On Feb. 12th at 8:53am EST, the Moon opposes the Sun in 24 degrees of Leo — and this is when this month’s Full Moon becomes exact. We start to feel this Full Moon build when the Moon enters Leo on Feb. 10th.
As always with a Full Moon, relationships of all kinds are highlighted, and we get a chance to see where we are.
Ask yourself: How far have I come since setting Intentions back on Jan. 29th, after the New Moon became exact? What am I aware of now?
But, before we get started, I just want to mention again:
I have an exciting 90 minute event coming up on Feb. 25th at 6:30pm EST — about the Moon Nodes in Pisces-Virgo! For only $32
The webinar will show you how to:
==> Gain clarity about the role the Moon’s Nodes play in your spiritual journey
==> Understand the lessons and meaning behind the transiting Moon Nodes
==> Navigate all of this over the next 18 months, and especially during Eclipse Season
There will be an Early Bird Special (only $28!) until Feb. 23rd. Star Members will get a Special Discount Coupon during the upcoming Forecasting Forum on Feb. 15th because this webinar is not included in the Forums ==> With Discount Coupon, only $15
Back to the Full Moon:
All Full Moons offer opportunities to see things in a new light and guide us away from polarization and division toward balance and integration.
The balance and integration we seek with this month’s Full Moon are connected to the Aquarius-Leo polarity. As a Member of my online community, if you’d like to learn more about this month’s Full Moon, click here to watch my video.
This Full Moon chart has a big focus on the outer and social planets:
- The Sun aligns with Mercury in Aquarius
- The Moon in Leo opposes not only the Sun but also Mercury in Aquarius, and it also trines Chiron in Aries
- Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius), currently in Taurus, is the focus point of a T-square to the Full Moon polarity (as well as Mercury), and it also trines the South Node in Virgo
- Neptune aligns with the North Node in Pisces
- Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius), currently also in Pisces, trines an exalted Mars in Cancer
- Mars is exalted due to its Station phase, as it is preparing to end its 11-week Retrograde phase on Feb. 23rd; and, besides the Trine to Saturn, it still squares Chiron in Aries
- Venus begins to slow down the day after the Full Moon, preparing to start her Retrograde phase on March 1st
I will go into all of this in more detail in a moment, but first, let’s talk about the Aquarius-Leo polarity:
Aquarius represents a unique vision and approach to life. The classic Aquarian vision is one of interconnected equality and belonging—paradoxically, we are also reminded that the power of unity lies in diversity. It is a contradictory sign.
On the other hand, Leo is all about our self-expression, creativity, and ability to connect to a courageous, innocent heart and inner joy. At its best, Leo signifies the quest to live from our center, our authentic core, our truth—with joy in our hearts.
As with all Full Moons, we are also invited to balance and integrate the two polarities involved — in this case, we are invited to allow head/intellect (Aquarius) and heart-expression (Leo) to merge, bringing about a brighter future for humankind — so ask yourself:
What would it look like if I allowed that merger to go through? What if I chose, right here and now, to contribute to humanity from a courageous, heart-centered, and authentic place?
To develop a healthy relationship with our individual role in the collective, we need to keep an open mind, allow everyone (ourselves included) to be their unique selves, and then bring that unique spark to the collective experience.
And of course, there’s a shadow side to be discussed — the shadow of both signs involved in this Full Moon — and please note that the shadow side of any sign is usually not as comfortable to look at or easy to embrace.
Since Pluto is also in Aquarius the shadow side of Aquarius will be more visible and possibly even acted out by the collective. Aquarius’s shadow side might show up as…
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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 22-26 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
Again, we will discuss the exalted Mars energy in our next Forecasting Forum, live on Feb. 15th! We will also cover Venus’ exalted energy and her Retrograde phase in Aries-Pisces ==> Feel free to join us! ==> EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until Feb. 13th!
==> SPECIAL OFFER! When you register for my Forecasting Forum on Feb. 15th, you will also get access to a discount code for my very Special Webinar: “Our Soul’s Journey: Unveiling the Significance of the Moon Nodes in PISCES-VIRGO”
==> LIVE on FEBRUARY 25th at 6:30pm EST, as we enter our first Eclipse Season of the year! With Discount Coupon, only $15 (regular $32)

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.