This is an overview of planetary transits in 2017. For a more detailed understanding of these planetary movements, please read my weekly forecasts or watch my bi-monthly videos. Or simply join me every month around the time of the Full Moon for my Monthly Forecasting Forum. Click here for more info
You can also subscribe to my Forecasts by emailing us at:  and writing “Weekly Forecasts” and/or “Newsletter” in the subject line.

For 2017, we are invited to continue our inward journeys, embracing our divine feminine, allowing ourselves to stand in our power (from a place of openness, not fear), and taking responsibility every day for our impact in the world.
  • Mercury Retrograde: Dec. 19, 2016 (15º of Capricorn) — Jan. 8 (almost 29º of Sagittarius)
  • Jupiter/Uranus Opposition: exact on Dec. 26 in 20.5º Libra/Aries (w/in 3º: Dec. 6 – March 22)
  • Saturn/Chiron Square: exact on Dec. 28 in 21º Sagittarius/Pisces (w/in 3º: Nov. 30 – Feb. 27)
  • Venus still journeys through Aquarius until Jan. 3, 2017
  • Mars journeys through Pisces until Jan. 28, 2017
  • Mars/Neptune Conjunct.: exact on Jan. 1in almost 10º of Pisces (w/in 3º: Dec. 27 – Jan. 4)
  • Venus journeys through Pisces: Jan. 3 – Feb. 3
  • Mercury Station: Jan. 4 – 14 (28/29º Sagittarius/0º of Capricorn)
  • Sun/Pluto Conjunction: exact on Jan. 7 in 17º of Capricorn (within 3º: Jan. 3 – 10)
  • Uranus Station ends on: Jan. 8 (20.5º of Aries)
  • Mercury Direct: Jan. 8 (almost 29º of Sagittarius)
  • Mercury Shadow phase: Jan. 8 – Jan. 27   
  • Full Moon in 22º of Cancer: Jan. 12 at 6:34am EST
  • Mercury journeys through Capricorn: Jan. 12 – Feb. 7 
  • Venus/Neptune Conjunction: exact on Jan. 12in 10º of Pisces (within 3º: Jan.9 – 15)
  • Mars moves over the degree of March 8, 2016 Solar Eclipse (19º Pisces): on Jan. 13
  • Mercury Station ends on: Jan. 14 (0º of Capricorn)
  • Mars/Saturn Square: exact on Jan. 19 in 23º of Pisces/Sagittarius (within 3º: Jan. 14 – 23)
  • New Moon in 8º of Aquarius: Jan. 27 at 7:07pm EST
  • Eclipse Season: Jan. 27 — March 12
  • Mercury Shadow phase ends on Jan. 27 (15º of Capricorn)
  • Mars journeys through Aries: Jan. 28 — March 9
  • Jupiter Station: Jan. 28 — Feb. 14 (23º of Libra)
  • Venus Shadow phase: Jan. 30 — March 3
  • Mercury still journeys through Capricorn until Feb. 7 
  • Mars still journeys through Aries until March 9
  • Saturn/Chiron Square within 3º: until Feb. 27 (in Sagittarius/Pisces)
  • Venus still in its Shadow phase: until March 3
  • Eclipse Season: until March 12
  • Jupiter/Uranus Oppositionwithin 3º until March 22 (in Libra/Aries)
  • Venus journeys through Aries: Feb. 3 — April 2 
  • Jupiter Retrograde: Feb. 6 (23º of Libra) — June 9 (13º of Libra)
  • Mercuryjourneys through Aquarius: Feb. 7– 25
  • Lunar Eclipse in 22º of Leo: Feb. 10 at 7:33pm EST
  • Jupiter Station ends on: Feb. 14 (23º of Libra)
  • Mars/Pluto Square: exact on Feb. 22 in 18.5º of Aries/Capricorn (w/in 3º: Feb. 17 – 26)
  • Venus Station: Feb. 24 – March 10 (12/13º of Aries)
  • Mercury journeys through Pisces: Feb. 25 – March 13
  • Solar Eclipse in 8º of Pisces: Feb. 26 at 9:58am EST
  • Mars/Uranus Conjunct: exact on Feb. 26 in 22º of Aries (w/in 3º: Feb. 22 – March 3)   


  • Mars/Uranus Conjunction (still within 3º) until March 3 (in 22-25º of Aries) 
  • Mars still journeys through Aries until March 9
  • Eclipse Season: until March 12
  • Mercurystill in Pisces until March 13
  • Venus still in Aries until April 2
  • Jupiter still retrograde until June 9 (in Libra)
  • Jupiter/Uranus Oppos.: exact on March 2 in 22º of Libra/Aries (w/in 2º: Dec. 12 – March 18)
  • Venus Retrograde: March 4 (13º of Aries) — April 15 (almost 27º of Pisces)
  • Mars journeys through Taurus: March 9 – April 21
  • Venus Station ends on: March 10(12º of Aries)
  • Full Moon in 22º of Virgo: March 12 at 10:54am EDT
  • Mercuryjourneys through Aries: March 13— 31  
  • Spring Equinox (Sun enters Aries): March 20th at 6:29am EDT
  • Sun/Venus Conjunction: exact on March 25 in 5º of Aries (within 3º: March 23 – 27)
  • Saturn Station: March 26  — April 14  (27/28º of Sagittarius)
  • First Mercury/Uranus Conjunction: exact on March 26 in 23º Aries (within 3º: March 24 – 28)
  • Mercury Shadow phase: March 26– April 9
  • New Moon in 7º of Aries: March 27 at 10:57pm EDT
  • Jupiter/Pluto Square: exact on March 30 in 19º Libra/Cap. (w/in 2º: March 15 – April 14)
  • Mercury journeys through Taurus: March 31st  — April 20th  


  • Saturn stations until April 14  (27/28º of Sagittarius)
  • Jupiter/Pluto Square (still within 2º) until April 14 (in 17-19º Libra/Cap.)
  • Venus still retrograde until April 15 (in Aries/Pisces)
  • Mercurystill in Taurus until April 20  
  • Mars still in Taurus: until April 21
  • Jupiter still retrograde until June 9 (in Libra)
  • Saturn Station intensifies on April 1 (27/28º of Sagittarius)
  • Mercury Station: April 2 – 16(2-4º Taurus)
  • Venus (moving retrograde) re-enters Pisces: April 2nd – 28th
  • Mercury Station intensifies: April 5 (2-4º Taurus)
  • Saturn Retrograde: April 6 (27/28º of Sagittarius) — Aug. 25 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars/Pluto Trine: exact on April 6 in 19º of Taurus/Capricorn (w/in 3º: April 1 – 10)
  • Pluto Station: April 7 — May 2 (19º of Capricorn)
  • Venus Station: April 8 — 22 (27/28º of Pisces)
  • Mercury Retrograde: April 9 (almost 5º of Taurus) — May 3 (24º of Aries)
  • Full Moon in 21.5º Libra: April 11 at 2:08am EDT
  • Saturn Station ends on April 14 (27º of Sagittarius)
  • Sun/Uranus Conjunction: exact on April 14 in 24.5º of Aries (within 3º: April 10 – 16)
  • Pluto station intensifies on April 15 (19º of Capricorn)
  • Venus Direct: on April 15 (almost 27º of Pisces)
  • Venus Shadow phase until May 18 (13º of Aries)
  • Mercury Station ends on April 16 (3º Taurus)
  • Pluto Retrograde: April 20 (19º of Capricorn) — Sept. 28 (almost 17º Capricorn)
  • Mercury(moving retrograde) re-enters Aries: April 20  — May 16  
  • Mars journeys through Gemini: April 21 – June 4  
  • Venus Station ends on April 22 (27º of Pisces)
  • New Moon (SuperMoon) in 6.5º of Taurus: April 26 at 8:16am EDT
  • Second Mercury/Uranus Conjunc.: exact on April 28 in 25º Aries (within 3º: April 22 – May 14)
  • Venus re-enters Aries: April 28  — June 6   
  • Mercury Station: April 29 – May 7 (24º of Aries)
  • Saturn/Chiron Square: exact on April 30 in 27º of Sagitarius/Pisces (w/in 3º: March 3 – June 1)


  • Pluto Station until May 2 (19º of Capricorn)
  • Mercury still retrograde until May 3 (in Aries)
  • Mercury stations until May 7 (in Aries)
  • Mercury/Uranus Conjunction within 3º until May 14 (in Aries)
  • Mercurystill in Aries until May 16
  • Saturn/Chiron Square within 3º until June 1 (in Sagittarius/Pisces) 
  • Marsstill in Gemini until June 4
  • Venusstill in Aries until June 6
  • Jupiter still retrograde until June 9 (in Libra)
  • Saturn still retrograde until Aug. 25(in Sagittarius)
  • Pluto still retrograde until Sept. 28 (almost 17º Capricorn)
  • Pluto Station ends on May 2 (19º of Capricorn)
  • Mercury Direct: May 3 (24º of Aries)
  • Mercury Shadow phase: May 3 — 20
  • Mercury Station ends on May 7
  • Moon Nodes journeying through Leo/Aquarius May 9 at 1:30pm EDT – Nov. 6, 2018
  • Third Mercury/Uranus Conj.: exact on May 10 in almost 26º Aries (w/in 3º: April 22 – May 14)
  • Full Moon in 20.5º of Scorpio: May 10 at 5:42pm EDT
  • Mars/Neptune Square: exact on May 11 in almost 14º of Gemini/Pisces (within 3º:May 7 – 16)
  • Mars/Jupiter Trine: exact on May 12 in 14.5º of Gemini/Libra (w/in 3º: May 7 – 16)
  • Mercury journeys through Taurus: May 16— June 6
  • Venus Shadow phase ends on May 18 (13º of Aries)
  • Saturn/Uranus Trine: exact on May 19 in 26º of Sagittarius/Aries (w/in 3º: April 17 – June 14)
  • Mercury Shadow phase ends on May 20th
  • New Moon (SuperMoon) in almost 5º Gemini: May 25 at 3:44pm EDT


  • Saturn/Chiron Square within 3º until June 1 (in Sagittarius/Pisces) 
  • Mars still in Gemini until June 4
  • Venus still in Aries until June 6
  • Mercury still in Taurus until June 6
  • Jupiter still retrograde until June 9 (in Libra)
  • Saturn/Uranus Trine within 3º until June 14 (in Sagittarius/Aries)
  • Saturn still retrograde until Aug. 25 (in Sagittarius)
  • Pluto still retrograde until Sept. 28 (in Capricorn)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Jupiter Station: June 1 — 17 (13º of Libra)
  • Venus/Uranus Conjunction: exact on June 3 in 27º of Aries (w/in 3º: May 30 – June 6)
  • Mars journeys through Cancer: June 4– July 20
  • Neptune Station: June 4 — July 3 (14º of Pisces)
  • Jupiter Station intensifies on June 5 (13º of Libra)
  • Venus journeys through Taurus: June 6— July 4
  • Mercury journeys through Gemini: June 6— 21
  • Neptune Station intensifies on June 7(14º of Pisces)
  • Jupiter Direct: June 9 (13º of Libra)
  • Full Moon in almost 29º of Sagittarius: June 9 at 9:10am EDT
  • Neptune Retrograde: June 16 (14º of Pisces) — Nov. 22 (11.5º of Pisces)
  • Jupiter Station ends on June 17 (13º of Libra)
  • Chiron Station: June 19 — July 13 (almost 29º of Pisces)
  • Summer Solstice (Sun enters Cancer) on June 21 at 12:24am EDT
  • Mercury journeys through Cancer: June 21 – July 5
  • New Moon (SuperMoon) in almost 3º of Cancer: June 23 at 10:31pm EDT
  • Mars/Neptune Trine: exact on June 26 in 14º of Cancer/Pisces (w/in 3º: June 21 – 30)
  • Chiron Station intensifies on June 27 (almost 29º of Pisces)


  • Mercury still in Cancer until July 5
  • Neptune stations until July 3 (14º of Pisces)
  • Venus still in Taurus until July 4
  • Chiron stations until July 13 (almost 29º of Pisces)
  • Mars still in Cancer until July 20
  • Saturn still retrograde until Aug. 25 (in Sagittarius)
  • Pluto still retrograde until Sept. 28 (in Capricorn)
  • Neptune still retrograde: until Nov. 22 (in Pisces)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Chiron Retrograde: July 1 (almost 29º of Pisces) – Dec. 5 (24º of Pisces)
  • Mars/Pluto Opposition: exact on July 2 in 18º of Cancer/Capricorn (within 3º: June 27 – July 6)
  • Neptune stations ends:July 3 (in Pisces)
  • Venus journeys through Gemini: July 4 — 31  
  • Mercury journeys through Leo: July 5 — 25
  • Full Moon in 17º of Capricorn: July 9 at 12:07am EDT
  • Chiron stations ends:July 13 (in Pisces)
  • Mars/Uranus Square: exact on July 17 in 28.5º of Cancer/Aries (w/in 3º: July 13 – 22)
  • Uranus Station: July 19 — Aug. 15 (28.5º of Aries)
  • Mars journeys through Leo: July 20 — Sept. 5
  • Eclipse Season: July 23 — Sept. 6
  • New Moon in almost 1º of Leo: July 23 at 5:46am EDT
  • Mercury Shadow phase: July 24– Aug. 12
  • Mercury journeys through Virgo: July 25 — Aug.31
  • Sun/Mars Conjunction: exact on July 26 in 3.5º of Leo (within 3º: July 22 – 29)
  • Uranus Station intensifies on July 27 (28.5º of Aries)
  • Venus journeys through Cancer: July 31 — Aug. 26


  • Uranus stations until Aug. 15 (28.5º of Aries)
  • Saturn still retrograde until Aug. 25(in Sagittarius)
  • Venus still journeys through Cancer until Aug. 26
  • Mercury still journeys through Virgo until Aug. 31
  • Mars still journeys through Leo until Sept. 5
  • Eclipse Season until Sept. 6
  • Pluto still retrograde until Sept. 28 (in Capricorn)
  • Neptune still retrograde until Nov. 22 (in Pisces)
  • Chiron still retrograde until Dec. 5 (in Pisces)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Uranus Retrograde: Aug. 3 (28.5º of Aries) — Jan. 1, 2018 (24.5º of Aries)
  • Mercury Station: Aug. 4 – 19 (9-11º of Virgo)
  • Jupiter/Pluto Square: exact on Aug. 4 in 17.5º of Libra/Capricorn (within 3º: July 14 – Aug. 21)
  • Lunar Eclipse in 15º of Aquarius: Aug. 7 at 2:11pm EDT
  • Mercury Retrograde: Aug 12 (11.5º of Virgo) — Sept. 5 (28º of Leo)
  • Venus/Pluto opposition: exact on Aug. 15 in 17º of Cancer/Capricorn (within 3º: Aug. 12 – 17)
  • Saturn Station: Aug. 16  — Sept. 3 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Mercury station ends: Aug. 19th
  • Solar Eclipse in almost 29º of Leo: Aug. 21 at 2:30pm EDT
  • Saturn Station intensifies on Aug. 22 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Saturn Direct: on Aug 25 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Venus journeys through Leo: Aug. 26 – Sept. 19
  • Mercury Station: Aug. 28 – Sept. 10 (0-2º of Virgo and 28/29º of Leo)
  • Mercury (moving retrograde) re-enters Leo: Aug. 31 – Sept. 9th


  • Saturn stations until Sept. 3 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars still journeys through Leo until Sept. 5
  • Mercury still retrograde until Sept. 5 (28º of Leo)
  • Eclipse Season until Sept. 6
  • Mercury (moving retrograde) re3-enters Leo until Sept. 9th
  • Mercury stations: until Sept. 10 (28/29º of Leo)
  • Venus still journeys through Leo until Sept. 19
  • Pluto still retrograde until Sept. 28 (in Capricorn)
  • Neptune still retrograde until Nov. 22 (in Pisces)
  • Chiron still retrograde until Dec. 5 (in Pisces)
  • Uranus still retrograde until Jan. 1, 2018 (in Aries)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Mars/Uranus Trine: exact on Sept.2 in 28º of Leo/Aries (w/in 3º: Aug.28 – Sept. 6)
  • Saturn Station ends on Sept. 3 (21º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars journeys through Virgo: Sept. 5 — Oct. 22
  • Mercury Direct on Sept. 5 (28º of Leo)
  • Mercury shadow phase:Sept. 5— 19
  • Full Moon in almost 14º of Pisces: Sept. 6 at 3:03am EDT
  • Mercury journeys through Virgo: Sept. 9 — 29
  • Mercury station ends: Sept. 10 (29º of Leo/0º Virgo)
  • Pluto Station: Sept. 11 — Oct. 10 (almost 17º of Capricorn)
  • Pluto station intensifies on Sept. 18 (almost 17º of Capricorn)
  • Mercury shadow phase ends onSept. 19
  • Venus journeys through Virgo: Sept. 19— Oct. 14
  • New Moon in 27º of Virgo: Sept. 20 at 1:30am EDT
  • Fall Equinox (Sun enters Libra): Sept. 22 at 4:02pm EDT
  • Jupiter/Uranus Opposition: exact on Sept. 28 in 27.5º Libra/Aries (w/in 3º: Sept. 10 – Oct. 10)
  • Pluto Direct on Sept. 28 (almost 17º of Capricorn)
  • Mercury journeys through Libra: Sept. 29 – Oct. 17


  • Pluto stations until Oct. 10 (almost 17º of Capricorn)
  • Jupiter/Uranus Opposition within 3º until Oct. 10 (in Libra/Aries)
  • Venus still journeys through Virgo until Oct. 14
  • Mercury still journeys through Libra until Oct. 17
  • Mars still journeys through Virgo until Oct. 22
  • Neptune still retrograde until Nov. 22 (in Pisces)
  • Chiron still retrograde until Dec. 5 (in Pisces)
  • Uranus still retrograde until Jan. 1, 2018 (in Aries)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Mars/Pluto Trine: exact on Oct. 1 in almost 17º of Capricorn (w/in 3º: Sept. 26 – Oct. 6)
  • Venus/Mars Conjunction: exact on Oct. 5 in 19º of Virgo (within 3º: Sept. 30 – Oct. 10)
  • Full Moon in almost 13 degrees of Aries: Oct. 5 at 2:40pm EDT
  • Pluto station ends on Oct. 10 (almost 17º of Capricorn)
  • Jupiter journeys through Scorpio: Oct. 10, 2017 — Nov. 8, 2018
  • Mars/Saturn Square: exact on Oct. 11 in almost 23º of Virgo/Sagittarius (within 3º:Oct. 5 – 16)
  • Venus journeys through Libra: Oct. 14— Nov. 7
  • Mercury journeys through Scorpio: Oct. 17 — Nov. 5
  • New Moon in 26.5º of Libra: Oct. 19at 3:12pm EDT
  • Mars journeys through Libra: Oct. 22— Dec. 9
  • Sun/Jupiter Conjunction: exact on Oct. 26 in 3.5º Scorpio (within 3º: Oct. 22 –30)


  • Mercury journeys through Scorpio until Nov. 5
  • Venus journeys through Libra until Nov. 7
  • Neptune still retrograde until Nov. 22 (in Pisces)
  • Chiron still retrograde until Dec. 5 (in Pisces)
  • Mars journeys through Libra until Dec. 9
  • Uranus still retrograde until Jan. 1, 2018 (in Aries)
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Jupiter journeys through Scorpio until Nov. 2018
  • Saturn/Chiron Square: exact Nov. 2 in almost 25º Sagittarius/Pisces (w/in 3º: Oct. 7 – Nov. 27)
  • Full Moon in almost 12º of Taurus: Nov. 4 at 1:23am EDT
  • Mercury journeys through Sagittarius: Nov. 5— Jan. 12
  • Venus journeys through Scorpio: Nov. 7 — Dec. 25
  • Neptune Station: Nov. 10 — Dec. 2 (11.5º of Pisces)
  • Saturn/Uranus Trine: exact on Nov. 11 in 25.5º of Sagittarius/Aries (w/in 3º: Oct. 19 – Dec. 2)
  • Venus/Jupiter Conjunction: exact on Nov. 13 in 7º of Scorpio (within 3º: Nov. 10 – 15)
  • Mercury shadow phase: Nov. 14 – Dec. 3
  • Neptune Station intensifies on Nov. 16(11.5º of Pisces)
  • New Moon in 26º of Scorpio: Nov. 18at 6:42am EST
  • Mars/Pluto Square: exact on Nov. 19 in 17.5º of Libra/Capricorn (w/in 3º: Nov. 14 – 23)
  • Neptune Direct: Nov. 22 (11.5º of Pisces)
  • Chiron Station: Nov. 25 — Dec. 18 (24º of Pisces)
  • Mercury Station: Nov. 27– Dec. 6 (28/29º of Sagittarius)
  • Mercury/Saturn Conjunction: exact on Nov.28th in 27.5º of Sagittarius (w/in 3º: Nov. 24 – Dec. 9)
  • Chiron Station intensifies on Nov. 29 (24º of Pisces)


  • Saturn/Uranus Trine: within 3º until Dec. 2 (in Sagittarius/Aries)
  • Neptune still stationing until Dec. 2 (11.5º of Pisces)
  • Mercury shadow phase until Dec. 3
  • Chiron still retrograde until Dec. 5 (in Pisces)
  • Mercury still stationing until Dec. 6 (28º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars still journeys through Libra until Dec. 9
  • Mercury/Saturn Conjunction within 3º: until Dec. 9 (in Sagittarius)
  • Chiron still stationing: until Dec. 18 (24º of Pisces)
  • Venus still journeys through Scorpio until Dec. 25
  • Uranus still retrograde until Jan. 1, 2018 (in Aries)
  • Mercury still journeys through Sagittarius until Jan. 12
  • Moon Nodes still in Leo/Aquarius until Nov. 2018
  • Jupiter journeys through Scorpio until Nov. 2018
  • Neptune Station ends on: Dec. 2 (11.5º of Pisces)
  • Mercury Retrograde: Dec. 3 (29º of Sagittarius)
  • Full Moon (SuperMoon) in 11º of Gemini: Dec. 3 at 10:47am EST
  • Chiron Direct: Dec. 5 (24º of Pisces)
  • Mercury station ends on Dec. 6 (28º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars journeys through Scorpio: Dec. 9— Jan. 26
  • New Moon in 26.5º of Sagittarius: Dec. 18 at 1:30am EST
  • Chiron Station ends on: Dec. 18 (24º of Pisces)
  • Saturn journeys through Capricorn: Dec. 19, 2017– March 2020
  • Mercury Station: Dec. 19– Dec. 27 (13/14º of Sagittarius)
  • Uranus Station: Dec. 20— Jan. 15, 2018 (24.5º of Aries)
  • Winter Solstice (Sun enters Capricorn): Dec. 21 at 11:28am EST
  • Sun/Saturn Conjunct: exact on Dec. 21st in 0º Capricorn (w/in 3º: Dec. 18 – 24)
  • Mercury Direct: Dec. 22(13º of Sagittarius)
  • Mercury Shadow phase: Dec. 22 – Jan. 10, 2018
  • Venus journeys through Capricorn: Dec. 25 — Jan. 18, 2018
  • Venus/Saturn Conjunc.: exact on Dec. 25 in 0.5º Capricorn (w/in 3º: Dec. 22 – Jan. 28)
  • Uranus Station intensifies on Dec. 26 (24.5º of Aries)
  • Mercury Station ends on Dec. 27 (14º of Sagittarius)
  • Mars/Neptune Trine: exact on Dec. 28 in almost 12º Scorpio/Pisces (w/in 3º: Dec. 22 – Jan. 1)
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