Ready To Make Adjustments? — Forecast for July 16th – 22nd
This week’s headline items: there is still time on Monday to set your Solar Eclipse Intentions (until 10:48pm EDT). Chiron’s station ends on Monday and Jupiter’s on Tuesday, while Mercury begins its own station phase on Wednesday (preparing to go retrograde — it will intensify on Sunday). The first Quarter Moon in Libra becomes exact on Thursday — and last but not least the Sun changes signs from Cancer to Leo on Sunday.
There will be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday morning (for almost 9 hours), Thursday afternoon (for a little over 5 hours), and Sunday early morning (for almost an hour).
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
SPECIAL OFFER available until July 26th: you can get a FREE copy of the entire 90+ min. webinar about the recent Solar Eclipse/SuperMoon in Cancer, plus a subscription to my Monthly Forecasting Forums, all by simply signing up for my Star or SuperStar Membership.
By the way, if you’re not sure whether it’s for you, you can take it for a “test drive”, by watching the first 28 minutes of this 90+min. webinar here for free: click here and enjoy!
Click here to take advantage of this deal! (If you are already a Star or SuperStar Member on my site, please check your email for the link that was sent to you, or feel free to reach out to us, so we can resend it to you.
Now, this week’s Forecast:
Monday (July 16th): the Moon remains in detail-oriented, practical Virgo all day; turning our focus toward the practical and wholesome. We are generous with our time/services and we love to help others. We also have a fondness for science and anything that makes sense in our world — things and knowledge we can apply and use.
Health might come also into focus at this time. We notice the parts that make up the whole; this is a great time to see if our daily routines (eating, work, self-care, etc.) align with our long-term goals.
Monday early morning, a somewhat challenging Venus/Mars aspect becomes exact at 3:56am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last Sunday morning (July 15th) on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday morning (July 17th). We feel uneasy about something, sort of awkward; we need to make a choice. We need to develop inner awareness, so we can make adjustments.
This might concern compromising with others. Our enthusiasm might make us impatient or hasty with others. Our values may not be in alignment with those we work with. As best as you can, keep choosing the “better” alternative, adjusting as needed.
When life slows down, or becomes uncomfortable, simplify and be patient. We are changing and growing in ways that we can’t comprehend right now. Stay as open and observant as you can.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 6-8 degrees of Virgo or Aquarius? If so, you will feel this aspect quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus, Libra, or Aries (Venus rules Taurus and Libra; Mars rules Aries).
In the late morning, a somewhat challenging Mercury/Pluto aspect becomes exact at 11:24am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from last Sunday morning (July 15th) on, it will remain strong until this Tuesday evening. This aspect also operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, awkward, and need to make a choice — so we need to develop inner awareness.
Our compulsive side may lead us down a path that evades rational understanding. Our judgments — of circumstances, ourselves, others — can be so extreme during this aspect that we can’t seem to make intelligent and consistent progress in our lives for the three days it is in effect.
As best as you can, strive to be more trusting, and less strict with yourself for these three days — and surrender to whatever you are experiencing right now… like everything else, it’s temporary. Flexibility and a playful attitude could be helpful too.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 19-21 degrees of Leo or Capricorn? If so, you will feel this aspect quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Scorpio (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio).
Monday; there is still time for you to set your Solar Eclipse Intentions if you haven’t already done so; you have until 10:48pm EDT. Click here to also watch my Solar Eclipse video; it will help you align your intentions with the Eclipse energies.
For more info on how to best set your Solar Eclipse Intentions, click here to read my article on the subject
Also, on Monday, Chiron ends its station phase and gets back to its normal pace through the sky — but appears to be moving backward through the sky (as seen from Earth — that’s what “retrograde” refers to). We have a chance to do some internal work on any wounding or insecurities around personal identity, physical appearance, or leadership abilities that came up over the last couple of weeks.
For those of you who want to have a better understanding of your personal healing journey, feel free to get the recording of my workshop on Chiron: “Healing with Astrology” Click here for more info.(Get access for FREE when joining as a yearly Universal Member or any of the other Memberships).
Tuesday (July 17th): the Moon remains in detail-oriented, practical Virgo until…
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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.