On January 11th at 6:57am EST, the Moon aligns with the Sun in almost 21 degrees of Capricorn, launching a new Moon cycle.
New Moons are good times to reflect on our lives and set new intentions. This is an excellent time to go within and plant a seed for anything we would like to accomplish over the next 28 days and beyond. Feel free to also watch my New Moon video on the subject, here.
There are two quick things I would like to mention before we get started:
1) My latest Podcast/Radio Show for “Soulivity Today” focused on “hot dates” in 2024; if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend that you watch it on YouTube at Soulivity Today or click here to watch it on my website
2) Also! On Jan. 24th at 1pm EST, we have our first Forecasting Forum of the year!
We will talk about Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs, innovation & change, as well as Pluto (the planet of deep transformation & power) moving back into Aquarius (the sign most associated with communities, technology & future visions) — for the second time since last March, and this time it will remain in Aquarius until September 1st.
The third pass will be from Nov. 19th, 2024, until Jan. 2044. This is a 246-year cycle, which means the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 – 1798. This was when the United States achieved its independence from Great Britain — through its desire to create a place “of the people for the people”, a place where freedom and equality were honored and aspired to.
So, join us for this powerful 90-minute webinar ==> Early Bird Special is only $32 until Jan. 22nd! After that time, it will be $37.00
Everyone who is registered also gets access to the mp4 video recording of the live event. As always, Star Members are automatically registered.
If you want to stay on the pulse of all the planetary shifts for this coming year and see how an understanding of these energies can serve you personally, become a Star Member of my online community and join us every month.
Now, let’s talk about the first New Moon in 2024:
If you did make any New Year’s resolutions, this New Moon cycle will be a great time to implement and make good on those resolutions or intentions.
If you didn’t set any New Year’s resolutions, I can’t blame you, since Mercury was Retrograde at midnight on Dec. 31st/Jan. 1st., and was also squaring Neptune in Pisces — so it may have felt too overwhelming to set any concrete intentions for 2024, or it wasn’t even on your radar…
But do not worry; January 11th is your next chance to set some great goals or intentions, and this time, you will feel much more grounded, realistic, and excited about doing so.
Since this New Moon occurs in Capricorn, it directs us to investigate our relationship with authority, not just “authority” in the external sense, but also our “own authority”.
The highest vibration of Capricorn is self-mastery: the development of responsibility, resourcefulness, reliability, setting realistic goals, and healthy boundaries. So, the next 28 days are perfect for working on these areas.
Since Capricorn represents the quest for…
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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 18-23 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? If so, you may feel the effects of this New Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).
The New Moon is also the best time to set some powerful intentions for the month’s Moon cycle — the perfect time is after the New Moon becomes exact (but not during a Moon void of course).
So this month, there are two best and most potent times to set intentions — the first would be any time between 6:57am and 9:33pm on Jan. 11th — and the second would be between 10:01pm on Jan. 11th and 4:59am on Jan. 13th. (EST/New York time).
If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining my Facebook Page and following me on Twitter, as I post reminders when it’s time to set your intentions.
If you want more details on setting Intentions, please click here.

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.