On May 23rd at 9:53am EDT, the Full Moon in almost 3 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact. We start to feel the Full Moon build from the moment the Moon enters Sagittarius early that same morning.
For the next two weeks, we seek balance as we become more aware of something that needs to be brought into alignment or integrated. The balance in question is between our mental processes — symbolized by Gemini — and our quest for a larger truth or meaning (linked to Sagittarius).
If you are a Member of my online community and would like to learn more, click here to watch my Full Moon video
Before we dive in, I invite you to join me on Saturday, June 29th. I will be doing a One-day Yoga/Astrology Retreat with the lovely Sam Lodge in the country, near Robinson Township, outside of Pittsburgh. Whether you live in the area or would like to come visit, check out my Retreat page for more info!
I will just say this: This is an amazing opportunity to spend 7 hours exploring yourself (body, mind, spirit) and nature in the company of other like-minded souls. Your body, mind, and Soul will thank you for this whole-hearted experience.
I am currently offering Early Bird Pricing**, so sign up now before the price goes up! We can only accommodate 10 beautiful Souls, so I will notify everyone when we have reached capacity.
==> Sam and I will do an Instagram Live on May 25th, to answer questions and share about our One Day Retreat, feel free to join us here at 1pm EDT to get all the juicy information <==
**Members of my online community will still be able to get a 25% discount from June 16th to 28th. So, even if you miss the Early Bird Pricing, you can still get an amazing discount after that’s over, as long as we still have spots available. Again, this is only available to my active Members!
Here’s a quick overview of what I’ll discuss in this article:
- The Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, which means that the Sun in Gemini trines Pluto.
- Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, aligns with Venus in Taurus, both at 29º (an exalted degree)!
- Venus enters Gemini only 12 hours after the Full Moon becomes exact, and Jupiter will follow suit two days later (on May 25th)
- Jupiter & Venus sextile Neptune in Pisces (with Neptune at 29º!)
- Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is also in Taurus, making a wide Square to Pluto in Aquarius.
- Mars is currently in its domicile sign and will be sandwiched between the North Node & Chiron in Aries at the time of the Full Moon.
More about the specifics in a moment, but one thing to remember: Full Moons are always times of awareness and culmination. We see things we have not seen before and get to make changes if we don’t like what we see.
So think back to the New Moon phase that started on May 7th: What seeds were planted then? What has “sprouted” since? What are you aware of now that was not apparent before?
Before we talk about all of the aspects of this Full Moon, let’s first talk about the Sagittarian-Gemini polarity:
Gemini deals with information exchange, observation, and objectivity, while Sagittarius deals with what’s beyond our thinking — indeed, beyond information — this includes things like interpretation and ethics.
In other words, what do we think, believe, and “really know”? We are invited to become more aware of the difference between facts vs. beliefs, truth vs. fabrication, and meaningful activity vs. diversions.
At its highest vibration, Sagittarius shows us…
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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 0-5 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.