Forecast for April 9th – 15th, 2018
My inner dialog last week: “Don’t lose your shit over every little mishap, especially not when Mercury is still Retrograde in Aries, squaring Saturn in Capricorn! This too shall pass…” 😉
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have one quick announcement:
If you missed last week’s FORECASTING FORUM, you may want to catch the mp4 video we recorded. We talked about this month’s Saturn and Pluto Station and Retrograde phases this month, as they relate to our own Birth charts. If you’d like to purchase this webinar separately, click here.
In the next Forum, we’ll be talking about Chiron moving into Aries and Uranus moving into Taurus — major shifts! And here’s the Special Offer: if you sign up for the next Forum by the end of this week, you will get that Saturn/Pluto Station and Retrograde webinar recording mentioned above for FREE 😉
If you’re on the fence about signing up for the next Forum, this testimonial might give you some clarity:
“Thanks for another informative and spot-on interpretation of what is happening with the Station and Retrograde phases this month (in yesterday’s monthly forecasting forum) just brilliant” — A.D.
This week’s headline items: Saturn starts to slow down (aka “station”) on Monday, and this will intensify on Saturday. Mercury follows suit, beginning its own Station phase on Tuesday, that in turn intensifies on Friday (it will come to a complete halt — ending it’s retrograde phase — on Sunday morning).
In other news, the Balsamic Moon phase becomes exact on Thursday evening, and the New Moon in Aries becomes exact on Sunday, late in the evening.
And of course, the week wouldn’t be complete without some Moon VoC phases — though there are only two this week: the first on Wednesday, late in the morning (it lasts for almost 4 hours) and a longer one that starts Friday morning and runs for almost 16 hours.
Monday (April 9th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn and VoC until 2:50am EDT. At that point, the Moon moves into freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until Wednesday afternoon. The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional; interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.
Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted during the time the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or on outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.
Also on Monday, Saturn slows down (stations) in 9 degrees of Capricorn. “Stationing” is when a planet moves more slowly through the sky. When a planet stations, its energy becomes…
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Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
can i see the video for this week? where? i miss hearing your voice. thank you!
Thank you for reaching out, Shera. Happy to hear that you are looking forward to seeing my next video 😉 I will be recording the New Moon video today and it will be posted by tomorrow the latest 😉 Love and blessings, Sonja
Thank you for all the knowledge. Would it be possible to also have a print format? thank you. Alice
Thank you for reaching out, Alice. I believe that you can print out the Weekly Forecast via your internet browser. If you go to “File” and then print, or you also could click on PDF once the print window has opened and open in preview. That way you can print out only the sections of the blog you want to print out 😉 That’s all I can offer you at this time. If that changes in the future, I will let you know right away 😉 Love and blessings, Sonja
I love you, Sonja thank you for all you do!
🙂 Happy New Moon, Erin! Xo