On July 20th at 1:33pm EDT, the New Moon becomes exact in 28.5 degrees of Cancer; this is the beginning of a new Moon cycle, and it also ends Eclipse season. Yay! We have received our consciousness upgrades and can now move forward with any intentions we set in late June.
This is also the second New Moon in Cancer within a 4-week period. The last one, on June 20th, was a Solar Eclipse — and thus much more intense in nature than this one.
Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac, as such, it relates to the development of the “emotional body” — so this Moon cycle will continue to amplify feelings, instincts and needs. Feel free to also watch my New Moon video on the subject.
Our feeling nature has been denied and suppressed for millennia, but we have begun to embrace it more fully — feelings are an essential source of information about our true needs — they are a dashboard that tells us what is healthy for us. When we don’t heed the information, we become dependent on others for validation and direction, or get lost in addictions and distractions.
With this second New Moon occurring in protective, introverted Cancer, we’ll continue to surround ourselves with quality and safety; we can expect anything connected to home, family, real-estate or childhood issues to be heightened in our awareness for the next four weeks.
Ask yourself: What does emotional maturity mean to me? How would I know if I had it?
With this New Moon we are dealing with a strong Saturn opposition to the New Moon, thus we might experience authoritarian or rigid attitudes — both toward and from others — and this could create some tension or oppositional behaviors.
As best you can, remain flexible and practice self-care, doing your best to take care of your emotional and physical body — that way, you’ll stay grounded in reality, and be less reactive.
Ask yourself: How could I be 5% more truthful to myself? How could I be 5% more self-responsible for my self-care? And for my responses to others?
To get a better sense on how to become more emotionally mature, check out my webinar: “React vs. Respond — Where in the chart can we learn about our emotional maturity?”
Find out how you can support yourself and others on the path towards becoming an emotionally healthy, responding being. This webinar also includes a hand-out for all Moon-signs with coaching questions. Due to the importance of this subject at this time, I have decided to offer the webinar at a steep discount until the end of July! Click here for more info or to purchase.
Saturn’s opposition to the New Moon also invites us to…
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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in the following: 26-29 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, or 0-1 degree of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for this month’s Moon cycle. Intentions are best done soon after the New Moon becomes exact — and definitely not during a Moon void of course phase. So this month, the best time to set intentions would be any time between 1:33pm and 1:55pm EDT, on July 20th; and then again from 4:16pm (July 20th) until 8:27pm on July 21st — please note that all times are given in the Eastern Daylight Timezone — the timezone New York City occupies.
For more info on setting New Moon Intentions click here
If you live in a timezone other than EDT (US East Coast-time), I recommend you join my Facebook Fan-page or follow me on twitter, as I post reminders on July 20th and 21st to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.