Join me as I share about several upcoming Astrological events in my latest video:
* New Moon in 6.5 degrees of Taurus (on April 26th, 2017 at 8:16am EDT)
* Venus, the ruler of Taurus; is currently in Pisces, aligning with Chiron and they both square Saturn in Sagittarius
* Mercury (currently retrograde) aligns with Uranus in Aries and they both make a trine to Saturn in Sagittarius
* Mercury in Aries also makes a “mutual reception” to Mars in Gemini
* Pluto in Capricorn comes to a halt on April 20th and is moving retrograde for 5 months; and still stationing until May 2nd
* Best and most potent time to set New Moon Intentions
What if everything that happened was your Soul’s choice to experience?
What would change if that were true?
What intuitive hits are you getting that you have been pushing aside?
Are you interested in being “right”, or in having mature, adult connections?
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 4-9 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius?
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, May 11th at 10am PDT/1pm EDT/6pm BST (London-time). Please note that the Moon Nodes will move into Aquarius/Leo in May and will remain in those signs until November 2018! We will address the Moon Nodes and the Soul’s Journey on an individual and collect level in relationship to our own birth charts.
If you want to know how these phases are going to impact you personally, sign up to join the webinar live, or register to receive an mp4/video recording within 24 hours of the live event. Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $24 for the 90-minute webinar. To register now, click here
To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my recent class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart”: To get a high res. copy and all the documents connected to the class, please email: and write: “RECORDING” in the subject line.
To join my mailing list: email and write: “NEWSLETTER” in the subject line.
To receive my weekly Astrology Forecasts via email, email and write: “WEEKLY FORECASTS” in the subject line
Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set your New Moon Intentions:
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
"What I loved about the Monthly Forecasting Forum is Sonja's soulful approach to astrology, keeping it in the positive, learning and growing for our higher good. It's not fear based astrology which I have come to see too much of. Sonja is extremely patient and kind, and a true teacher. I look forward to learning and growing with this beautiful soul."
To apply the forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch the 30-minute class on "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to Sonja's Facebook fan page for her Daily Forecasts.
Join the Monthly Forecasting Forum
Sign up to join thelive Monthly Forecasting Forum with Sonja Francis and/or receive a recorded copy of the webinar. Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
Click here tobook a reading with Sonja. All readings are done via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or phone.
"Thank you for the awesome webinar, Sonja. I really enjoyed the full interactive experience. Having this real time exchange makes a huge difference to the learning and understanding of all these patterns and energies. I love the question and answer section, especially since we get some advance indication of what the topics will be. I have been an amateur astrologer for many years but I learned an awful lot very quickly in this setting. So much fun. See you next time!"
Readings by Sonja Francis
The Natal Chart reveals the planets as they were at the time of your birth. During a reading with Sonja, you will uncover your life’s potential — including your Soul’s Journey and Soul Purpose. More importantly, you will learn how you can direct those unique talents and energies to have a life you love.
You also learn about parts of yourself that have not been fully integrated and what you can do to become more whole and empowered. Sonja will also look to see how the current transits are affecting you in your life right now to support you in making powerful choices for your personal evolution.
Readings and Site Membership
Star Members receive a 10% discount off all of their Readings and a 15% discount off any Coaching-Healing sessions.. For more information on site membership, visit this link.
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If you realize after two or three weeks that the Membership is not for you, feel free to pause or cancel it at any time via the Membership portal ==> “My Account” – “My Subscriptions”
Are You Ready for What's Coming?
Subscribe to Sonja's Forecasts to receive her timely reporting of the most significant astrological events occurring right now.