Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class One
Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class Two

Watch the second class video… Your browser does not support the video tag. Moon cycles between the Progressed Moon and the Natal Moon: New Moon cycle aka Moon Return (0-45 degrees): a new level of maturity is reached, we are starting a new 27.5 year cycle, new seeds are being planted, it is important […]
Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class Three

Transits and Progressions always relate back to the Birth chart and the natal planetary positions. This shows us how they affect us personally and what energetic connection is taking place. Definition of a Transit: A Transit is the current movement of a planet, in its orbit around the Sun, and through the zodiac. Transits […]
Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class Four
Your browser does not support the video tag. Planetary cycles: Each planets has its own timing in which it completes a cycle around the zodiac. The faster the planet moves the less impact it has on our evolutionary process. In this class we will cover Chiron and Uranus in transit: Chiron takes about 50-51 years […]
Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class Five
Your browser does not support the video tag. Neptune and Pluto in transits: Neptune Takes about 165years to complete a cycle Remains in a sign for approximately 14 years Pluto Takes about 248 years to complete a cycle Remains in each sign anywhere from 12 – 33years (due to its elliptical orbit) Pluto cycles – […]
Advanced Soul’s Journey – Class Six
The Advanced Soul’s Journey