Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 4º of Virgo (exact on Aug. 27th, 2022 at 4:17am EDT)
* Highlights for this New Moon chart 1:14
* What is the Virgo-energy all about? 2:16
* New Moon squares Mars in Gemini 8:00
* Mercury (ruler of Virgo) still in its pre-Shadow phase until Sept. 9th (Retrograde phase begins Sept. 9th and lasts until Oct. 2nd) 16:22
* Mercury, currently in Libra, makes a wide opposition to Jupiter in Aries 17:58
* Mercury in Libra trines Mars in Gemini 21:20
* Mars in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries 22:18
* Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius and squares the Uranus/North Node alignment on Taurus (as well as the South Node in Scorpio) 23:38
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 29:21
* Special Announcement 35:06
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 40:37
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 2-6 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius? 33:48
👉 — To read my article on How to set New Moon Intentions, click here
👉 — For all Members: To access/read my New Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here
👉 — To take a look at the current Mercury pre-Shadow phase in relationship to your own Birth chart, get this webinar, here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Saturday, September 10th at 8:30am PDT/11:30am EDT/4:30pm BST (London-time).
PLEASE NOTE that we’ll be talking about the Mercury Retrograde phase in Libra/Virgo (Sept. 9th-Oct. 2nd), as well as Mars’ pre-Shadow phase in Gemini (Sept. 3rd-Oct. 30th)
If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s *only $37* for the 90+ minute webinar.
👌*** EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (only $32) available until Sept. 7th at midnight EDT!! ***👌
👉 – TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the mp4-video presentation of the live event)
👉 – TO JOIN FOR “FREE” every month, become a Star Member.
STAR MEMBERS are automatically registered every month ==> they get the Forum, all of my Forecasts and articles, and many discounts for only $27/month or $23/month if you sign up for the whole year in advance 😉 Click here for more info
👉 — To book a Reading with Lia, click here
👉 — To book a Reading with me, click here ==> To find out more about my Coaching-Healing session, click here

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.