February 5th – 11th

An Offbeat, Pleasant Attitude


This week’s headline items: Uranus remains exalted until Friday; the Balsamic Moon phase begins on Tuesday late morning; the New Moon in Aquarius becomes exact on Friday evening; also on Friday, Uranus ends its station phase and resumes direct motion; the Chinese New Year begins on Saturday — and we can set our New Moon Intentions between Saturday late morning and Sunday early evening.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday night/Tuesday very early morning (for 7 hours), Thursday very early morning (for 6 hours), and Friday early evening (for almost 15 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, I want to mention one more time…

There are some Membership changes that went into effect on Jan. 24th with some new Membership features and some minor price changes ==> You can watch a brief video about those changes here


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, February 5th:

Monday is a big day (astrologically speaking)! The Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day; it will journey there until Tuesday morning.

We’re strongly motivated to explore and learn. We’re not likely to be big fans of routine — diversity and new adventures work best at this time — we’re also physically restless and need to burn that off with activity and physical exercise.

As best as you can, speak your truth without assuming everyone is on the same page. Improvisation works well for us now, as we are spontaneous and love living on the edge — just watch out you aren’t overdoing or overstating things.

Monday morning, a challenging Venus/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 6:49am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from Friday evening (Feb. 2nd) on; it will remain strong until Wednesday evening (Feb. 7th). This aspect asks us to stretch past injuries and insecurities in our relationships, self-worth, and finances.

If we can bring compassion and a different point of view to these issues, we will reach a new understanding of ourselves and our life journey.

We have the opportunity to learn from one another; ironically, social insecurities can be magnified at this time. Whenever Chiron is involved, we are asked to do some healing work.

As best as you can, use this time to learn about your sore spots. Nobody is perfect: we all have our flaws and idiosyncrasies. It’s ok.

If you get triggered by someone, as best as you can, take it as an opportunity to see where this trigger originated — probably in your childhood.

Bring love and compassion to yourself as you are and as you were. Allow any feelings this may stir up in you. A feeling is just energy that wants to be experienced; it wants to move through us and out.

The more we resist or suppress our feelings, the more we keep them spinning in place. As best as you can, move from the head to the heart. What might change if you had 5% more compassion with yourself and others? What if you just decided to have faith in the healing process?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 13-19 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra).

Also on Monday morning, an opportune Sun/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 7:27am EST. We started to feel this aspect build from Saturday morning (Feb. 3rd) on; it will remain strong until this Wednesday morning (Feb. 7th). This aspect is an opportunity for self-healing that could support our vision for the future and bring us into better alignment with our physical and emotional bodies.

We all have flaws, wounds, and insecurities. The more we can open up to that being ok for ourselves, the less judgmental we will be with others.

This is also a great time to recognize that our so-called flaws and insecurities have become some of our best assets and strengths — how might this be true for you?

Until Wednesday morning, practice gentleness as best as you can; be kind to yourself and others.

Again, remember: an opportunity is an opening, a glimpse of new possibilities — so “opportunities” are not simply handed to us, tied up with a bow — we have to “take” them and make something of them. What will you do with this particular opportunity?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 14-18 degrees of Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, or Sagittarius? If so, you will be more aware of this opportunity. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo (the Sun rules Leo).

Monday at 7:58am EST, a powerful Mercury/Pluto alignment in 0.5 degrees of Aquarius becomes exact. We started to feel this aspect build Saturday evening (Feb. 3rd); it will be strong until this Wednesday morning (Feb. 7th). With this alignment, an all-or-nothing attitude becomes very likely — especially in connection to our networks, group affiliations, or communities.

We have tremendous mental focus — which could tip into obsession. Choose love over fear whenever possible. Connect to the things you feel passionate about — and connect to others, empowering them with your passions.

As best as you can, choose your words carefully — if possible, speak from that deeply connected and empowered place. Here are some questions you can ask yourself: What fears or concerns do I need to let go of to communicate more powerfully and with passion?

Am I living my life from a place of wanting to protect myself from long-term harm or worst-case scenarios? Or with an open heart, feeling empowered in my daily choices?

If you answered “yes” (or “sometimes”) to the first question, ask yourself: Am I ready to let go of thinking or obsessing about worst-case scenarios? Am I ready to trust the process, give myself permission to grieve (if that’s present), and let go of the urge to protect myself at any cost?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or any personal planets) in the following: 0-3 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or 28-29 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra, or Cancer? If so, you may feel more connected to this alignment. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo, or Scorpio (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Pluto rules Scorpio).

Monday night at 12:06am EST, we enter a Moon VoC that will last for 7 hours, until 7:08am EST (Tuesday morning). Use this intuitive time to make some adjustments.

As best you can, honor both your need for adventure and exploration of life, and your need to go within and get quiet. You may also feel a pull between introvert and extrovert, or simply fast and slow.

Tune in for a moment and see if you need to take a break or at least slow down a little. As best as you can, be compassionate and kind to yourself.

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday night until Tuesday morning ahead of time.

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) — as well as other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)

ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Thank you so much for today!! Your knowledge and expertise is truly remarkable.” — Keri


“Deep gratitude for your insights” — Cathy E.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Feb. 21st!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy; if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Oday Hazeem


January 29th – Feb. 4th

New & Unexpected 


This week’s headline items: Uranus remains exalted all week; the last Quarter Moon in Scorpio becomes exact on Friday evening; Mercury changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on Sunday night.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday evening (for almost 9 hours), Thursday early morning (11.5 hours), and Saturday late evening (3 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, you can still watch…

My Soulivity Today Morning Show: Hot Astrology Topics! I was discussing Hot Astrology Topics for January – February 2024 with the lovely Brian Westley Johnson. Don’t miss this! We had an amazing conversation.

You can also still get the mp4-video presentation of our last webinar: “Exalted Uranus & Pluto in Aquarius“, where we discussed the connection between Pluto and Uranus for the next 20 years — as Pluto will be moving through Aquarius.

Please note: some important Membership changes took effect last week! ==> Please click here to watch this brief video for more information, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or need support!


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 29th:

Monday, the Moon remains in detail-oriented, practical Virgo all day; it will journey there until Tuesday very early morning, turning our focus toward the practical and wholesome.

We are generous with our time/services, and we love to help others. We also have a fondness for science and anything that makes sense in our world — things and knowledge we can apply and use.

Health might also come into focus at this time. We notice the parts that make up the whole; this is a great time to see if our daily routines (eating, work, self-care, etc.) align with our long-term goals.

Please note: some important Membership changes took effect last week! ==> Please click here to watch this brief video for more information, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or need support!

Monday at 6:20pm EST, we enter a Moon VoC that will last almost 9 hours, until 3:04am EST (Tuesday very early morning). Use this intuitive time to find a balance between head and heart, facts and faith, reason and intuition.

It’s a great time for connecting with others and being of service. You may also want to talk to your pets or engage in more spiritual conversations that can also support your physical well-being.

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday evening until Tuesday very early morning ahead of time.

Monday evening, a harmonious Mars/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 6:41pm EST. We started to feel this aspect build from last Friday early morning (Jan. 26th) on; it will remain strong until this Friday night (Feb. 2nd). This aspect signals a time when our energy level is much higher than usual.

Among other effects, we may find we can work for long hours without fatigue or feel “driven,” especially in new and unusual directions. It could be that we receive backing from unusual sources.

In general, our efforts are successful and we scale new heights of originality. As best as you can, stay open to new and unexpected things that support your career and financial future.

Ask yourself: What ideas concerning my career or long-term goals are coming through? What are some new or unusual directions that I could take?

Highly recommended: Group activities, group causes, and connecting to like-minded people that support our earthly goals.

Do you have your Ascendant (or one or more personal planets) in 16-22 degrees of Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo? If so, you will be most blessed by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries or Aquarius (Mars is the ruler Aries; Uranus rules Aquarius)

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) — as well as other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)

ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Thank you so much for today!! Your knowledge and expertise is truly remarkable.” — Keri


“Deep gratitude for your insights” — Cathy E.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Feb. 21st

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Rodolfo Clix


January 22nd – 28th

Lay The Facts On The Table 


This week’s headline items: Uranus remains exalted all week; Venus changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn early Tuesday; the Full Moon in Leo becomes exact early Thursday afternoon — and Uranus in Taurus comes to a halt, ending its 5-month Retrograde phase, very early Saturday morning.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday afternoon (for a little over 1 hour), Wednesday early evening (for a little over 8.5 hours), and Friday afternoon (for almost 10 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, don’t miss those two events…


1) Wednesday, Jan. 24th, at 1pm EST/10am PST/6pm GMT, we have our first Forecasting Forum of the year! ==> Join us for this powerful 90-minute webinar.

You can ask a question about “Uranus’ Station phase in Taurus or Pluto in Aquarius” in advance. Once registered, you can email me between now and Jan. 24th at 11am EST/8am PST/4pm London! I will answer questions in the order they were received.

If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this year, see how understanding the upcoming astrological energies can serve you personally, and save some money… become a Star Member and join us every month!

2) Friday, Jan. 26th (live at 8am EST), join me and the lovely Brian Westley Johnson for another Soulivity Today Morning Show: Hot Astrology Topics!

**If you live in California, you can also listen in via KMET Radio (98.1FM/1490AM) at 8am PST


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 22nd:

Monday, the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini until 4:51pm EST. Until then, we like to learn, connect, and interact as much as possible.

“Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way… The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged, we might as well curl up and play dead.

EARLY BIRD PRICING for the “Uranus Station, Pluto in Aquarius” webinar ends today, Monday, at midnight EST! ==> Register now before the price goes up!

Do you want to ask a Question about Uranus’ Station phase in Taurus or Pluto in Aquarius? Email me by Jan. 24th at 11am EST/8am PST/4pm London time. Questions will be answered in the order that they have been received.

Monday at 3:40pm EST, we will enter a Moon VoC that will last a little over 1 hour until 4:51pm EST. Use this intuitive time to balance your need for mentally stimulating encounters with your desire to venture beyond your day-to-day mind to connect with others more philosophically.

What’s the larger picture? What are we here to do? What are we here to be? Why now?

As always, with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday afternoon ahead of time.

Monday late afternoon at 4:51pm EST, the Moon enters protective, nurturing Cancer, where it will journey until Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say, and our feelings are thus more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-care is vital for the next two and a half days.

Emotional safety is also important to us; we like connecting to the familiar, and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others — home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure your glass is filled before letting others drink from it; otherwise, you might feel drained and resentful.

Please note, there are some important Membership changes that will start on Wednesday, Jan. 24th! ==> Please click here to watch this brief video for more information

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) and other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)

ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Sonja, thank you so much for the wisdom, empathy and counsel. So valuable to me and so beautiful to the world.” Cathy E.


“Thank you, Sonja. The information you provided is rich, practical, easy to understand and apply. — Julienne A.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Jan. 22nd!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy; if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Andrea Piacquadio


Important Announcement for my Members

Join me as I share an important announcement for my current Members:

Membership changes went into effect on Jan. 24th, 2024!

Please email me at info@astrologercoach.com if you have any questions!

Universal Members

Membership Fees:
$63/year (get 3 FREE months)

! NEW ! Discounts:
10% discount on Readings
15% discount on Coaching Packages & Retreats
15% discount for my Soul-Based Astrology Courses
10% discount for my Monthly Forecasting Forums (can be combined with other sale offers, like the Early Bird Special)

Star Members

Membership Fees:
$289/year (get 2 FREE months)

 ! NEW ! Discounts:
20% discount on Readings
25% discount on Coaching Packages & Retreats
25% discount for my Soul-Based Astrology Courses
Monthly Forecasting Forum is still included every month at no extra cost


Pluto in Aquarius

Join me as I share an excerpt from my recent Live Engagement in the BUILD 2024 Empowerment Summit:

Pluto in Aquarius until 2044

To Register for the Summit, click here

Take a look at becoming a VIP, to:
* Get life time access to the replays of each Speaker
* Get 5 incredible Bonus gifts
* Ask each of the Speakers questions that can support your current evolution


Full Moon in Leo — the article

On January 25th at 12:54pm ESTthe Moon opposes the Sun in 5 degrees of Leo — and this is when this month’s Full Moon becomes exact. We started to feel this Full Moon build from the moment the Moon entered Leo on Wednesday night, Jan. 24th. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted.

I have a very important announcement for my current Members:

Since I started my Membership site six years ago, expenses for my Membership site have gone up quite a bit, but I have kept Membership fees at their original rates. Unfortunately, with the latest round of cost increases, I had to make the tough decision to make some changes.

Many of you have also told me that they would do more Readings with me if my prices were a little lower.

The solution that I came up with, is to raise site membership fees by a modest amount, and at the same time offer much deeper Member discounts on Readings, Coaching Packages, and Astrology Courses.

Universal Members will get up to 15% discounts on Services, and Star Members will get up to 25% discounts!

This will help me keep the membership system going and allow all of you to take advantage of my services more often.

The fees will go to $7/month for my Universal Members and to $29/month for my Star Members.
The yearly fee will go to $63 for Universal (that’s 3 FREE Months) and $289 for Star Members.

This will go into effect on Jan. 24th! Please email me at info@astrologercoach.com if you have any questions!

Back to the Full Moon:

All Full Moons offer opportunities to see things in a new light and guide us away from polarization and division toward balance and integration. Ask yourself: How far have I come since setting Intentions back on Jan. 11th or 12th, after the New Moon became exact? What am I aware of at this time?

The balance and integration we seek with this month’s Full Moon are connected to the Aquarius-Leo polarity. As a Member of my online community, if you’d like to learn more about this month’s Full Moon, click here to watch my video.

This Full Moon chart has a big focus on the outer and social planets:

  • The Sun aligns with Pluto in Aquarius
  • The Moon in Leo opposes not only the Sun but also Pluto in Aquarius, and it also trines Chiron in Aries
  • Jupiter in Taurus is the focus point of a T-square to the Full Moon polarity (as well as Pluto)
  • Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) currently exalted in Taurus, as it is preparing to end its 5-month Retrograde phase on Jan. 27th; and it trines a Mercury-Mars alignment in Capricorn
  • The Mercury-Mars alignment also squares Chiron, the Wounded Healer
  • Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius) currently in Pisces quincunxes the Moon in Leo, and sextiles Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn

I will go into all of this in more detail in a moment, but first, let’s talk about the Aquarius-Leo polarity:

Aquarius represents a unique vision and approach to life. The classic Aquarian vision is one of interconnected equality and belonging — paradoxically, we are reminded at the same time that the power of unity lies in diversity. It is a concentrative sign.

On the other hand, Leo is all about our self-expression, creativity, and ability to connect to a courageous, innocent heart and inner joy. Leo, at its best, signifies the quest to live from our center, our authentic core, our truth — with joy in our hearts.

As with all Full Moons, we are also invited to…

scroll down & watch video below

Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below!


Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 3-7 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).


January 15th – 21st

Honest Communication 


This week’s headline items: Uranus remains exalted all week; the first Quarter Moon in Aries becomes exact on Wednesday late evening; on Saturday morning, the Sun aligns with Pluto in an exalted degree of Capricorn right before both planets move into the next sign: the Sun moves into Aquarius on Saturday late morning, and Pluto flows suit on Saturday evening. Lastly, Mercury will exit its post-Shadow phase on Saturday night.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday late evening (for 16 minutes), Thursday very early morning (for 9 minutes), and Saturday morning (for 1 minute).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, don’t miss this free summit…


On Saturday, January 20th, at 11:30am EST, I will kick off the BUILD 2024 Empowerment Summit. I will be interviewed by the wonderful Tami Gingrow, the creator of this free 4-day summit, about how we can co-create 2024 with the support of Astrology!

==> You can register for this FREE summit here, but definitely also take a look at the VIP options…

As a VIP, you get:

  • A live Q&A with each speaker
  • Lifetime access to the library of replays
  • An incredible bonus package (with 5 valuable gifts)

AND if you register as a VIP before midnight on Tuesday (January 16th), you will also have an opportunity to win one of 5 fantastic prizes ==> To find out more about becoming a VIP, click here.


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 15th:

Monday, the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces until 11:49pm EST. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic, and imaginative than usual.

We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy, and affection for all, especially those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.

But that idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn’t match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors.

Monday evening, an opportune Sun/Neptune aspect becomes exact at 7:38pm EST. We have felt this aspect build since Saturday evening (Jan. 13th); it will remain strong until Wednesday evening (Jan. 17th). This aspect is an opportunity to dissolve what no longer serves us and connect to our intuition.

We feel inspired. It’s also a great time to bring a sense of flow and faith to our long-term plans.

Ask yourself: How might meditation or mindfulness — simply being present in the now-moment to all the energies inside and around me — support my manifesting and fulfilling long-term goals? What might a good dose of trust in divine timing and support do for my achievements?

Our capacity for compassion (both toward ourselves and others) is quite strong, especially if we can acknowledge it. Dreams and reality find a way to work together now — any spiritual or creative endeavors that are started during this time will most likely do very well — and it feels good to donate time or money to favored causes.

Remember that this is an “opportunity” — it isn’t just handed to us; we must make it happen.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 23-28 degrees of Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you will be more aware of this opportunity. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Pisces (the Sun rules Leo; Neptune is the ruler of Pisces).

Monday at 11:33pm EST, we enter a very brief Moon VoC that lasts 16 minutes until 11:49pm EST. Use this intuitive time as an opportunity to be guided by inspiration and fully commit to a project or task that might serve you long-term. As best as you can, listen and trust the subtle messages in your heart that stir you toward success.

As always, with a Moon VoC, don’t start anything new, stick to routine things, or go with the flow as best as you can.

Monday at 11:49pm EST, the Moon enters pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Thursday very early morning. Life is an adventure; we’re more open to new ideas and enthusiastic about new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly and act immediately.

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.

This Moon placement starts the build-up towards the first Quarter Moon (exact on Wednesday late evening).

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) and other excellent and exclusive content, and become a site member. (The first month is FREE! You can cancel anytime!)

ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Sonja, thank you so much for the wisdom, empathy and counsel. So valuable to me and so beautiful to the world.” Cathy E.


“Thank you, Sonja. The information you provided is rich, practical, easy to understand and apply. — Julienne A.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Jan. 22nd!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy; if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Blue Bird

January 8th – 14th

Get Unstuck!


This week’s headline items: the Chiron Station ends on Wednesday; the New Moon in Capricorn becomes exact on Thursday morning; Mercury re-enters Capricorn on Saturday late evening; Uranus starts to slow down again (stationing) on Sunday — preparing to end its 5- month Retrograde phase.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Tuesday afternoon (for 5.5 hours), Thursday late evening (for 28 minutes), and Saturday early morning (for 17.5 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, don’t miss this…


January 24th at 1pm EST, we have our first Forecasting Forum of the year!

==> Join us for this powerful 90-minute webinar. Early Bird Special is $32 until Jan. 22nd! ==> After that date it will go up to $37.00

We will talk about Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs, innovation & change, as well as Pluto (the planet of deep transformation & power) moving back into Aquarius (the sign most associated with communities, technology & future visions) — for the second time since last March, and this time it will remain in Aquarius until September 1st.

The third pass will be from Nov. 19th, 2024 until Jan. 2044. This is a 246-year cycle, which means the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778-1798. This is when the United States achieved its independence from Great Britain — through its desire to create a place “of the people for the people”, a place where freedom and equality were honored and aspired to.

If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, join us every month.


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 8th:

Monday, the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day. It will journey there until Tuesday evening. Until then, we’re strongly motivated to explore and learn. We’re not likely to be big fans of routine — diversity and new adventures work best at this time — we’re also physically restless and need to burn that off with activity and physical exercise.

As best as you can, speak your truth without assuming everyone is on the same page. Improvisation works well for us now, as we are spontaneous and love living on the edge — just watch out you aren’t overdoing or overstating things.

Monday afternoon, we have lots of energy at our disposal, plus a desire to connect with others and have some adventures. Physical exercise or activities with others are great ways to channel this energy. We are also invited to collaborate; so look for relationships that nurture you, with people that share your values (Moon conjuncts Venus in Sagittariusexact at 1:44pm EST)

Monday evening, we might find ourselves wanting to explore a new healing modality for body, mind, and heart aimed at renewing our enthusiasm for life.

We are capable of being compassionate and forgiving with ourselves at this time — and a gentle and holistic approach is best. (Moon in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries, exact at 7:44pm EST)

Monday later in the evening, a challenging Mercury/Neptune aspect becomes exact at 8:24pm EST. Due to the recent Mercury Retrograde and Station phases, this aspect will last an unusually long time; we started to feel it build on Tuesday morning (Jan. 2nd); it will remain strong until Friday morning (Jan.12th).

We also experienced this aspect several weeks ago, at the end of November — think back to that time and ask yourself: Did I need to slow down? Did I feel overwhelmed or easily distracted? What kept me grounded at that time?

This aspect asks us to stretch ourselves and grow. We may experience a lack of clarity and objectivity. We might make embarrassing errors, neglect important details, or carry some delusions now. Our lack of clarity may make it difficult for others to understand us.

We are more imaginative now and easily swayed by the opinions of others. We can be highly creative and inspired under this influence but also overly sensitive, touchy, or impractical. What might a creative or intuitive approach look like right now?

It can be hard to follow routines. Concentrating on monotonous tasks and work (or study that involves attention to detail or rote learning) may also be challenging at this time. As best as you can, be compassionate with yourself and others during these 10 days.

Ask yourself: What do I feel and perceive when I go beyond all stories, all assumptions, and all meaning?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 22-28 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo? If so, you are more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Neptune rules Pisces).

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Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Sonja, thank you so much for the wisdom, empathy and counsel. So valuable to me and so beautiful to the world.” Cathy E.


“Thank you, Sonja. The information you provided is rich, practical, easy to understand and apply. — Julienne A.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Jan. 22nd!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy; if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Julia Mourão Missagia


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