:45
* Jupiter re-enters the sign of Aries on Dec. 20th, 2022 and stays until May 16th, 2023  11:37
* Mercury in Capricorn is sandwiched between Pluto & Venus in Capricorn 13:29
* Pluto’s involvement… 17:43
* Mercury is already in its pre-Shadow phase since Dec. 12th, and will remain so until Dec. 29th  19:45
* Mercury is exalted from Dec. 22nd – Jan. 1st  20:52
* Let’s talk about Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) and currently in Aquarius  21:47
* Saturn in Aquarius makes a semi-sextile to Mercury in Capricorn & Neptune in Pisces. This makes Saturn the Midpoint of a Mercury-Neptune Sextile  23:28
* Chiron (the wounded Healer) ends its 5-month Retrograde phase less than one hour before the New Moon becomes exact — very exalted until Dec. 29th!  27:48
* The highly exalted Chiron in Aries squares Venus in Capricorn  29:52
* Chiron also still sextiles Mars in Gemini  31:33
* Chiron quincunxes the South Node in Scorpio. This is part of a Yod-aspect that involves another Quincunx between the South Node & Mars in Gemini — the South Node in Scorpio is the Focal point of this Yod  32:28
* Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus  35:51
* To sum all of this up…  36:23
* New Moon Intentions  41:00

Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in the following: 0-4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra or 29 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces?   39:26


👌 — On Jan. 6th at 5pm EST, we have our FIRST Forecasting Forum of the year! We will talk about what to expect for 2023.

👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here

👌EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) avail. til Jan. 4th at midnight EST!👌

**Everyone who is registered also gets access to the mp4 video recording of the live event. And as always, Star Members are automatically registered.

👌 — Stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year, and join us every month in 2023!

I am offering an additional $36.00 discount for the YEARLY STAR Membership until Jan. 4th. That reduces the cost from $27/month to just $20!

👉 — Click here, add the YEARLY STAR Membership to your cart, and at checkout, use discount code:  👌 HAPPY2023! 👌


👉 — To get access to the “Chiron Station Direct in ARIES” webinar, and explore your own healing process in relation to your own birth chart, click here

👉 — To get access to the “Mercury pre-Shadow in CAPRICORN” webinar, and learn about how to make the best use of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde phase, click here

👉 — For all Members: To access/read my New Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here

👉 — To read my article on “How to set New Moon Intentions”, click here

👉 — To book a Reading with me, click here

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