On Jan. 28th at 2:16pm EST, the Moon opposes the Sun in 9 degrees of Leo — and this month’s Full Moon becomes exact. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted.

All Full Moons offer opportunities for us to see things in a new light; they also guide us away from polarization and division, toward balance and integration.

Ask yourself: How far have I come since setting Intentions back on January 13th’s New Moon? What am I aware of at this time?

With the Sun in Aquarius until Feb. 18th, we seek balance; the balance in question here involves the Aquarius-Leo polarity.

As a Member of my online community, if you’d like to learn more about this month’s Full Moon, click here to watch my video.

Aquarius represents a unique vision and approach to life. The classic Aquarian vision is one of interconnected equality — paradoxically, we’re reminded at the same time that the power of unity lies in diversity. Leo, on the other hand, is all about our individual self-expression, creativity, ability to connect to the heart, inner joy.

This Full Moon is our chance to make a more conscious effort to embrace, integrate, and explore the lighter/higher vibrations of Leo. This is a courageous, optimistic, and self-expressed sign, that represents our capacity to love — and our willpower. It signifies the quest to live from our center, our core, our truth — with joy in our heart.

This Full Moon reminds us that everyone has the power to make a difference in the world, small or large — and when we join together, that power grows exponentially. Ask yourself: How could I best honor both my individual self-expression and my interconnectedness with the world? How am I adding my voice (in small ways and large)?

As with all Full Moons, there’s a shadow side to be discussed — the shadow of both signs involved in this Full Moon — and please note that the shadow side of any sign is usually not as comfortable to look at or easy to embrace.

Aquarius‘s shadow side might show up as…


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Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 7-11 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

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