Major Growth Opportunity
This week’s headline items: Mercury’s Station phase in Taurus intensifies on Monday; Pluto’s Station phase in Aquarius continues all week and intensifies on Sunday; A North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries becomes exact Wednesday night/very early on Thursday; the Sun changes signs from Aries to Taurus early Thursday morning; Mercury comes to a halt to start its 3-week Retrograde phase early Friday morning.
There will be three Moon Void of Course (VoC) phases this week: Monday afternoon (for a little over 6 hours), Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning (17 minutes), and Friday late evening (6.5 hours).
Before we get to this week’s Forecast, please remember that…
A Powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse becomes exact on Wednesday night. Please wait to set your Solar Eclipse Intentions until 48 hours after the Eclipse becomes exact.
This is because we are downloading new templates at the time of an Eclipse, and the energies are pretty intense, so we want to wait until it all settles down a little before setting our intentions, …so please wait until Saturday morning to set your Intentions.
==> Watch my Solar Eclipse video for more info
Now, this week’s Forecast…
Monday, April 17th:
Monday, the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces until 9:09pm EDT. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic, and imaginative than usual. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy, and affection for all, especially those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog.
Monday afternoon, at 2:57pm EDT, we enter a Moon VoC that will last for a little over 6 hours until 9:09pm EDT. Use this intuitive time to slow down a little. This is a great time for spiritual or creative endeavors. Energy work, or anything that requires our intuitive side, will work best for the next several hours.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday afternoon until the late evening ahead of time.
Monday late evening, at 9:09pm EDT, the Moon moves into pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning. Life is an adventure; we’re more open to new ideas and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly and act immediately.
Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym or finding other ways to burn off the body’s excess energy.
This Moon placement also starts the build-up to the Solar Eclipse in Aries, which will be exact on Wednesday night/Thursday very early morning — feel free to watch my video on the subject.
Also, on Monday, Mercury’s Station intensifies, as Mercury is preparing to come to a halt on Friday early morning (beginning its 3-week Retrograde phase). As I mentioned last week Saturday already, during the station phase, we feel Mercury’s energies more strongly. It will remain at its most intensified until April 25th.
Pay attention to anything “in your face” in any of the following areas: communications, finances, short travels, transportation of any kind, and communication devices. You will get a chance to make adjustments once Mercury has ended its Retrograde phase (to be more precise, during the Shadow phase that follows).
Here are some questions you could ask yourself during the Mercury Station phase: Is my mind drawn to physical beauty? Do I want to enjoy my own body and my physical surroundings? Perhaps get out into nature? Do I find myself constantly thinking about how to have a more materially satisfying life?
What would it be like to communicate in a realistic, down-to-earth way with others? What about listening with the intention of honoring myself? What will get me one baby step closer to that, right here, right now?
For the next nine days, we need to be extra patient with ourselves and others — especially if there is a connection with luxury items, communication, or transportation and their associated technologies — this is not the best time to start anything brand-new, particularly if it contains new information connected to financial undertakings.
We might experience delays or misunderstandings; things could feel “off” or stagnant. It might be a good idea to give yourself some extra time when getting ready to go somewhere — and that goes for the journey itself, too — especially if you intend to drive or use public transportation. Going with the flow is definitely recommended at this time.
Be extra patient if you intend to buy, sell or ship big-ticket items, especially if they are transportation or communication devices like anything connected to planes, trains, cars, phones, computers, iPads, etc. Best of all (if possible): wait until after May 31st, when Mercury’s post-Shadow phase is over.
Some of us will feel the effects of the Mercury station more than others: those of us who have Gemini or Virgo as our Sun- or Rising-Sign (Ascendant); and those of us with personal planets in 13-17 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius.
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Thank you, Sonja. This was so helpful as usual. And, thanks to everyone for listening and witnessing. Have a great month filled with gratitude!” — Cathy E.
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Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support, feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and head to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecast snippets.
Blog photo by Elizabeth Olson

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.