j o i n t h e n e x t l i v e
Monthly Forecasting Forum
Wednesday, March 12th
6:30pm EDT, 3:30pm PDT,
10:30pm GMT
In this 90+ minute live webinar, Astrologer Coach Sonja Francis will review current significant astrological events and guide you in interpreting how they can personally impact your life.
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“The Spiritual Warrior”
An Exploration of Neptune in Aries
In this Forum, we will talk about Neptune’s first passage through Aries!
- Neptune will visit Aries for the first time this year from March 30th until Oct. 22nd
What is Neptune asking you to initiate? How can you step up and tap into our own essence more fully?
I will also take questions about the upcoming Eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on March 14th, Solar Eclipse on March 29th) – Sonja Francis
Whether you are new, relatively new to astrology, or an experienced astrophile, you will come away with powerful and valuable insights into yourself, your relationships and the world. In this 90-minute webinar…
- Sonja shares what’s coming up for the month, astrologically speaking
- You’ll get a chance to take a look at your own birth chart in relationship to the upcoming energies
- Sonja will guide you in understanding how these energies impact you personally
- Sonja will give you tips on how to work with the energies and resolve potential issues before you find them taking place in your world
Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the highest level of support she offers. Remember, this webinar is interactive — you’ll be able to ask Sonja questions and use your birth chart actively. Attendees will be guided in seeing how the upcoming energies impact us each personally by looking at where the energy patterns land in the birth chart.
Sign up to join the webinar live or register to receive an mp4 video presentation within 24 hours of the live event. Live attendance is not required, though always preferable.
This product includes an MP4/video presentation of the most current webinar. If you’re interested in aligning yourself with the upcoming energies, this is for you! Sonja highly recommends you watch her “How to Read Your Birth chart” class before attending her Monthly Forecasting Forum.