On Sept. 2nd at 9:56pm EDT, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 11 degrees of Virgo, marking the beginning of a new Moon cycle. We start to feel the effects of this New Moon the moment the Moon enters Virgo on Sunday night (Sept. 1st/2nd).
==> Feel free to also watch my New Moon video on the subject.
With this New Moon, we also enter Eclipse season! This will last until Oct. 24th. We will have a Lunar Eclipse on Sept. 17th and a Solar Eclipse on Oct. 2nd.
Eclipses ask us to recalibrate on the physical, mental, and emotional levels, which gives us a chance to move to the next level of our evolution – on a personal and collective level.
Eclipse Season happens twice a year and it is usually an unpredictable time. Flexibility, thinking outside the box, and self-care are critical during Eclipse season!
Self-care is particularly important in times of stress and/or change — basic things, like making sure that we eat healthily and regularly, drink plenty of water, exercise, get plentiful rest — and allow affection in from friends, family, or pets.
Anything brand-new (and I mean brand, brand-new) started during Eclipse season will likely not pan out the way we thought it would, often because important information comes to light only after the Full Moon that follows the last Eclipse.
If possible, defer any major brand-new projects until after October 24th, when this Eclipse season is over. If something is beginning or ending in a way that seems organic, allow it to be.
If you would like to learn more about the upcoming Eclipses, and how they might be impacting you personally, please join us for our next Forecasting Forum on Sept. 18th at 1pm EDT.
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This New Moon features numerous aspects involving the outer planets: four aspects with Pluto in Capricorn, three with Neptune in Pisces, and three with exalted Uranus in Taurus.
This signifies an invitation to collectively shift consciousness. We are urged to work with these powerful energies for the benefit of ourselves and those we encounter.
All three of those planets are currently also in their Retrograde motion, inviting us to focus on making inner shifts and realigning ourselves with what no longer serves us.
Uranus is still stationing (exalted) until Sept. 13th; meanwhile, Neptune & Pluto are both in the last degree of their signs (29º), and thus exalted — their energies are “louder”.
Uranus is the loudest of the three, urging us to redefine our connection to the physical world and our self-worth; Neptune is asking us to trust our inner guidance and connection to Source-energy; finally, Pluto is asking us to reclaim our power, and live with purpose and a passion for life.
The Sun and the Moon in Virgo are part of a T-Square with Saturn and Jupiter. These are “social planets”, linked to our social and economic contracts, agreements, and dynamics.
And then we come to Mercury, the messenger, ruler of Virgo, also currently exalted. He is quite involved in this New Moon chart as well.
I will talk more about this in connection with the planetary aspects of this New Moon chart, but first, let’s look at the Virgo energy of this New Moon:
Virgo provides an opportunity to learn about being of service — and what it might mean to strengthen our focus on improving our daily routines — getting organized, for example — and taking care of health matters.
The highest vibration of Virgo is observation, discernment, and analysis from a neutral standpoint to determine what works and what doesn’t.
Ask yourself: Could I release judgment from my life (starting with self-judgment)? Could I instead take a deep breath and discern what works and what doesn’t? What might this look like if I stayed completely neutral?
This New Moon cycle will be a great time to…
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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 9-13 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
The New Moon is also the best time to set powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and not during a Moon void of course phase.
So this month, the best and most potent time to set intentions would be between 9:56pm Monday late evening (Sept. 2nd) and 9:56pm on Wednesday late evening, Sept. 4th (New York-time). The only exception will be a brief 6 minute period from 12:06 – 12:12pm on Wednesday, Sept. 4th.
If you live in a timezone other than EDT (that’s the US East Coast time zone), feel free to join my Facebook Fan-page, follow me on “X” (the app formerly known as Twitter), or Instagram. I will be posting reminders on Sept. 2nd, Sept. 3rd and 4th throughout the day to let you know when it is time to set your intentions.
For more information on how to set your New Moon intentions, click here.

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.