Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* New Moon in 21º of Taurus (exact on May 11th, 2021 at 3pm EDT) 1:53
* The New Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces 4:33
* The New Moon trines an exalted Pluto in Capricorn (stationing until May 12th) 11:44
* Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius are both exalted (for different reasons): Saturn is stationing in 13.5 º of Aquarius (until June 4th) 16:50
* Saturn in Aquarius still in a strong Square with Uranus in Taurus (until July 18th) 22:05
* Jupiter in the last degree of Aquarius (29º — exalted degree) 24:51
* Jupiter starts its first pass through Pisces on May 13th (until July 28th) 26:29
* Venus (ruler of Taurus) is in an early degree of Gemini 28:16
* Mercury (ruler of Gemini) is in its own sign and conjuncts the North Node in Gemini 30:03
* Mercury in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius 31:10
* Mercury in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries 33:56
* Mars, the ruler of Aries, is currently in Cancer, and is the Focal Point of a Yod 35:44
* Mars squares Chiron in Aries 36:40
* Mars sextiles Uranus in Taurus 38:02
* To sum it all up for this New Moon 39:39
* Best and most potent time for setting Intentions 44:03
Do you have an Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 19-23 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius? 43:08
–> For all Members: To access/read my New Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here
–> To read my article on How to set New Moon Intentions, click here
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Friday, May 28th at 11am PDT/2pm EDT/7pm BST (London-time).
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Lunar Eclipse video)
***Early Bird Special available until May 25th!!***
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To book a reading, click here — all Readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom… phone only available for the US & Canada.

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Thanks Sonja xxxx
Great detailed video and questions! Feels really supportive, especially as my natal moon is at 21 degrees! Can also feel the grace an opportunity in it all! Big love and gratitude xxx Terry xxx
Awesome Thank you for sharing, Terry! Looks like this New Moon sits right on top of your natal Moon brining some awareness to your feeling body and emotional conditioning. And since it’s in your seventh House, definitely some awareness around your one-on-one relationships Happy New Moon!!!