This New Moon is another SuperMoon (the second of four Super New Moons in a row). These occur when the Moon becomes either Full or New at its closest distance to the Earth and are more powerful. They generate greater gravitational and electromagnetic forces and therefore increased effects on our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, leading to significant shifts in consciousness.
Since this one occurs in Aquarius, this Super New Moon invites us to go out there and connect with “our people”– with a tribe that resonates, a cause that feels aligned with our values and our need for stability and comfort, a connection that serves a larger vision for our financial future and the future of our planet etc.
We have three exalted planets in this Super New Moon chart:
Mercury (the planet of communication & how we process information)
Mars (the planet of passion & going after our goals)
Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs and innovation)
Mars in Gemini & Mercury in Capricorn are no longer in their Retrograde phases at the time of the New Moon, but they are still moving slower than usual, trying to catch up to their regular speed after coming to a halt on Jan. 12th and 18th. More about that in a little bit…
Uranus is at its most exalted, as it is coming to a halt only 26 hours after the New Moon becomes exact, ending its 5-months Retrograde phase in 15º of Taurus. More about this below as well…
With all this, we are being asked to be extra-mindful about connecting to our body, our finances, and the planet in an innovative and unique way; we are also being asked to be extra mindful about how we share and communicate, and what our inner dialog reveals about ourselves and where we are at.
The good news: from January 23rd to April 21st, all planets will be in forward motion. This indicates an accelerated time of manifestation for most of us — especially connected to new projects or ideas.
Ask yourself: What in my life is asking for accelerated progress? What could I do if I had the support of the Universe?
Let’s first talk a little bit about Aquarius and what this energy represents before jumping into the aspects of this Super New Moon chart:
The highest vibration of Aquarius represents…
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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the New Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 0-4 degrees of Aquarius,Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, or 29 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra?If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
Finally, let’s talk “New Moon Intentions” 🙂 The New Moon is the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle; this is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact, and not during a Moon void of course phase.
That means that this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 3:53pm on Jan. 21st and 5:19am on Jan. 23rd, and then again, from 12:36pm until 3:53pm, also on Jan. 23rd -(New York Time/US Eastern Time)
If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast), and converting timezones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fanpage and following me on Twitter. I will post reminders to let you know when it is time to set your New Moon intentions 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 1.5º of Capricorn (exact on Dec. 23rd, 2022 at 5:17am EST) 3:51
* New Moon becomes exactless than 48 hours after the Winter Solstice 2:30
* This New Moon is also a SuperMoon 3:19
* Prominent themes of this Super New Moon 4:13
* A little about Capricorn… 5:37
* The New Moon in Capricorn squares Jupiter in Aries 9:45
* Jupiter re-enters the sign of Aries on Dec. 20th, 2022 and stays until May 16th, 2023 11:37
* Mercury in Capricorn is sandwiched between Pluto & Venus in Capricorn 13:29
* Pluto’s involvement… 17:43
* Mercury is already in its pre-Shadow phase since Dec. 12th, and will remain so until Dec. 29th 19:45
* Mercury is exalted from Dec. 22nd – Jan. 1st 20:52
* Let’s talk about Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) and currently in Aquarius 21:47
* Saturn in Aquarius makes a semi-sextile to Mercury in Capricorn & Neptune in Pisces. This makes Saturn the Midpoint of a Mercury-Neptune Sextile 23:28
* Chiron (the wounded Healer) ends its 5-month Retrograde phase less than one hour before the New Moon becomes exact — very exalted until Dec. 29th! 27:48
* The highly exalted Chiron in Aries squares Venus in Capricorn 29:52
* Chiron also still sextiles Mars in Gemini 31:33
* Chiron quincunxes the South Node in Scorpio. This is part of a Yod-aspect that involves another Quincunx between the South Node & Mars in Gemini — the South Node in Scorpio is the Focal point of this Yod 32:28
* Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus 35:51
* To sum all of this up… 36:23
* New Moon Intentions 41:00
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in the following: 0-4 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra or 29 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? 39:26
👌 — On Jan. 6th at 5pm EST, we have our FIRST Forecasting Forum of the year! We will talk about what to expect for 2023.
👉 — To get access to the “Chiron Station Direct in ARIES” webinar, and explore your own healing process in relation to your own birth chart, click here
👉 — To get access to the “Mercury pre-Shadow in CAPRICORN” webinar, and learn about how to make the best use of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde phase, click here
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 1.5 degrees of Sagittarius (exact on Nov. 23rd at 5:57pm EST)
* Overview of New Moon chart 2:33
* Sun-Moon-Venus-Mercury alignment in Sagittarius 3:33
* Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) has retrograded back into Pisces on Oct. 28th and is highly exalted, as it is coming to a halt (to end its 4-months Retrograde phase) only 5 min. after the New Moon becomes exact! 10:25
* Jupiter, currently in a late degree of Pisces, trines the New Moon in an early degree of Sagittarius 16:29
* Jupiter also sextiles Pluto in Capricorn 18:55
* The highly exalted Jupiter aligns with Neptune in Pisces — andNeptune is also exalted (stationing), preparing to come to a halt, ending its 5-month Retrograde phase on Dec. 3rd 22:13
* Neptune & Jupiter still square Mars in Gemini 26:45
* Venus & Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries 29:50
* To Sum it All Up 32:52
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in the following: 0-4 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, or 29 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo,or Aquarius? 37:41
👉 — New Moon Ritual & Collaboration with the lovely Primavera Salva on Nov. 21st at 7:30pm EST (online) by donation ==> register here
👉 — Breaking down the Borders (International Academy of Astrology) weekend Conference: Dec. 2nd-4th, my Talk is on Chiron in Aries: Healing the Wounded Masculineon Dec. 3rd at 2pm EST==> register here for free
👉 — To read my article on “How to set New Moon Intentions”, click here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Saturday, Dec. 10th at 11:30am EST/8:30am PST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
If you want to know how this powerful planetary shift is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌***Early Bird Special (only $32) available until Dec. 7th at midnight EST!!!*** 👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
👉 – TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star Member.
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 2º of Scorpio (exact on Oct. 25th, 2022 at 6:49am EDT)
* Partial Solar Eclipse 1:32
* Overview 2:28
* Solar Eclipses in general 4:14
* First Solar Eclipse in Scorpio since the Moon Nodes switched to Taurus-Scorpio in January 6:21
* Scorpio Archetype 8:47
* Pluto (the modern ruler of Scorpio) remains in Capricornuntil March 2023 10:18
* Mars (the traditional ruler of Scorpio) currently in Gemini and exalted (til Nov. 13th), due to its Station phase 18:31
* Pluto in Capricorn quincunxes an exalted Mars in Gemini 20:46
* Pluto squares Mercury in Libra 24:09
* Pluto sextiles Neptune in Pisces 26:33
* An exalted Mars in Gemini trines Mercury in Libra 29:13
* Mars squares Neptune in Pisces 30:26
* Neptune in Pisces quincunxes Mercury in Libra 32:11
* The Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio aligns with Venus in Scorpio 34:29 (34:45)
* Venus rules Taurus and Libra, the current North Node is in Taurus 36:00
* The Solar Eclipse quincunxes Jupiter in Aries 37:42
* The South Node in Scorpio quincunxes Chiron in Aries 39:04
* An exalted Saturn in Aquarius still squares Uranus in Taurus (til Dec. 11th, 2022) 42:32
* To Sum it all Up for this Solar Eclipse 45:41
* Some final words about Eclipses 51:16
Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 0-7 degrees ofScorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, or 28-29 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn? 53:16
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Saturday, Nov. 12th at 11:30am EDT/8:30am PDT/4:30pm BST (London-time).
If you want to know how this powerful planetary shift is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌***Early Bird Special (only $32) available until Nov. 9th at midnight EDT!!!*** 👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse video)
👉 – TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star Member.
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 3º of Libra (exact on Sept. 25th, 2022 at 5:55pm EDT)
* Stellium: planetary Line-up in Virgo-Libra: Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun 1:38
* New Moon chart overview: Pluto Station (exalted) in Capricorn – comes to halt on Oct. 8th, Mercury Retrograde until Oct. 2nd 3:45
* In-depth interpretation of your own chart… 5:27
* Libraarchetype6:52
* Pluto in Capricorn: exalted, stationing until Oct. 21st — goes direct on Oct. 8th 12:12
* Brand-new Coaching Packages: Great offer available until Oct. 31st for the first three people who reach out 18:27
* Aspects in this New Moon chart: New Moon in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries 20:16
* Venus (ruler of Libra) currently in Virgo aligns with Mercury (still retrograde until Oct. 2nd) 25:09
* The Venus/Mercury alignment opposes Neptune in Pisces 27:38
* The Venus/Mercury alignment trines an exalted Pluto in Capricorn 30:13
* Venus moves into Libra on Sept. 28/29th 33:01
* Saturn (still retrograde) in Aquarius squares Uranus (also retrograde) in Taurus 34:11
* Saturn in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini38:16
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 39:38
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 46:31
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 0-5 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn? 45:40
👉 — To read Sonja’s article on “How to set New Moon Intentions”, click here
I provide monthly FORECASTING FORUMS — which are 90-minute webinars. If you want to know how the current planetary shifts are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here
👌 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until Oct. 5th at midnight EDT!
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 4º of Virgo (exact on Aug. 27th, 2022 at 4:17am EDT)
* Highlights for this New Moon chart 1:14
* What is the Virgo-energyall about? 2:16
* New Moon squares Mars in Gemini 8:00
* Mercury (ruler of Virgo) still in its pre-Shadow phase until Sept. 9th (Retrograde phase begins Sept. 9th and lasts until Oct. 2nd) 16:22
* Mercury, currently in Libra, makes a wide opposition to Jupiter in Aries 17:58
* Mercury in Libra trines Mars in Gemini 21:20
* Mars in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries 22:18
* Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius and squares the Uranus/North Node alignment on Taurus (as well as the South Node in Scorpio) 23:38
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 29:21
* Special Announcement 35:06
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 40:37
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius? 33:48
👉 —To take a look at the current Mercury pre-Shadow phase in relationship to your own Birth chart, get this webinar, here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, September 10th at 8:30am PDT/11:30amEDT/4:30pm BST (London-time).
PLEASE NOTE that we’ll be talking about the Mercury Retrograde phase in Libra/Virgo (Sept. 9th-Oct. 2nd), as well as Mars’ pre-Shadow phase in Gemini (Sept. 3rd-Oct. 30th)
If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until Sept. 7th at midnight EDT!! ***👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the mp4-video presentation of the live event)
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $27/month or $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance 😉 Click here for more info
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
On Aug. 27th at 4:17am EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4 degrees of Virgo, marking the beginning of a new Moon cycle. We start to feel the effects of this New Moon the moment the Moon enters Virgo on Friday evening (Aug. 26th). Feel free to watch my New Moon video on the subject.
Before we jump in, I just want to say that I have a big announcement to make, so please stay tuned until the end, or skip to the part of the article, right before I talk about setting Intentions!
This New Moon makes a strong Square to Mars in Gemini. This creates some challenges.Mars will be in this fidgety sign for a total of 7 months, due to its Retrograde phase in late October.The Square will only last until Sept. 2nd, however since it is part of this New Moon chart we can feel its impact for the next 28 days (until Sept. 25th).
The good news is that Mercury (the ruler of Virgo) makes a Trine (a supportive, harmonious aspect) to Mars in Gemini, and Jupiter in Aries, makes a Sextile (an opportune aspect) to Mars in Gemini in this New Moon chart, so it’s not all bad news 😉
I will talk more about all of this in connection with the planetary aspects of this New Moon chart, but first let’s look at the Virgo energy of this New Moon:
Virgo provides an opportunity to learn about being of service — and what it might mean to strengthen our focus on improving our daily routines — getting organized, for example — and taking care of health matters.
This New Moon cycle will thus be a great time to begin new projects that demand attention to detail, list-making, and taking pride in “small” accomplishments. We might start a new health regimen, perhaps by paying close attention to our diet; we could also set up specific routines that help us manage our lives in constructive and mindful ways.
This cycle is all about handling the nitty-gritty details of our day-to-day life in an organized, step-by-step fashion, so we can free our minds of clutter. Where could you use more open space?
Things to watch out for: sweating the details, worrying, and being extra-critical of ourselves and others when something doesn’t get done “right”.
A great way to step into the higher vibrations of Virgo…
ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the New Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
And here is the announcement! With the current Moon Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio, we are invited to investigate ourselves on a deeper level and release any emotional baggage from the past or inauthentic/toxic connections with others, so we can step into greater abundance and have a realization of our worthiness on this physical plane.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances in my life this year, I have been doing a lot of deep inner work on myself and also with some of my clients. The results have been phenomenal so far. This sparked the idea of creating two new Coaching Packages that can support this more profound and more meaningful journey in our lives.
One of the new offerings is a Life Crises Package, which gives you some very intensive support for 21 days/3 weeks; I created this package for anyone who is going through a massive shift in their lives, something that might be paralyzing without the proper support: uncoupling, health issues, loss of any kind,…
The other is a 90-day VIP package that will provide exclusive Coaching for 3 months. It provides transformation somewhere you have felt stuck and unable to move forward, despite your best efforts (e.g., career goals or changing careers, love life, conscious uncoupling, finances, health, parenting, etc.)
Since I can only accommodate 1 person for the Life Crisis package and 3 people for the VIP package at any one time, if you are interested,please reach out right away. Once these four slots are filled, anyone else will be added to a waitlist.
The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.
So this month, the best and most potent time to set intentions would be between 4:17am Saturday early morning (Aug. 27th) and 11:08pm Sunday late evening (Aug. 28th) — in the New York time zone.
If you live in a timezone other than EDT (that’s the US East Coast time zone), feel free to join my Facebook Fan page orfollow me on Twitter. I will be posting reminders on Nov. 27th & 28th throughout the day to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 5.5º of Leo (exact on July 28th, 2022 at 1:55pm EDT)
* New Moon chart overview 1:07
* Dwarf planet/asteroid Ceres aligns with the New Moon in Leo. 1:36
* More aspects 1:54
* Leo archetype 2:15
* Jupiter & Chiron are both exalted/stationing in Aries 3:35
(Chiron will be exalted in 16.5º of Ariesuntil July 30th — started its 5-months Retrograde phase on July 16th; Jupiter will be exalted in 8.5º of Ariesuntil Aug. 4th — starts its 4-months Retrograde phase 2.5 hours after the New Moon becomes exact)
* Jupiter Retrograde in Aries until Nov. 23rd, 2022 6:50
* Many Retrograde planets until early-late Oct. 2022 (Uranus joins in on Aug. 24th, and Mercury on Sept. 9th) 8:11
* A highly exalted Jupiter in Aries trines the New Moon in Leo. 11:03
* An exalted Chiron in Aries trines Mercury in Leo. 12:16
* Jupiter & Chiron in Aries square Venus in Cancer. 15:12
* How to work with th Coaching Questions from my videos 16:55
* Mars-Uranus-North Node alignment in Taurus (within 10º until Aug. 16th) 18:02
* Saturn in Aquarius & Mercury in Leo both square the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio 25:15
* Mercury in Leo squares the Mars-Uranus-North Node alignment in Taurus. 28:03
* Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius31:00
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 32:41
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 34:56
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 3-8 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio? 33:46
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, August 13that 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until Aug. 10th at midnight EDT!! ***👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video + the mp4-video presentation of the live event)
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $27/month or $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance 😉 Click here for more info
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 7.5º of Cancer (exact on June 28th, 2022 at 10:52pm EDT)
* Overview 1:12
* Cancer archetype 2:02
* Announcement about New Moon article 9:16
* Back to the New Moon in Cancer 9:50
* New Moon in Cancer squares Jupiter in Aries 11:62
* Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn 18:19
* Mars in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius 21:32
* Neptune (exalted) comes to a halt only 19 hrs before the NM becomes exact, starting its 5-month Retrograde phase 22:43
* Announcement about “Neptune in Pisces Station & Retrograde” webinar & weekly forecast entry 25:33
* Venus in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries 26:18
* Mercury in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries 27:14
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 32:07
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 36:01
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 5-10 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra? 35:09
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, July 23rdat 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until July 20th at midnight EDT!! ***👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video + the mp4-video presentation of the live event)
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $27/month or $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance 😉 Click here for more info
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 9º of Gemini (exact on May 30th, 2022 at 7:30am EDT)
* Two exalted planets: Mercury & Saturn (both stationing) 1:08
* Gemini 2:01
* Mercury still Retrograde until June 3rd 2:45
* New Moon in Gemini Coaching Questions 3:15
* Spiritual Goal of Gemini 5:20
* New Moon in Gemini sextiles the Jupiter-Mars alignment in Aries 7:21 + 9:23
* Jupiter-Mars alignment in Aries 7:37
* Mercury (the ruler of Gemini) currently stations at 26º of Taurus, & still Retrograde until June 3rd 10:39
* Line-up in Taurus: Uranus, North Node & Mercury 12:19
* Mercury makes many aspects to other planets in this New Moon chart… 16:58
* Mercury in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius (both exalted) 17:17
* Saturn starts its 4-month Retrograde phase on June 4th 19:07
* Saturn stations until June 19th 19:44
* Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn 21:37
* Mercury in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces 26:47
* Mars in Aries squares Ceres in Cancer 30:15
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 32:58
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 38:01
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 7-11 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces? 36:51
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, June 18th at 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until June 15th at midnight EDT!! ***👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video + the mp4-video presentation of the live event)
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $27/month or $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance 😉 Click here for more info
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 10.5º of Taurus (exact on April 30th, 2022 at 4:28pm EDT)
* First Solar Eclipse in 2022 & in Taurus 0:23
* Eclipse season (started April 20th & goes until May 26th, 2022) 0:43
* North Node Eclipse in Taurus 1:34
* About Solar Eclipse Intentions 3:07
* Overview of Solar Eclipse chart: Two outer planets majorly involved: Pluto in Capricorn & Uranus in Taurus 3:41
* New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus 6:28
* Pluto in Capricorn exalted until May 14th 9:40
* An exalted Pluto sextiles the Neptune-Venus-Jupiter alignment in Pisces 12:54
* Uranus in Taurus in very close alignment withthe New Moon/Solar Eclipse 15:06
* Venus, ruler of Taurus & the North Node, currently in Pisces makes an exact conjunction with Jupiter in a late degree of Pisces 19:27
* 4 out of 10 planets in Pisces: Mars, Neptune, Venus & Jupiter 21:59
* 10 days after the Solar Eclipse: Jupiter makes its first pass (in 12 years) through Aries (May 10th – Oct. 28th, 2022) 23:03
* The New Moon/Solar Eclipse & Uranus in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces 24:28
* Saturn in Aquarius still squares the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpiountil June 17th (extra long, due to its Station/Retrograde phase in May-June 2022) 27:15
* To Sum it all up for this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse 30:56
* Solar Eclipse Intentions 34:42
Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 5-16 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius? 34:07
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Saturday, May 21st at 11:30am EDT/8:30am PDT/4:30pm BST (London-time).
If you want to know how this powerful planetary shift is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌***Early Bird Special (only $32) available until May 18th at midnight EDT!!!*** 👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse video)
👉 – TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star Member.
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $23/month if you sign up for the whole year 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 11.5º of Aries (exact on April 1st, 2022 at 2:24am EDT)
* Line-up in Aries: 3 planets & 3 Astroids — in this order: Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Chiron, Pallas Athena & Eris 2:07 * The wounded, traditional, unbalanced, immature Masculine 2:36 * Chiron in Aries — a holistic approach 4:45 * Aries & its ruling planet Mars in connection with Chiron 13:26 * Mercury’s involvement in this Line-Up with the New Moon and Chiron 16:56 * Chiron in Ariestil April 2027 –> Mars’ Transits through the zodiac until then 21:52
* Mars in Aquarius aligns with Saturn and Venus 22:12
* Aspects to the Moon Nodes 24:39
* Mars-Saturn-Venus alignment in Aquarius squares the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio 25:44
* PLuto in Capricorn trines the North Node in Taurus 29:22
* Jupiter-Neptune alignment in Pisces trines the South Node in Scorpio 32:48
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 36:49
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 41:45
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 9-14 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer? 40:25
👉 — Join me on April 8th at 8:30pm EDT for the 75 min. webinar for EAS (Edmonton Astrology Society) about “Where we can learn about Emotional Maturity in our Birth Chart”. Click here to register for this webinar (once you are at EAS’s events page, scroll down to the bottom of the page to register)
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, April 16th at 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video & the mp4-recording of the live event)
*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL available until April 13th at midnight EST!! ***
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Because New Moons mark the ending and beginning of a monthly cycle, they are an optimal time to pause, reflect, and set new Intentions for the next 28 days.
This New Moon chart has four planets in Pisces — a line up (aka Stellium) that includes the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune; the New Moon and Jupiter also sextile Uranus in Taurus. The Sun squares December’s Solar Eclipse degree several hours after the New Moon becomes exact, which signifies a turning point.
There is also a second line up in this New Moon chart that takes place in Capricorn, and includes Venus, Mars, and Pluto. And since those three planets answer to Saturn right now (Saturn being the ruler of Capricorn), we must also mention the current Saturn-Mercury conjunction in Aquarius.
All of this will bring some forward movement.The next four weeks are thus essential in our lives on both the personal and collective levels. In fact, new beginnings are possible on multiple levels, as long as we get enough rest and make time for tuning in. I will go into all of this in more detail in a moment, but first let’s start with the Stellium in Pisces:
Pisces invites us to connect with our inner divinity, and with our ability to receive, trust our intuition, and contribute to life from a heart-centered and empathic place.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and thus connects us to our spiritual journey, as it represents a reunion with Source/God/the Universe. At its highest vibration, Pisces unifies all dualities — it is completely aware of the oneness of all. It tells us there is a union within, that exists always, and that we can tap into it.
To move into a higher, lighter Pisces vibration, ask yourself the following questions:…
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GET IT ALL! Get the whole article with all the New Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 10-14 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly for the next 28 days. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. This is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase — so this month, the best time to set intentions would be between 12:35pm on March 2nd and 4:45pm on March 3rd, and then again from 7:52pm on March 3rd until 12:35pm on March 4th (New York-time)
If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-pageorfollow me on twitter as I post reminders on March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 12º of Pisces (exact on March 2nd, 2022 at 12:35pm EST)
* Overview of the New Moon chart 00:46
* Stellium in Pisces: Sun, Moon, Jupiter & Neptune Line-Up 1:54
* Denser vibration of Pisces 6:13
* Neptune, modern ruler of Pisces & Jupiter, traditional ruler of Pisces, both align with the New Moon (Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces will be exact on April 12th) 9:52
* Zooming in: Jupiter in Pisces 12:43
* The Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Neptune alignment in Pisces 14:54
* The Sun in Pisces squares Dec. 4th’s Solar Eclipse degree, 6.5 hours after the New Moon becomes exact 17:21
* The Sun-Moon-Jupiter alignment in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus 18:59
* Second planetary Line-up in Capricorn: Venus, Mars & Pluto —> all three planets are rulers of the transiting Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio 24:09
*On March 6th, only 3.5 days after the New Moon becomes exact: Venus-Mars alignment in 0º of Aquarius —> exalted degree & same degree as the Jupiter-Saturn alignment on Dec. 21st, 2020 (& Venus-Mars cycles) 28:47
* Saturn aligns with Mercury in Aquarius 31:56
* To Sum it All Up 34:24
* New Moon Intentions 40:42
Do you have an Ascendant, Career point (or any personal planets) in 10-14 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius? 38:44
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, March 19th at 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video & the mp4-recording of the live event)
*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL available until March 16th at midnight EST!! ***
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This Lunar cycle invites us to go out there and connect (or re-connect) with “our people” – with a tribe that resonates, a cause that feels aligned with our principles and our integrity, a connection that serves a larger vision for the future, etc.
This New Moon is unique in that it takes place on the same day as Chinese New Year and marks the beginning of theYear of the Yang Water Tiger, emphasizing the importance of caution, growth, development, challenge, creation, and planning. Ask yourself: Where am I ready for a new plan? Where do I need to still implement some changes in order to move forward?
The Tiger in Chinese Astrology represents power, prestige, and autonomy. Yang-Water is connected to flowing water, like a river, or the clouds in the sky. So you could say: when we allow the flow to guide us (in other words, when we trust our intuition), we grow stronger and can achieve more.
According to Chinese Astrology, 2022 is a great year to start a business or career goal: We are full of energy to take on a challenge and set off on an adventure.
Coming back to Western, Tropical Astrology, we have two exalted planets in this New Moon chart: Mercury (the planet of communication & how we process information) and Venus (the planet of self-worth & how we relate to others). Both of them are currently in Capricorn, and are thus asking us to be extra-mindful about connecting to a healthy sense of responsibility and self-reliance.
Mercury comes to a halt — ending its 3-week Retrograde phase — only 2.5 days after the New Moon becomes exact (on Feb. 3rd in the late evening), while Venus ends her 6-week Retrograde phase only 3 days before the New Moon becomes exact on Jan. 29th, at 3:36am EST.
When a planet changes directions, its energy will be “louder” for some days before and after that shift. Venus has been “louder” since Jan. 23rd and will continue to ask for our attention until Feb. 4th. Mercury will be exalted until Feb. 6th.
When planets end Retrograde phases, they are ready to move forward and bring to the world whatever material they have learned and integrated during the Retrograde. Ask yourself…
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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the New Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
James Clear, says it beautifully in this article: “For most of our evolutionary history, our ancestors lived in tribes. Becoming separated from the tribe—or worse, being cast out—was a death sentence… When we have to choose between the two, people often select friends and family over facts… The way to change people’s minds is to become friends with them, to integrate them into your tribe, to bring them into your circle… As proximity increases, so does understanding… If someone you know, like, and trust believes a radical idea, you are more likely to give it merit, weight, or consideration… the best place to ponder a threatening idea is in a non-threatening environment. As a result, books are often a better vehicle for transforming beliefs than conversations or debates… The word “kind” originated from the word “kin.” When you are kind to someone it means you are treating them like family… Develop a friendship. Share a meal. Gift a book. Be kind first, be right later.”
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 10-15 degrees of Aquarius,Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
Finally, let’s talk “New Moon Intentions” 🙂 The New Moon is the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle; this is best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact, and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.
That means that this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 12:46am and 6:01am on Feb. 1st, and then again, from 6am on Feb. 2nd until 12:46am on Feb. 3rd -(New York Time/US Eastern Time)
If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast), and converting timezones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fanpage and/or following me on Twitter. I will post reminders to let you know when it is time to set your New Moon intentions 😉
For more info about Setting Intentions, click here.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in almost 12.5º of Aquarius (exact on Feb. 1st, 2022 at 12:46am EST)
* Chinese New Year on Feb. 1st as well — Year of the Yang-Water Tiger1:15
* Two exalted planets: Mercury & Venus (Mercury halts on Feb. 3rd late evening, exalted until Feb. 6th & Venus halts on Jan. 29th early morning, exalted until Feb. 4th) 2:52
*From Feb. 4th until April 29th: All Planets are in forward motion (no Retrograde phases)7:07
* All about Aquarius… 9:18
* New Moon aligns with Saturn in Aquarius17:20
* The Sun-Moon-Saturn alignment in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus23:16
*. The Sun-Moon-Saturn alignment in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries28:28
*An exalted Mercury aligns with Pluto in Capricorn29:24
*An exalted Venus starts to aligns with Mars in Capricorn31:03
*The Venus-Mars alignment in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries34:08
*An exalted Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces37:09
*Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus & the Venus-Mars alignment in Capricorn38:58
*To Sum it All Up 43:55
* New Moon Intentions51:33
Do you have an Ascendant, Career point (or any personal planets) in 10-15 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio?48:25
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, Feb. 19th at 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
PLEASE NOTE that we’ll be talking about the upcoming Squares in late February and early March, to the Eclipse points — inrelationship to our own birth charts.
Eclipses bring big evolutionary shifts, and when a transiting planet squares an Eclipse degree, we are at a turning point — collectively and individually speaking. What is your turning point? What needs to shift for you?
If you want to know how these shifts are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
***Early Bird Special (only $32) available until Feb. 16th at midnight EST!!***
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 12.5º of Capricorn (exact on Jan 2nd, 2022 at 1:33pm EST) 2:27
* Aspects of this New Moon 13:59
* New Moon trines Uranus in Taurus 14:05
* New Moon squares Chiron in Aries 16:21
* Jupiter in 0º of Pisces –> exalted degree! (re-enters Pisces on Dec.28th, stays there until May 10th, 2022) 17:38
* Jupiter squares the Moon Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius 19:57
* Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, currently in Aquarius 23:40
* Saturn’s ongoing Square with Uranus in Taurus (2021-2022) 28:28
* Saturn in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries 32:21
* Mercury moves into 0º of Aquarius (less than 12 hours before the New Moon becomes exact) –> exalted degree! 34:43
* Mercury already in its pre-Shadow phase (Dec. 29th-Jan. 14th), Mercury Retrograde begins on Jan. 14th! 36:51
* Venus already Retrograde since Dec. 19th, in Capricorn, until Jan. 29th 38:20
* Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn 40:26
* To sum it all up 47:22
* Announcements 54:21
* New Moon Intentions 55:20
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 10-15 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? 53:02
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, Jan. 22nd at 8:30am PST/11:30amEST/4:30pm GMT (London-time).
We will investigate: the Moon Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio (Jan. 18th, 2022 – July 17th, 2023) — in relationship to our own birth charts. The Moon Nodesrepresent our Soul’s Journey – collectively and individually speaking.
If you want to know how these planetary movments are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
***Early Bird Special available until Jan. 19th at midnight EST!!***
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
On Dec. 4th at 2:43am EST,a total Solar Eclipse sweeps across Antarctica. People located at the southernmost tips of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand will be able to see partial phases. This New Moon (Solar Eclipse) becomes exact at 12.5 degrees of Sagittarius, launching a new Moon and Eclipse cycle.
Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons that take place approximately every 6 months; during a Solar Eclipse, the Moon momentarily interrupts the normal flow of solar radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy and reorganizing consciousness to a higher level. Solar Eclipses indicate the beginning of a new experience, project, or cycle.
This is the last of four Eclipses in 2021. While there is a New Moon each month, Eclipses occur only 4-7 times a year, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are precisely enough aligned. You may also want to watch my Solar Eclipse video.
Eclipses usually come in pairs (Solar and Lunar). Eclipse season starts 14 days before the first Eclipse (in this case, the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus), and continues through the time of the second (for this Eclipse season, that would be the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius). This Eclipse Seasonstarted back on Nov. 4th and will last until Jan. 2nd, 2022.
The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, switching between the North and South Node Eclipses, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times.
This isthe second South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius since the Moon Nodes entered Gemini/Sagittarius in May 2020 and is also the last South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius for the next 18 years.
South Node Eclipses ask us to release or redefine energies or attachments that no longer serve our Soul’s evolution. They highlight past issues that need our attention, so we can grow beyond our conditioning, individually and collectively.
Ask yourself: What has shifted for me in regards to my perspectives towards life since Dec. 2020? What believes, expectations, or attitudes, if any, have I redefined or released?
What past issues came up around my social, cultural, or religious conditioning, between Dec. 2020 – June 2021? Where could I take a closer look at those issues over the next 6 months and grow beyond that conditioning? If I take a moment to look beyond my conditioning, what has my direct experience been so far? What needs to either be completed or go to the next level now?
Eclipses are crossroads or turning points along our Soul’s Journey. They are often marked by events or situations that signify a critical shift in our lives, nudging us to either change and grow, or face greater difficulties at the next turning point. The next turning point for this Eclipse will be in early March when the Sun reaches 12.5º of Pisces and squares the Solar Eclipse degree.
Solar Eclipses, in particular, often correspond with major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years and the last time we had a South Node Solar Eclipse in a very close degree was on Dec. 4th, 2002.
We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonant”, rather than identical — so think back to the Winter of 2002/2003, and ask yourself: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important to me back then? If I were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find me?
If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which area of life is ready to release outdated beliefs and social conditioning and go to a new level of consciousness. If that idea appeals, check out my 30-minute class, “How to Read Your Birth Chart”.
Solar Eclipses are a good time to go within, to seed anything we would like to redefine or release over the next 6 months — we’ll dig into this in more detail towards the end of this article, when we talk about setting Solar Eclipse Intentions.
PLEASE NOTE, that setting Intentions for an Eclipse is not the same as setting Intentions for a regular New Moon!!!!
With the Solar Eclipse in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, we seek to expand our day-to-day knowledge and look for a larger perspective.
For the next six months, ask yourself: What philosophies most resonate with me? What life perspectives are no longer serving me? What stories have I been telling myself about life? What universal truths feel immediately in alignment with my direct experience of life right now?
Lots to consider with this Eclipse chart…
This New Moon/Solar Eclipse will conjunct Mercury, quincunx Uranus in Taurus, sextile Saturn in Aquarius, and trine Chiron in Aries. Neptune in Pisces is exalted at the time of the Eclipse, and it squares Mercury in Sagittarius. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, currently in Aquarius squares Mars in Scorpio. Venus & Chiron will start to slow down and start their Station phases very soon after the Eclipse becomes exact. More about all that in a moment, but first let’s take a look at the Mercury/Sun/Moon alignment in Sagittarius…
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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the New Moon/Solar Eclipse questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Again, because Eclipses are so powerful, they require a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Solar Eclipse takes place in 12.5 degrees of Sagittarius:
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 7-18 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
Setting Intentions for a Solar Eclipse is a little different from the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting them for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just the next 28 days.
Solar Eclipse Intentions are best done 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact. We are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are quite intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions — we also definitely do not want to do this during a Moon void of course.
Given all this, there are two best and most potent times to set your Intentions for this Solar Eclipse:
The first one lasts 21 hours, between 2:43am and 11:42pm on Monday (Dec. 6th), and the second one lasts for almost 20 hours, between 6:49am on Tuesday (Dec. 7th) and 2:43am on Wednesday (Dec. 8th) — (in US Eastern Time — i.e. the New York time zone).
Set powerful intentions — again, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Sagittarian energy!
If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions 😉
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 12.5º of Sagittarius (exact on Dec. 4th, 2020 at 2:46am EST)
* What is a Solar Eclipse? 1:06
* Last of Four Eclipses in 2021 1:44
* Eclipses in general 2:10
* Eclipse season (started Nov 4th & goes until Jan. 2nd, 2022) 2:27
* Second South Node Eclipse in Sagittarius (since Moon Nodes entered Gemini-Sagittarius in May 2020) 3:09
* Last South Node Solar Eclipse in 12º of Sagittarius was in Dec. 2002 (19-year cycle) 9:12
* Solar Eclipses in general 11:30
* New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 12:08
* Lots to consider.. overview of aspects for this Eclipse chart 16:22
* Mercury, ruler of the North Node, currently in Sagittarius aligns with the Solar Eclipse 17:44
* The New Moon/Solar Eclipse quincunxes Uranus in Taurus 23:27
* The New Moon/Solar Eclipse sextiles Saturn in Aquarius 27:33
* The New Moon/Solar Eclipse trines Chiron in Aries 28:11
* Neptune in Pisces is exalted (stationing until Dec. 17th), squares Mercury in Sagittarius 32:08
* Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) still in Aquarius until Dec. 28th, squares Mars in Scorpio at the time of the Eclipse 35:00
* Venus & Chiron start to slow down (stationing), within 5 days of the Eclipse, both coming to a halt on Dec. 19th! 39:03
* Venus exalted (stationing in 24-26º of Capricorn, Dec. 8th-30th), conjunct Pluto in Capricorn —> within 5 degrees of each other: Nov. 28th-Jan. 4th, 2022. 39:40
* Venus-Pluto in Capricorn sextiles Mars in Scorpio 44:23
* Chiron exalted (stationing in 8.5º of Aries, Dec. 9th-31st), ending its 5-month Retrograde phase on Dec. 19th 45:37
* To Sum it all up for this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse 47:20
* Solar Eclipse Intentions 51:40
Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 18-28 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? 51:02
👉 — To read my article on “How to set New Moon/Solar Eclipse Intentions”, click here
👉 — To take a look at the current Eclipses in relationship to your own Birth chart, get the “Lunar & Solar Eclipse” webinar, click here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Friday, Dec. 17th at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT (London-time).
If you want to know how this powerful planetary shift is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌 – EARLY BIRD SPECIAL available until Dec. 14th at midnight EST!
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 12.5º of Scorpio (exact on Nov. 4th, 2021 at 5:15pm EDT)
* The start of Eclipse season 1:00
* New Moon chart overview 4:45
* All about the Scorpio-archetype 5:34
* New Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus 16:20
* New Moon squares Saturn in Aquarius, Saturn becomes the Focus Point of a T-Square 19:45
* New Moon trines Neptune in Pisces 21:16
* Mars (the traditional ruler of Scorpio), currently in an early degree of Scorpio, aligns with Mercury in late degree of Libra (they will journey closely together until Nov. 16th, both taking part in a T-Square with Saturn and Uranus) 25:02
* Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn (the modern ruler of Scorpio) 29:38
* Mercury trines Jupiter in Aquarius 35:20
* Mercury sextiles an exalted Venus in Sagittarius 36:11
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 38:38
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 46:31
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 10-15 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius? 45:25
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
This New Moon is also the start of Eclipse season — which lasts until Jan. 2nd, 2022. My next Full Moon video will already be about the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (the first of two Eclipses taking place within the next 4.5 weeks).
Eclipses are times of uncertainty, Uranian in nature, so anything could happen between now and January 2nd. It is important to remember that Eclipses open a door to the next level of our Soul’s evolution.
As best as you can, stay both grounded and flexible — and don’t jump the gun for the next 8.5 weeks — if you feel compelled to do something, do your best to simply observe the urge. The exception would be something that just happens organically, but if you are ambivalent about a possible action, better to hold off until Eclipse Seasonends on January 2nd.
Eclipses bring major endings and beginnings. As best you can, trust that whatever is leaving is making space for something better — the more willing we are to change, the easier it will be.
That said, projects and interactions that got underway prior to Eclipse season (i.e. before Nov. 4th) are another matter — don’t stop your life just because it is Eclipse season 😉
I will also talk about the upcoming two Eclipses in more detail in my next Forecasting Forum. If you want to know how these powerful Lunations are going to impact you personally, feel free to join us — we will apply what’s coming up to our own birth charts. The Forum is on Nov. 19th at 2pm EST (the day of the Lunar Eclipse) — for more info, click here.
Also available for purchase as an mp4-video presentation, after Nov. 19th, on my Webinar-page.
Please note that registration to the Forum also includes access to the next Members Lunar Eclipse video and a recording of the live-event 😉 AND, there is an Early Bird Special that will be available until Nov. 16th at midnight EST!
A couple of things to note in this New Moon chart: we have an exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus, the planet associated with breakdowns, breakthroughs, sudden change, freedom and innovation.
We have a T-Square with Saturn in Aquarius as the Focus Point; Venus in Sagittarius will be in an exalted degree at the time of the New Moon; and Mercury (the ruler of the current North Node) is yet again highly aspected by many of the other planets in this New Moon chart, including Pluto (the ruler of Scorpio). More about all of that in a moment, but first let’s talk about the Scorpio energies…
Scorpio is the second water sign of the zodiac, so it relates not only to the depths of our own psyche, but also to the ecstasies and traumas of relationships. Scorpio is also the sign most associated with…
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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the New Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 10-15 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo or Aquarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase.
So this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 5:15pm (Nov. 4th) and 12:10pm on Nov. 5th; then again from 8:52pm (Nov. 5th) until 5:15pm on Nov. 6th — New York Time/US Eastern Time (please keep in mind that Europe and the UK do no longer have Daylight Savings Time, therefore the time difference is an hour less than usual at the time of the New Moon)
If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast-time), feel free to join my Facebook Fan-pageorfollow me on twitter. I will be posting reminders on Nov. 4th, 5th and 6th, to let you know when it is the most potent time to set your intentions.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 13.5º of Libra (exact on Oct. 6th, 2021 at 7:05am EDT)
* All about the Libra-archetype 2:03
* Jupiter in Aquarius more exalted after Oct. 8th, Pluto & Saturn are both exalted already at the time of the New Moon, they end their respective Retrograde phases within 4 days of the New Moon being exact (in the case of Pluto, within 7.5 hours). 4:56 * Saturn in Aquarius & Pluto in Capricorn 6:43
* Pluto Station in Capricorn 13:41
* The New Moon in Libra aligns tightly with Mars, and also with Mercury in Libra (Mercury is Retrograde until Oct. 18th) 20:00
* New Moon/Mars alignment in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries. 26:25
* New Moon/Mars alignment in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius 29:16
* New Moon/Mars alignment in Libra quincunxes Uranus in Taurus. 31:49
* Venus (the ruler of Libra) is currently in a late degree of Scorpio, and makes a close alignment with the South Node in an early degree of Sagittarius. 35:32
* Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn 38:10
* Pluto Station, exalted until Oct. 21st 40:30
* To sum it all up for this New Moon. 42:02
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 49:10
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 11-16 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn? 46:09
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 14.5º of Virgo (exact on Sept. 6th, 2021 at 8:52pm EDT) * A Lots of planets in Earth and Air signs 1:22 * All about the Virgo-archetype 2:20
* New Moon in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus4:34
* Mars aligns with the New Moon in Virgo6:05
* Moon/Sun/Mars combo in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces6:45
* Moon/Sun/Mars combo in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn8:50
* Mars in Virgoquincunxes Jupiter in Aquarius10:03
* The New Moon in Virgo squares the Moon Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius12:48
* Mercury, ruler of Virgo, enters its pre-Shadow phase only 5 hours before the New Moon becomes exact (on Sept. 6th around 4pm EDT)16:46
* Mercury, currently in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries18:02
* Mercury in Libra forms a Grand Air Trine with Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node in Gemini19:50
* Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn 21:08
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 26:11
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 33:08
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 12-17 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius? 30:25
==> To get the webinar: “Mercury’s pre-Shadow phase Sept. 2021”,click here(only available until Sept. 17th)
==>Intro to Soul-Based Astrology, available for FREE right now, click here
==> To watch my new Interview Series: “How to Deal with Uncertainty & Change”click here
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 16º of Leo (exact on Aug. 8th, 2021 at 9:50am EDT) * All about the Leo-archetype 1:45 * Mercury aligns with the New Moon in Leo 3:46
* Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius 6:04
* Two Quincunxes pointing towards one planet —> YOD 8:45
* Mercury in Leo is the Focus point of a YOD aspect involving Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces 9:10
*Uranus in Taurus (Uranus is stationing/exalted until Sept. 2nd, goes Retrograde on Aug. 19th)12:47
* The New Moon in Leo & Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 15:12
* Solution of any T-Square —> empty leg, this T-Square: Scorpio is the empty leg 19:47
* The New Moon trines Chiron in Aries 25:01
* Mars in Virgo squares the Moon Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius28:58
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 36:14
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 40:18
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 14-18 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? 38:50
—> To get the “Uranus in Taurus Exalted” webinar, about the Uranus Station/Retrograde phases and the Uranus-Saturn Square, click here
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 18º of Cancer (exact on July 9th, 2021 at 9:17pm EDT)
* All about the Cancer-archetype 1:32
* The New Moon squares Chiron in Aries (Chiron is stationing/exalted until July 26th, goes Retrograde on July 15th) 12:42
* The New Moon sextiles Uranus in Taurus 20:23 * The New Moon trines Neptune in Pisces 23:01
* The New Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn 27:08
* Venus joins Mars in Leo in the ongoing T-Square (last time Venus & Mars aligned in Leo was in August of 2015) 29:13
* T-Square still in place: Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, and opposes Mars & Venus in Leo 30:47
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 35:22
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 40:18
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 16-20 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? 39:21
👉 — To get the “Chiron Station/Retrograde” webinar,click here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Friday, July 23rd at 11am PDT/2pm EDT/7pm BST (London-time).
👉 — TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)
***Early Bird Special available until July 20th!!***
If you want to know how these powerful transits are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
"What I loved about the Monthly Forecasting Forum is Sonja's soulful approach to astrology, keeping it in the positive, learning and growing for our higher good. It's not fear based astrology which I have come to see too much of. Sonja is extremely patient and kind, and a true teacher. I look forward to learning and growing with this beautiful soul."
To apply the forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch the 30-minute class on "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to Sonja's Facebook fan page for her Daily Forecasts.
Join the Monthly Forecasting Forum
Sign up to join thelive Monthly Forecasting Forum with Sonja Francis and/or receive a recorded copy of the webinar. Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
Click here tobook a reading with Sonja. All readings are done via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or phone.
"Thank you for the awesome webinar, Sonja. I really enjoyed the full interactive experience. Having this real time exchange makes a huge difference to the learning and understanding of all these patterns and energies. I love the question and answer section, especially since we get some advance indication of what the topics will be. I have been an amateur astrologer for many years but I learned an awful lot very quickly in this setting. So much fun. See you next time!"
Readings by Sonja Francis
The Natal Chart reveals the planets as they were at the time of your birth. During a reading with Sonja, you will uncover your life’s potential — including your Soul’s Journey and Soul Purpose. More importantly, you will learn how you can direct those unique talents and energies to have a life you love.
You also learn about parts of yourself that have not been fully integrated and what you can do to become more whole and empowered. Sonja will also look to see how the current transits are affecting you in your life right now to support you in making powerful choices for your personal evolution.
Readings and Site Membership
Star Members receive a 10% discount off all of their Readings and a 15% discount off any Coaching-Healing sessions.. For more information on site membership, visit this link.
Get or gift one month FREE of my monthly Universal Membership with coupon code: UNIVERSAL, add coupon code at check out
If you realize after two or three weeks that the Membership is not for you, feel free to pause or cancel it at any time via the Membership portal ==> “My Account” – “My Subscriptions”
Are You Ready for What's Coming?
Subscribe to Sonja's Forecasts to receive her timely reporting of the most significant astrological events occurring right now.