Gentleness is Key — Forecast for Nov. 12th – 18th
This week’s headline items: start taking action on your New Moon intentions on Monday afternoon. On Wednesday, Neptune starts to station, and Mercury’s station intensifies. On Thursday, the first Quarter Moon in Aquarius becomes exact, and Mars changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces. On Friday, Venus comes to a halt in Libra, ending her 6-week Retrograde phase, and Mercury also comes to a halt in Sagittarius, to start its 3-week Retrograde phase. Last but not least, Neptune’s station intensifies on Saturday evening.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday late morning (for 32 minutes), Thursday late evening (for 43 minutes), and Sunday very early morning (for almost 8 hours)
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
If you haven’t gotten a chance to read my newest two articles about: Jupiter in Sagittarius until Dec.2019, and the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn until May 2020, please feel free to check them out! As a Member of my online community you have full access to all of my articles.
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Now, this week’s Forecast:
Monday (Nov. 12th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day. It will journey there until Tuesday late morning. We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters.
Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us.
As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉
Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it is currently transiting through its own sign, making this a great time to take look at your long-term aspirations and anything that you would like to master over the next three years. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at our strategies for self-mastery.
For starters: Do you truly see “what’s so” in your life (as opposed to what you merely wish it to be, or what you would like it to be, or where you see yourself going, etc)? What is actually so right now? Once you have a handle on where “A” is, it’s easier to “go from A to B” — whether “B” is self-mastery or standing on the mountaintop.
Monday early afternoon, our focus intensifies — we might even get a little obsessed with a project or task — as best as you can, take breaks and don’t forget to practice a little self-care 😉
Monday mid-late afternoon, we have the opportunity to be more aware of meaningful connections that could support our long-term goals.
Also on Monday, If you set intentions last Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday after the New Moon became exact, today will be the best time to take relevant actions. If you wrote your intentions down, go back and take another look at what came through intuitively. If you didn’t write anything down, get quiet for a moment and check in with yourself: What actions are calling to you?
Tuesday (Nov. 13th): the Moon remains in…
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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.