Breakdown or Breakthrough: Navigating an exalted Uranus in Taurus


SKU: Uranus-Exalted-Rx-Pluto-Sept-2024 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Watch this 98 min. webinar to see how an exalted Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto’s brief return to Capricorn  impact you personally.

We talked about the Uranus Station phase in Taurus,
which began on Aug. 19th and will last until Sept. 13th.

Where do you feel the desire to break free?

Are you expressing your individuality to the fullest?

We also talked about Pluto’s final journey back into Capricorn (Sept. 1st – Nov. 19th)
before getting back to its 20-year journey in Aquarius

Are you ready to make choices that are not based on “shoulds”?


“Thanks so much Sonja, it was very informative and educational. Will keep asking “What am I learning here” — definitely helps” — Meredith D.


Only available until Sept. 18th, 2024


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