On Oct. 17th, at 7:26am EDT, the Sun opposes the Moon in 24.5 degrees of Aries — the Moon’s entry into Aries on Oct. 15th starts the build-up towards this powerful Full Moon. 

Generally, Full Moons bring our attention to our “emotional body”, increasing our awareness of what has been suppressed or ignored.

This is especially true for this particular Full Moon — since it is the third of four Super Full Moons in a row where the Moon is closer to the Earth, increasing its tidal and electromagnetic effects.

The Moon in pioneering, fast-paced Aries opposes the Sun in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra. If you are a site Member, you may also want to watch my video on the subject.

This is the first lunation in Aries — since the Moon Nodes transitioned into the Aries-Libra axis in 2023 — that is not an Eclipse. However, because this Full Moon comes after a Solar Eclipse, we are still in Eclipse Season. We will gain a better understanding of our relationships and partnerships after this Full Moon occurs.

The Moon in Aries aligns with Chiron, the Wounded Healer and makes an opportune aspect to an exalted Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter started its 4-months Retrograde phase on Oct. 9th and will be exalted until Oct. 23rd.

Pluto in Capricorn is exalted as well due to its Station phase at the time of the Full Moon (until Oct. 27th). It ended its 5-month Retrograde phase on October 11th (6 days before the Full Moon becomes exact).

Therefore, Pluto’s Station is intensified between Oct. 5th – 17th, and it will play a significant role in this Full Moon chart, as it is part of a Kite configuration and part of a Grand Cross!

The Kite configuration consists of a Grand Water Trine involving Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces, as well as two Sextiles, making Pluto the apex point of the Kite.

The Grand Cross will be in the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) involving the Moon, Chiron, Mars, the Sun & Pluto. This will create some stress all around.

More about all of this in a moment, but first, let’s talk about the Full Moon polarity — in this case, the Aries/Libra polarity. This polarity directs our awareness to…


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All of this is especially true for those of us with personal planets or points in 22-27 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn. Personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars; personal points are the Ascendent or MC (aka Career Point).

Again, we will address Mars transits and Mars’ pre-Shadow phase in Cancer/Leo — in connection to our own birth charts ==> save your spot for my Zoom webinar: “Mars – Trouble or Action?”, live on Wednesday, Oct. 16th at 5pm EDT/2pm PDT! 

**Early Bird Pricing is available until Oct. 14th at midnight!

For more info & to register for this fabulous 2-hour Zoom event, click here 

Are you reading this after Oct. 16th? Click here to get the mp4-recording of our “Mars – Trouble or Action?” webinar.


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