On Dec. 29th, at 10:28pm EST, the Moon opposes the Sun (in almost 9 degrees of Cancer). Relationships of all kinds are highlighted during this time — but with this Full Moon, there is a particularly strong emphasis on family- and business-relationships. If you are already a Member of my online community, feel free to also watch my Members Full Moon video.

This Full Moon shows us how far we have come since the last Solar Eclipse in Cancer (which was exact on June 21st, 2020) when it comes to self-care and any issues connected to family or home — and also how far we have come since November 2018, when the North Node moved into Cancer, and we started our journey towards greater emotional responsibility and self-alignment.

Ask yourself: What have I learned about self-care and where I feel most “at home” over the past two years? What have I learned about my emotional needs? How has an emotional connection to myself and loved ones been of benefit to me? How has it shifted my priorities?

Lots of planets are involved in this Full Moon chart — Mercury, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune — and all play an important role, so buckle up! More about the specifics in regards to all of these planets in a moment…

But first, let’s take a look at the polarities involved with this Full Moon: The Moon in protective, feeling-oriented Cancer opposes the Sun in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn.

We have a heightened sense that something must be brought into balance and reintegrated; the balance in question is between the experience of our feelings and emotional needs (symbolized by Cancer), versus our outer obligations or material, practical goals (Capricorn).

It’s important to realize that we all have limitations and challenges in life — and when we approach those in a nurturing way, taking care of our feeling body and inner baby, and allowing ourselves to receive support from family or “familiar” connections”, we are more likely to overcome those challenges and be realistic about limitations — our own, and other people’s.

Ask yourself: How am I…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 7-11 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

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