Lay The Facts On The Table 


This week’s headline items: Uranus remains exalted all week; Venus changes signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn early Tuesday; the Full Moon in Leo becomes exact early Thursday afternoon — and Uranus in Taurus comes to a halt, ending its 5-month Retrograde phase, very early Saturday morning.


There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday afternoon (for a little over 1 hour), Wednesday early evening (for a little over 8.5 hours), and Friday afternoon (for almost 10 hours).


Before we get to this week’s Forecast, don’t miss those two events…


1) Wednesday, Jan. 24th, at 1pm EST/10am PST/6pm GMT, we have our first Forecasting Forum of the year! ==> Join us for this powerful 90-minute webinar.

You can ask a question about “Uranus’ Station phase in Taurus or Pluto in Aquarius” in advance. Once registered, you can email me between now and Jan. 24th at 11am EST/8am PST/4pm London! I will answer questions in the order they were received.

If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this year, see how understanding the upcoming astrological energies can serve you personally, and save some money… become a Star Member and join us every month!

2) Friday, Jan. 26th (live at 8am EST), join me and the lovely Brian Westley Johnson for another Soulivity Today Morning Show: Hot Astrology Topics!

**If you live in California, you can also listen in via KMET Radio (98.1FM/1490AM) at 8am PST


Now, this week’s Forecast…


Monday, January 22nd:

Monday, the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini until 4:51pm EST. Until then, we like to learn, connect, and interact as much as possible.

“Busy” feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way… The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged, we might as well curl up and play dead.

EARLY BIRD PRICING for the “Uranus Station, Pluto in Aquarius” webinar ends today, Monday, at midnight EST! ==> Register now before the price goes up!

Do you want to ask a Question about Uranus’ Station phase in Taurus or Pluto in Aquarius? Email me by Jan. 24th at 11am EST/8am PST/4pm London time. Questions will be answered in the order that they have been received.

Monday at 3:40pm EST, we will enter a Moon VoC that will last a little over 1 hour until 4:51pm EST. Use this intuitive time to balance your need for mentally stimulating encounters with your desire to venture beyond your day-to-day mind to connect with others more philosophically.

What’s the larger picture? What are we here to do? What are we here to be? Why now?

As always, with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday afternoon ahead of time.

Monday late afternoon at 4:51pm EST, the Moon enters protective, nurturing Cancer, where it will journey until Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say, and our feelings are thus more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-care is vital for the next two and a half days.

Emotional safety is also important to us; we like connecting to the familiar, and we enjoy nurturing ourselves and others — home and family call to us, for instance. Make sure your glass is filled before letting others drink from it; otherwise, you might feel drained and resentful.

Please note, there are some important Membership changes that will start on Wednesday, Jan. 24th! ==> Please click here to watch this brief video for more information

GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) and other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)

ALREADY A MEMBER? Scroll down & keep reading (make sure you are logged into your Member’s account)!


Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:

“Sonja, thank you so much for the wisdom, empathy and counsel. So valuable to me and so beautiful to the world.” Cathy E.


“Thank you, Sonja. The information you provided is rich, practical, easy to understand and apply. — Julienne A.

To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Jan. 22nd!

Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy; if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.


Blog photo by Andrea Piacquadio


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