On Nov. 15th at 4:28pm EST, the Full Moon in 24 degrees of Taurus becomes exact. We start to feel this Lunation build from the moment the Moon enters Taurus on Wednesday night (Nov. 13th/14th).
If you are a Member of my online community, feel free to watch my video on the subject, here.
This is the fourth of four Super Full Moons in a row where the Moon is closer to the Earth, increasing its tidal and electromagnetic effects.
Before we start, just a gentle reminder that I have a Black Friday Pre-Sale coming up on Nov. 22nd, which will last until Nov. 28th (Thanksgiving Day) at 11:59pm EST.
Everyone can get a 44% discount for my Readings during that week, so definitely save those dates! And look out for the discount code! It will be available on my website on Nov. 22nd, and I will also send out reminder emails during that week 😉
All right, back to the Full Moon!
All Full Moons offer opportunities for us to see things in a new light — and they guide us away from polarization and division toward balance and integration.
Full Moons also illuminate the truth and consequences of our choices — and this particular Full Moon provides a double dose of that.
The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus; not only that, but we are also dealing here with a Moon/Uranus alignment in Taurus — and with a highly exalted Saturn, who is coming to a halt on the day of the Full Moon to end its 4.5-month Retrograde phase. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, what works and what doesn’t work for us, tend to magnify.
The Stationing Saturn is also the Focal Point a T-Square that involves Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini! More about that in a moment.
You may recall that I talked a little about the Station phases component in the last New Moon video, and we will also address the exalted Saturn component in our next Forecasting Forum on Nov. 15th at 1pm EST/6pm GMT.
Feel free to join us, if you would like to know how Saturn’s Station direct phase will impact what comes next for you.
If you read this on or after Nov. 15th, you can also get the webinar: ”Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune — All Exalted! How can we handle this many exalted energies?” here.
That’s it for announcements and logistics; back to the Full Moon.
Let’s take a look at the Scorpio-Taurus polarity:
This Full Moon has a Taurus and a Scorpio component — Taurus spotlights our relationship to our physical body, what we value on the physical plane, and the planet we live on.
Scorpio highlights our relationship to emotional authenticity, intimacy/sexuality, empowerment/disempowerment, death/rebirth, endings/beginnings — Scorpio is asking us to recognize our deepest desires and truest motivations.
You can ask yourself with this Full Moon: What do I truly value? What deserves my attention, appreciation, and care?
Which of my values stem from social conditioning? What needs to change or be revised?
At its best, Scorpio is associated with transformation, and our capacity to shed what may have served us in the past but now hinders our growth.
We are indeed being asked to shed something in our life — a false belief, perhaps, or a “fake” identity or “way of being” — but it could also be a…
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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 22-26 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius? If so, you will be more affected by this month’s Full Moon; this is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.