Join me as I share about:
* The US-Pluto Return, three passes: on Feb. 20th, July 11th & Dec. 28th, 2022

==>If you are feeling the intensity of the times we live in, and could use some support or peace of mind, give yourself the gift of a Coaching-Healing session!

For anyone who has never done a session with me, I would like to offer the first 30 minutes for free and if you don’t see any benefit for yourself after 30 minutes, we can end the session then and there (no questions asked) — and if you do, we would continue for another 50 minutes and make your first session an 80-minute session, all for the same price as my regular 50-minute sessions.

Simply email me if you would like to give it a shot! Looking forward to supporting you!

To book a Reading with me, click here. –> To book a Reading with Lia, click here

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