A More Collaborative, All-inclusive Future
This week’s headline items: Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Aquarius are within 10 degrees of each other all week; a long-term Chiron-North Node alignment in Aries becomes exact on Monday afternoon; Mercury changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces on Friday very early morning; the Full Moon in Virgo becomes exact on Saturday morning.
There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning (for 7 hours), Thursday late evening (for almost 21 hours), and Sunday night/Monday very early morning (for almost 7 hours).
Before we get to this week’s Forecast, you can still…
Watch our Soulivity Today Morning Show for a quick look at your current Healing journey as an individual and on the collective level! ==> Click here and enjoy!
You can also join us for a more in-depth look at Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in alignment with the North Node in Aries on Friday, Feb. 23rd at 5pm EST/2pm PST ==> to register for this month only* click here ==> EARLY BIRD SPECIAL still available until Feb. 21st at midnight EST!
If you, or anyone you know, is currently dealing with any physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual wounding that is bringing up feelings of shame or insecurities ==> register for this month only*, here
Once registered, ask a question in advance! Email me by Feb. 23rd at 3pm EST so I can include your question in the webinar. Questions will be answered in the order that they have been received.
*Universal Members get a 10% discount, *Star Members are registered automatically at no additional cost!
Also, there are some Membership changes that went into effect on Jan. 24th with some new Membership features and some minor price changes ==> You can watch a brief video or read about those changes here.
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, February 19th:
Monday, the Moon remains in protective, nurturing Cancer all day; it will journey there until Wednesday morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say and therefore our feelings are more easily hurt — so be kind to yourself and others. Self-care is key until Wednesday morning!
Monday morning, requires some inner adjustments. We feel uneasy or awkward and need to make a choice, one that demands we develop inner awareness around two very different urges…
On the one hand, the desire to be actively engaged in collaborating with like-minded people who share our vision for a better future — and on the other hand, the need to nurture ourselves and stay in touch with our feeling body.(Moon in Cancer quincunxes Venus & Mars in Aquarius, exact at 5am & 7:30am EST)
Monday afternoon, a Chiron/North Node alignment in almost 17 degrees of Aries becomes exact at 4:13pm EST. This alignment started to build in July of 2023 and will last until June 17th, 2024; it is at its most intense between January 24th and March 25th, 2024.
The last time we experienced this exact alignment in Aries was on Feb. 14th, 1969 — 55 years ago! The most recent Chiron-North Node alignment took place in Aquarius, on June 2nd, 2008. Before then, there was an alignment in Gemini on July 4th, 1984.
Chiron represents a bridge between the physical and the spiritual world. It is also referred to as the Wounded Healer.
It invites us to focus on a more holistic approach towards our passions and our physical activities — in other words, a healing process of the masculine energies in our world. We may feel more physically sensitive or humbled by our current human journey — and it is essential that we see ourselves and everyone else out there as “human”,
Our human nature comes with a feeling of separation, various limitations, and sometimes painful experiences. Our spiritual nature comes with an understanding that all is well and that compassion and love heal our feelings of separation and abandonment. We are now asked to integrate these two “natures”.
The North Node represents our collective and individual Soul’s Journey. It now invites us to make an effort to live from the archetypical energy of Aries. This means we need to trust our impulses, follow our passion, be courageous, and be ourselves completely, without apologies.
With this alignment, Chiron sets the agenda for our current North Node journey. With Chiron involved, our North Node journey focuses on a healing process of the masculine energies in our world. Compassion, love, and understanding are required on an individual and collective level if we want to move our relationship with the masculine to a higher vibrational place.
This is a very humbling experience. We are invited to be compassionate leaders in our own lives, embracing our humanity and inspiring the same in others.
It is important that we see ourselves and everyone else out there as “human” — and that we acknowledge that the human experience is not always an easy one, especially when we hold on to the ideas of separation and duality.
When we learn to stay away from judgments of ourselves and others and embrace our humanness through self-compassion and understanding, we become the Healers the world needs right now.
Ask yourself: Could I show the world, by example, what it looks like to be a humble and compassionate leader who inspires and doesn’t judge?
==> We’ll look at this long-term aspect in more detail — in connection with our birth charts — in our upcoming Forecasting Forum on Friday, Feb. 23rd, at 5pm EST/2pm PST/10pm London time.
==> To register for this month only*, click here ==> EARLY BIRD SPECIAL still available until Feb. 21st at midnight EST! *Universal Members get a 10% discount, *Star Members are registered automatically at no additional cost!
GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast (Monday-Sunday) — as well as other excellent and exclusive content — become a site member (First month is FREE! Cancel anytime!)
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Here are two testimonials from our participants after joining one of our recent Forums:
“Thank you so much for today!! Your knowledge and expertise is truly remarkable.” — Keri
“Deep gratitude for your insights” — Cathy E.
To register for this month only, click here. ==> Early Bird Special available until Feb. 21st at midnight EST
Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.
Blog photo by Diva Plavalaguna

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.