On May 5th, at 1:34pm EDT, the Moon opposes the Sun in 15 degrees of Scorpio/Taurus. The entrance of the Moon into Scorpio on May 4th, begins the energetic build-up towards this powerful Full Moon.
This powerful Full Moon is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (the most subtle kind of Lunar Eclipses) that can be viewed in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, the South Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. The duration lasts 258 minutes (= 4hrs 18min.). This means that we will feel the influence of this Lunar Eclipse for four months and nine days.
This particular Lunar Eclipse is the second of two Eclipses within two weeks; it offers an opportunity for a deeper, more authentic connection with ourselves and others. Our physical and emotional bodies strongly feel the intensity of it all, so keep in mind: Eclipses ultimately support a shift in consciousness and thus bring us closer to our Soul’s path.
During a Lunar Eclipse, the Full Moon slowly dims as it passes through the Earth’s shadow, stimulating our emotional body and increasing our awareness of unconscious patterns and fears. This means we may feel more easily triggered as buried emotions, motivations, and fears surface. Beware of projections and jumping to conclusions.
If you are not sure when you are projecting something on someone else, check for these signs: defensiveness, over-reactivity, or difficulty being objective while exhibiting rigid behaviors.
If you’d like to learn more, and as a Member of my online community, click here to watch my full-length Lunar Eclipse video. ==> Not yet a Member? Watch a 5-minute excerpt of my Lunar Eclipse video here.
As you might know from my last Solar Eclipse video, Eclipses are always powerfully connected to the Moon Nodes and thus to our Soul’s Journey (both collectively and individually). The Moon Nodes remain in a particular polarity for 18 months. They have been in Taurus-Scorpio since Jan. 18th, 2022, highlighting issues around emotional trauma/fears & physical stability, finance, and our relationship with our physical environment and natural resources.
The North Node in Taurus emphasizes the necessity of self-esteem and a healthy relationship with the physical world — with our bodies, resources, and the Earth. The South Node in Scorpio symbolizes our need to face our fears, heal old trauma, be conscious of our motivations, and own our power, so we can step into a more passionate relationship with life and others.
Eclipses reoccur in 19-year cycles. On May 4th, 2004, there was a South Node Lunar Eclipse at 14º42’ Scorpio-Taurus, very close to the degree of this Eclipse. Ask yourself: What areas of my life needed to be addressed back then? Where am I being called to make major changes now?
All Eclipses transmit new energetic codes and transformative downloads, symbolized by the signs involved, in this case: The Moon in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio opposes the Sun in steady, peaceful Taurus.
There are several aspects worth mentioning in this Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse chart:
- Pluto (the ruler of Scorpio) is currently in Aquarius — and still exalted, although already in its Retrograde motion — squares Mercury (also in its Retrograde motion) in Taurus, and the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio
- Mars (the co-ruler of Scorpio), currently in Cancer, still squares Chiron in Aries (as we already saw at the time of the Solar Eclipse)
- Venus (the ruler of Taurus) squares Neptune in Pisces and sextiles Jupiter in Aries
- Saturn in Pisces trines the South Node in Scorpio and sextiles the Mercury-North Node alignment in Taurus
- Last but not least, Uranus plays a significant role in this Eclipse chart — and we will address all of these planetary alignments in a moment.
Since this Lunar Eclipse is almost a continuation of the last Lunar Eclipse in November of 2022, in 16º of Taurus-Scorpio, we can check to see how far we have come since then, when it comes to facing our fears and valuing ourselves and our authentic relationships to others.
Ask yourself: What fears or inauthentic (or even toxic) relationships must I still release or transform if I am to step into greater abundance and happiness in my life? What has changed for me in the last six months? What is calling to me now?
For the next 4 months, we seek the balance and integration of two polarities and are aware that something needs to be brought into alignment; the balance in question is between our physical attachments, aversions, and connections — symbolized by Taurus— and our emotional attachments, aversions, and connections (Scorpio).
The time of the Lunar Eclipse brings greater awareness to what was unconscious or hidden previously. This particular one invites us to let go of fears or disempowering behaviors and thereby break through to the next level of our evolution, individually and collectively.
So, here’s this Eclipse’s central question: As a society, are we living in alignment with our values, with what makes us happy and satisfied? How about as individuals? Do we feel empowered and emotionally fulfilled? Are there any fears in our way to achieving progress? Or any rigid thought processes?
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Because Eclipses are so powerful, I use a bigger orb than a regular Full or New Moon. I usually use a 5º orb instead of 2º… so since this Lunar Eclipse takes place in 15º of Scorpio…
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 10-20 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius? If so, you are more affected by this month’s powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.